Pizza Marinara with fillets Eggplant

Pizza Marinara with fillets Eggplant

Pizza Marinara with fillets Eggplant. The food storage is a problem that worries the man since his existence.

Today I give you some hints on just pickled preservation of foods, in our case of vegetables.

Pizza Marinara with fillets Eggplant
Pizza Marinara with fillets Eggplant

The Preservation in oil It must be made of cooked products previously. The oil serves to isolate the product from direct contact with the air, thereby blocking the aerobic bacteria, but it is completely ineffective at combating anaerobic bacteria such as the dangerous Botulinum that is able to also develop in the absence of oxygen.

It is for this reason that all foods should be stored in oil are strictly cooked before at high temperatures in vinegar or water.

It is very important that the product preserved in oil is completely covered by the latter in order to avoid the contact with air.

Pizza Marinara with fillets Eggplant

Those who work in a pizzeria should know these things gave himself to the perfection that you have to deal daily with pickled products like tuna, anchovies and various vegetables.

The proposal pizza today from our "School of Pizza Makers"It is in fact a very simple pizza, it is the most classic of pizzas, seafaring, to which we added some delicious fillets of eggplant preserved in oil.

Pizza Marinara with fillets Eggplant
Our pizza

Pizza Marinara with fillets Eggplant

Those who want more information about our practical training as a pizza maker, You will find them on this page.

But here you will find all the information regarding our "Pizzaiolo Online Course

On this page you will find instead the calendar of our practical courses scheduled in our school pizza.

Pizza Marinara with fillets Eggplant

Video of the preparation of the pizza


Pizza Marinara with fillets Eggplant

Are you interested in video recipes of pizza offered by our school pizza? Visit My YouTube Channel, They are available to hundreds of video recipes for pizza.


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