Focaccia with Potatoes Recipe Video

Focaccia with Potatoes Recipe Video

Focaccia with Potatoes Recipe Video. We have often talked about here on my site pizza and potato. I assure you that is a perfect match and light. Few calories and preparation really fast. All that is needed is to blanch the potatoes for a few minutes before using them.

Focaccia with Potatoes Recipe Video
Focaccia with Potatoes Recipe Video

For those who want to deepen the discourse pizza and potatoes, I suggest you re-read some of our old post-recipe:

Pizza with potatoes:

hot dogs and fries Pizza:

Focaccia Potatoes and Bacon:

Dough for Mediterranean focaccia with potatoes:

Dough focaccia potatoes in baking dish:

Focaccia with Potatoes Recipe Video

Focaccia with Potatoes Recipe Video
Focaccia with Potatoes Recipe Video

In the video recipe today will prepare the most classic and simple focaccia with potatoes. While I finish describe the details, a potato cut into thin slices and put it to blanch in water for 4/5 minutes.

Have you prepared the dough? Well, go on. Use strong flour and let rise at least 24 hours in the refrigerator.

Roll the ball of dough to form a disc of dough 30 cm. Add the potatoes into thin slices of freshly blanched, sale, rosemary needles, a pinch of oregano and extra virgin olive oil. Add a few red tomatoes and bake at 300 degrees for 5 minutes. Remove from the oven as soon as the board is browned to perfection and Serve. Add a few leaves of fresh basil and served steaming hot to your guests.

Focaccia with Potatoes Recipe Video

Below the video of the preparation of the cake with potatoes.






The focaccia with potatoes is one of the first pizza that is prepared by the future pizza during our professional pizzaiolo courses at our school. You will find more information about our school who.

If you are among those who often prepares the pizza at home, and, would improve, there is a great During pizzaiolo ONLINE. It contains many videos and many tips to prepare at home a quality pizza.

Watch our video recipes, visit our You Tube channel.


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