The Salt Pasta. It is a fantastic material to work with. It costs little and with a little experience you can reach high levels. This type of processing is well known in Germany (Salt salt) and it has also long since taken hold in Italy. You can create many objects, animals, dolls, wedding favors, lids for boxes. The salt paste is alive. Try to try your hand.
The Salt Pasta
The preparation is very simple: Flour, salt and water.
FARINA: Use a refined type flour 00
SALE: Buy very thin rooms, impalpable.
WATER: Room temperature water.
GLUE: Adding glue from upholsterers or carpenters to your dough, you will obtain a more elastic dough with a greater consistency.
DOSES: 1 Kilo of flour and a kilo of fine salt. Add the water until a mixture that does not stick to the hands.
The Salt Pasta
The Salt Pasta
I conclude by reminding you of some useful links that you can find here on my site.
On our website there is an excellent “Course of Pizzaiolo Online”. You will find all information at this link.
Take a look at my latest book which is called: NOT ONLY PIZZA - What all Pizzerias should have on their menu. It is already possible to download at this link.
If you are true pizza lovers, you can't miss a visit to my YouTube channel, there you will find hundreds of video pizza recipes.
Leavening and maturation of the pizza, the differences. The leavening is intended as an increase in the volume of the dough given by yeast which fermenting produces carbon dioxide trapped in the gluten structure, fermentative action, unlike the maturation that corresponds to a set of processes not due to the dough, but that concerns the more complex structures, fatty starches and proteins which are broken down into simpler elements.
Leavening and maturation of the pizza, the differences.
A good pizza chef knows perfectly well that the ripening and leavening times are completely different, it's up to him to bake the pizza at the right time. There are flour on the market that can also reach 72 hours of maturation, while we know that the leavening times are much shorter.
Leavening and maturation of the pizza, the differences.
To match the right maturation and leavening time, simply slow down the leavening process by keeping the dough at a temperature of 2/4 degrees, it depends on the strength of the flour used. In doing so, the maturation process will continue, while the leavening will stop.
Leavening and maturation of the pizza, the differences.
After the right hours for the maturation process, you can bring the dough back to room temperature and then start the leavening. As soon as ready, you can bake the pizza. Unfortunately, the maturation process is very important therefore indispensable, helps to obtain color and aromas typical of freshly baked bread, promotes leavening and makes the pizza more digestible.
Leavening and maturation of the pizza, the differences.
Pizza Dough with Corn with Bacon and Pineapple tomatoes. During our "Pizzaiolo Courses"That take place in our school in Italy, We prepare many types of dough, classic addition to the dough prepare dough cereal, potatoes, integrals and many others, including the one today which is a fantastic mixture prepared with corn flour.
The pizza made with corn dough is absolutely delicious, It reminds me of the taste of polenta. It is not very popular in our country, but if you happen to go on vacation to Mexico, you'll find it anywhere.
Pizza Dough with Corn with Bacon and Pineapple tomatoes
Pizza Dough with Corn with Bacon and Pineapple tomatoes
It just wanted Santiago of Argentine origin who is living in Mexico to pull out of the hat this tasty pizza. A paste made from corn flour with the ingredients that most distinguish his people.
During the professional training course It decided to prepare this excellent pizza, prepared with a base on which the corn has added the bacon cut into cubes and cherry tomatoes cut into wedges.
Pizza Dough with Corn with Bacon and Pineapple tomatoes
Pizza Dough with Corn with Bacon and Pineapple tomatoes
Follow down the video of Santiago during the preparation of this pizza:
Pizza Dough with Corn with Bacon and Pineapple tomatoes
Before leaving, as I always do, a small summary on the most interesting link that you can find here on our site:
Pizza Dough with Corn with Bacon and Pineapple tomatoes
If you have a few free minutes, I invite you to visit my YouTube channel, there you will find hundreds of video recipes of pizza prepared by the students who attend our school pizza.
Focaccia Dough Of Coconut Flour With Raisins Sultana. Those who have tasted it he was really surprised. A unique taste, this type of dough prepared with a percentage of coconut flour is the perfect basis for dozens and dozens of dessert pizzas. This time we tested it in the simplest way, a cake to which we added dell 'raisins.
Focaccia Dough Of Coconut Flour With Raisins Sultana
All the people who follow my site for some time have had to deal with cake with coconut flour, you have already tried at home preparing this easy dough. For those who need help, on this post a few months ago it is proposed the dough with coconut prepared by a great student of our school Pizzaioli in Italy, This is Mr. Fernando, Chilean Santiago that at this time will definitely open their own pizzeria in his country. Below the video of the preparation of the dough with coconut:
Focaccia Dough Of Coconut Flour With Raisins Sultana
The pizza that we prepare today in laboratories of our pizza chefs School It is just a pizza appetizer / dessert, a cake with a mixture prepared with coconut flour on which we added raisins.
After preparing the dough (see previous video) we left it mature and finally we have long awaited the rising. At this point we take care of the parts of writing. Being the coconut flour low protein, during manual drafting will easily happen to puncture. No problem, close the hole and knead as a common focaccia, add raisins and seasoned with salt and oil of rosemary needles.
Focaccia Dough Of Coconut Flour With Raisins Sultana
Focaccia Dough Of Coconut Flour With Raisins Sultana
In our wood stove our focaccia took just over a minute for the perfect cooking. Below the video of the preparation of this pizza:
Focaccia Dough Of Coconut Flour With Raisins Sultana
This is the month of cereal flours in laboratories of our pizza chefs School, have you ever thought you subscribe to one of our workshops? During our courses prepare dozens of different bodies. At the end of our course will be able to find work anywhere in the world. Request more information about our courses.
Mixing and Focaccia With Coconut Flour. What good would a beautiful cake with coconut flour? We just have to test! Early in the morning we went in the laboratories of our school pizza and Mr. Fernando who came from Santiago (Chile) He has prepared this simple dough to prepare a cake with coconut flour.
Mixing and Focaccia With Coconut Flour
After having prepared a mixture with 80% a flour type "0" and a 20% coconut flour we prepared the dough. In the video that follows Mr. Fernando prepare a perfect dough.
After the mixing phase, the next step was to put at rest for a slow maturation in refrigerator at 3 degrees centigrade for 24 hours.
He spent the vesting hours we let the dough rise. The draft was the next step.
Mixing and Focaccia With Coconut Flour
Below the video of the preparation of the cake with coconut. The focaccia is seasoned in the traditional way which involves a pinch of salt, a good olive oil extra virgin olive oil and rosemary which releases a fragrance of focaccia.
Mixing and Focaccia With Coconut Flour
The results of our experiment are considered "Excellent", Certainly the re-present.
Are you among those who preparanola pizza at home on weekends? Would you improve yourself? On our site there is a great During pizzaiolo ONLINE. Sign in when you want and watch all the videos included, Read all our tips and tricks to get even at home a perfect pizza.
If instead, you want to become an expert pizza maker, sign up and attend one of our individual courses.
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Focaccia With Dough At Chestnuts. Test new flour is one of my favorite hobbies. I found on the shelves of a supermarket chestnut flour. very low protein value, about 6 grams (value 100 grams of product). I wonder if preparing a dough with this chestnut flour is unable to obtain a cake that retains the taste of chestnuts?
Back in our laboratories of our School pizzaioli, we prepared a mixture of flour w 280 containing the 20% chestnut flour.
We have prepared a good mix incorporating a lot of air in it. We made up of loaves 270 grams and after having carefully rolled them we have placed in special plastic containers, taking care to cover them well with the proper cover.
Focaccia With Dough At Chestnuts
We left it to rest for a maturity of 24 hours.
The next day as soon as the balls have reached a perfect leavening'll start with the drafting. To get a perfect cake, We will open the disks of dough manually.
Once the disks of dough spread out with our special dough with chestnut flour, we will flavor the cake with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil, a pinch of salt and the inevitable rosemary needles that give our buns a unique and incomparable.
Focaccia With Dough At Chestnuts
Focaccia With Dough At Chestnuts
Below the video of the preparation of the cake with chestnuts.
Utility: On our site you contain lots of video recipes for pizza. Visit our YouTube channel.
Focaccia With Dough At Chestnuts
Like the craft of pizza / a? Subscribe to one of our practical courses at our school pizza, here you will find all the information:
The strength of the flour in a Mixture. Let's continue our discussion regarding overall strength of the flour. In simple terms, It represented the strength of the flour with a W, It is an index that allows us to understand how resistant the gluten mesh in a simple dough with flour and water.
The strength of the flour W is the energy required to break the shirt gluten dough, it is the force used to inflate a disc of dough with air until failure.
The strength of the flour in a Mixture
The strength of the flour in a MixtureThe strength of the flour in a Mixture
The greater the strength of the flour (The) and the greater will be the resistance of our dough to long rising and the greater will be the absorption of liquids.
If I decide to prepare a mix of flour, how do I calculate the force (The) my mix?
Simple: if you mix equal amounts of flour, increased, the resulting W will be the average of the strengths of the two flours.
Example: A mix of w200 + w400 in the same amount will give a force: (200+400)/2 =300
If we wish to vary the percentages to obtain more precisely the desired strength, will surely help the underlying spreadsheet.
Download our tool to calculate the strength of the flour
The strength of the flour in a Mixture
Lately I am known very pleased that more and more manufacturers of flour to make available more information about the product, both on the same bag of flour, both online.
There is another method for calculating the W, is that of multiply by 20 protein value indicated on the bag of flour. It 'a very rough method, but at least it gives us an idea about the type of meal you purchase;.
All these things and many more, They are part of the practical program that we carry out during the professional courses at our school pizza. Subscribe to one of our workshops.
If because of your ongoing commitments you not have the time to come to our school, we made available on our website, a great ongoing professional pizzaiolo ONLINE.
Focaccia dough At Citrus. Fragrant, with a light citrus scent, delicious cake with citrus fruits immediately won me. Freshly baked, cut into slices with the ham is a unique bounty.
During the course of pizza at our school (more information) the pizza chef Aldo has prepared a paste with citrus yogurt for a delicious focaccia.
Focaccia dough At Citrus
We dissolved the yeast in a little water, a cup of yogurt with citrus and medium strength flour w 250 about. A little sugar, salt and a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil.
With the obtained mixture, we formed 3 putting balls into a container with airtight lid refrigerator.
Focaccia dough At Citrus
See the Aldo movie that prepares the dough to citrus.
Focaccia dough At Citrus
After the long rising and after the dough carefully brought back to room temperature, Roll out the balls to form disk of dough, for those who are not very experienced in the manual drafting of pizza, we suggest reading of one of our previous post It illustrates the video help us perform this simple manual operation to be real professionals.
Add a pinch of salt on the surface up, an extra virgin olive oil and fresh rosemary.
Below the video of the preparation of the cake with citrus fruits
Sfornatela, cut into wedges, add the ham into slices and serve while still hot to your guests.
During our professional courses of pizza, We prepare every day a different mix, If you are interested to follow one of our courses, click here.
If you do not have time to come to our headquarters to attend a practical course, we remind you that on our website is available a fantastic and useful professional course of pizza ONLINE. Fantastic because it's online, and you decide when access, It contains many videos that will teach you to cook a pizza made in a professional way, just like that of the pizzeria beneath your home. More information on our online course, be found here.
Focaccia With Dough pineapple. I really appreciate the pineapple flavor. In a post a few months ago, We have prepared a "Hawaiian Pineapple Pizza Recipe”, Pizza highly rated pizzerias around the world, today to stay on pineapple, We prepare a treat for your palate. A cake from the particular taste. We will start with a dough made with pineapple juice instead of water. Yeast 5 grams, sugar 20 grams, sale 30 g and a cup oil.
Focaccia With Dough pineapple
Mix flour with an average strength and let rise for at least 24 hours. The day following shows the mixture at room temperature and below roll out in disks.
Let rise again and bake the cakes in the oven at 300 degrees. The pineapple sweet smell that is caramellando in the oven will fill your kitchen. Tender and fragrant focaccia this really has the pineapple taste.
Focaccia With Dough pineapple
Follow carefully the explanatory video of the preparation of the dough with pineapple:
Well, the pineapple cake was served as a snack for children, and inventories were served along with a fruit aperitif.
In all of our practical courses to become a pizza maker, We prepare daily different doughs. If you are interested in participating in one of our practical professional courses click here.
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The Rice Flour in Pizzeria. The rice flour is produced by grinding the fruits of “Oryza sativa” belonging to the family Poaceae. E’ a derivative by grinding the fruits of this very important plant for human consumption. these seeds, when they are used for the production of flour undergo a variety of processes which are summarized in this way:
Funding through the harvest, cleaning any residue, the husking or hulling which consists in the elimination of the embryo from its husk and kernels, and finally the bleaching of the grains. I will stop here for now, but if the final product was introduced on the market in its integral form, the processing cycle would be further elongated.
The Rice Flour in Pizzeria
Rice flour, as the wheat flour can be marketed in different forms:
white rice bran
Integral rice bran
white rice flour
Rice meal Integrale
E’ You can find on the market also the rice starch. Despite the appearance it is very similar to the rice flour,They are not absolutely the same product. E’ very true that the rice flour has a high starch composition containing very little protein, fibers and lipids, but the rice starch is obtained by an additional powder manufacturing process which makes it strongly increase its thickening ability and its solubility eliminating all the residual nutritional parts which do not constitute carbohydrates.
The Rice Flour in Pizzeria
If this may help here is a table of nutritional values of rice flour 100 grams of product:
edible part
lipids TOT
acidssaturated fats
– g
Fatty acidsmonoinsaturi
– g
– g
TOT carbohydrates
soluble sugars
Dietary fiber
Vitamin A
0,0 µg
Vitamin C
Vitamin E
In our culture “western” the rice flour has a very limited use in the kitchen compared to wheat flour and is only thanks to its content absolutely free of gluten (a protein that causes a strong food intolerance rising sharply in recent times) “gluten-free” hence its reputation. In “East” It happens just the opposite, the rice flour is one of the most used products from the diet of these people and is present in many their recipes, I'd like to name but a few that are known and appreciated even by Westerners: the famous rice noodles and delicious sweet mochi.
The rice flour is perfect for the preparation of pasta dishes, some cakes which rise chemically (bicarbonate), in the production of some types of biscuits and for use in the production of bread unleavened. Delicious when used to coat certain types of fried and finally is often used in our kitchens as a thickener for puddings, soups and sauces.
The main features of the rice flour are the total absence of gluten, a higher content of starch compared to protein and fat, increased energy intake, low content of alimentary fibers, lower content of mineral salts except for phosphorus.
The Rice Flour in Pizzeria
The Rice Flour in Pizzeria
Pizzeria in the rice flour is virtually absent. I tried dozens of times to prepare a mixture exclusively with rice flour, even during our professional pizza maker courses we treat the rice flour, but certainly not exclusively for doughs made with this product. does not rise. The final product is not a pizza, even remotely similar. Instead the addition of a small percentage of rice flour in the dough is of utility(2-3% max) to increase the strength of the flour. A good example is the now famous “Romanian Pinsa“, the mixture for the mixture of this pizza contains a small percentage of rice flour.
To our friends who have celiac disease always recommend….a nice steak with french fries, but never something that gives the illusion of a pizza that will not be very good to eat.
The Rice Flour in Pizzeria
On our site there is a great guide to the flour for pizza, find her by clicking this link.
often prepare the pizza to your door? Would you like to crank out an absolutely perfect pizza for your guests invited to dinner? On our site there is a course of professional pizza maker ONLINE. Very easy to follow and suitable for all, beginners and professionals. The online course contains many videos that explain how to make a quality pizza. You can access the course at any time, when you have free time. To know more Click this link.
If you wish to attend a professional pizzaiolo at our school Italian pizza, You find all the information by clicking here.