Category archives: Actuality

L'arte della presentazione come rendere la tua pizza appetitosa anche agli occhi

The art of presentation: how to make your pizza appetizing even to the eyes

Hello pizza chef friends and cooking enthusiasts! Today I want to talk to you about a fundamental aspect for any self-respecting pizzeria: the art of pizza presentation. Because, let's face it, a delicious pizza is certainly important, but a pizza that is also a feast for the eyes can really make the difference. Prepare to amaze your customers not only with taste, but also with sight, it is one of the keys to success in catering.

Beauty in Simplicity

Before going into the details of preparing dough and cooking pizza, I want to start with a fundamental concept: simplicity. Often, the simplest things are the most beautiful. Think of the classic Margherita: tomato, mozzarella, basil. Three simple ingredients that, if arranged carefully, they create a harmonious and appetizing image.

Dough preparation: The Base of Everything

Every great pizza starts with great dough. The preparation of dough is an art that requires time and patience. Use quality flours and dedicate the right time to leavening. A well-prepared dough not only guarantees a light and digestible pizza, but it also offers a perfect basis for a flawless presentation.

If you are interested in perfecting your dough preparation techniques, sign up for our pizza chef courses that we organize in our Silvio Cicchi pizza school. Here you can learn from the best and discover all the secrets for a perfect dough.

Colors and Contrasts

One of the most important aspects of pizza presentation is the use of colors. A colorful dish is always more inviting. Think of the bright reds of tomatoes, to the bright greens of basil and the creamy whites of mozzarella. Playing with color contrasts can transform a simple pizza into a work of art.

When you add the ingredients, do it with care. Distribute the peppers evenly, the olive, rocket leaves or any other ingredient, in order to create a visual balance. A little trick is to think of your pizza as a canvas to paint: each ingredient is a color with which you can create your masterpiece.

Attention to Details

Details make the difference. An attentive pizza chef knows that even small details can transform a normal pizza into an extraordinary one. Eg, a drizzle of raw extra virgin olive oil, added just before serving, It can add shine and enrich the flavor. The same goes for a sprinkling of parmesan or fresh herbs.

Pizza cooking: The Moment of Truth

Cooking the pizza is another crucial moment. Perfect cooking not only guarantees exceptional taste, but it also contributes to the aesthetics of the dish. The oven must be very hot and the pizza must cook quickly to obtain a crispy base and a soft edge. Choice of oven (the largest, electric, gas) can affect the final result, but the most important thing is to constantly monitor cooking to prevent the pizza from burning or cooking unevenly.

Placing and Service

Plating also has its importance. A pizza served on a beautiful plate, maybe decorated with a little’ of flour or with a sprig of rosemary, can make a big impression. Remember that the first impression is what counts: a pizza that arrives at the table beautiful to look at is already half the success.

Sharing the Passion

Pizza presentation is a true art form that can only be refined with practice and passion. I invite you to share your creations and continue learning. And what better way to do it than by enrolling in our pizza chef courses that we organize in our Silvio Cicchi pizza school? You will learn not only to prepare delicious pizzas, but also to present them as true professionals.

Final greetings

With this, I greet you and thank you for taking the time to read these tips on pizza presentation. Remember that every detail counts and that the love for what you do is always reflected in the final result. Please feel free to visit and subscribe to my YouTube channel, where you will find more of 300 videos of pizza recipes prepared by pizza chef students who enroll in our courses. We are waiting for you!

Best regards,

Silvio Cicchi



The Secrets of Yeast: How to Get a Soft and Fragrant Pizza

Hello to all, pizza friends! Today I want to share with you the secrets to obtaining a soft and fragrant pizza, just like the one you find in the best pizzerias. If you are passionate about pizza and want to improve your preparation technique, this post is perfect for you. And if you are really serious about becoming a master pizza chef, I invite you to sign up for our pizza chef courses that we organize in our Silvio Cicchi Pizza School. But let's start immediately to discover all the tricks of the trade!

The Heart of Pizza: The yeast

Yeast is the magic ingredient that transforms a simple dough into a delicious, soft and fragrant pizza. But not all yeasts are the same, and knowing which one to use can make a big difference. There are mainly two types of yeast that we can use: brewer's yeast and sourdough.

Brewer's yeast is the most common in pizza dough preparations. It is easy to use and guarantees fast and uniform leavening. However, the sourdough starter, or natural yeast, it is what gives the pizza a unique flavor and a lighter and more digestible consistency. Even if it requires more time and care, the end result is absolutely worth it.

The Preparation of the Dough: Crucial Phase

Preparing the dough is one of the most important phases in creating a perfect pizza. First of all, it is essential to choose a good flour. Strong flours, with a high protein content, they are ideal for preparing dough because they are able to better retain the gas produced by the yeast, making the dough more elastic and the pizza softer.

Here is a basic recipe for a classic dough:

  • 500g of typical flour “00”
  • 300ml of water
  • 10g of salt
  • 3g of fresh brewer's yeast (or 1g of dry yeast)
  • 1 spoon of extra virgin olive oil

Start by dissolving the yeast in water at room temperature. Gradually add the flour and knead until you obtain a homogeneous mixture. At this point, add the salt and oil, continuing to knead for at least 10-15 minutes, until the dough is smooth and elastic.

Let the dough rise in a bowl covered with a damp cloth or cling film for at least 2 hours, or until it has doubled in volume. If you use sourdough, leavening may take longer, even up to 24 hours.

Cooking Pizza: The Moment of Truth

Cooking the pizza is another crucial step that can greatly influence the final result. Ideally, pizza should be cooked in a wood-fired oven, which can reach very high temperatures, around 400-500 degrees Celsius. However, even a good domestic oven can give excellent results if used correctly.

Preheat the oven to the highest possible temperature, usually around 250 degrees Celsius, and place a refractory stone on the central grill. The baking stone helps maintain an even temperature and cook the pizza more like a wood-fired oven. Once the oven is hot, transfer the rolled out dough onto the stone and cook for 10-15 minutes, until the edge is golden and crispy.

Final Tips for a Perfect Pizza

Now that you know the secrets of yeast, of the dough and cooking, here are some additional tips to further improve your pizza:

  • Use fresh, quality ingredients: San Marzano tomatoes, buffalo mozzarella and fresh basil can make a big difference in the flavor of your pizza.
  • Don't overdo it with the seasonings: A pizza that is too full of ingredients can become soft and difficult to cook. Keep it simple to get the best result.
  • Let the dough rest: After the first leavening, divide the dough into balls and let them rest for at least 30 minutes before rolling them out. This makes the dough easier to work with and improves the texture of the pizza.
  • Sign up for our pizza maker courses: If you really want to master the art of pizza, our courses are the perfect opportunity to learn from the best. Silvio Cicchi's Pizza School offers courses for all levels, from beginners to aspiring professional pizza chefs.

Greetings and Special Invitation

Thanks for reading this far! I hope these tips have been helpful and inspired you to make some amazing pizzas. I invite you to visit and subscribe to my YouTube channel, where you will find further 300 videos of pizza recipes prepared by pizza chef students who enroll in our courses. I can't wait to see your creations!

Warm greetings from Silvio Cicchi, and good pizza to everyone!



Pizza and travel exploring pizza traditions around the world

Pizza and travel: exploring pizza traditions around the world

Welcome dear readers! Today we dive into a delicious and fascinating adventure: explore pizza traditions around the world. The pizza, this dish loved and known everywhere, it has deep roots and various traditions that make every bite a unique experience. Get ready for a tasty journey across different continents and cultures, discovering together how pizza has become a global phenomenon.

The Origins of Pizza

The history of pizza begins in Naples, where the Margherita pizza was born. This simple tomato combination, mozzarella and basil is not only delicious, but it also symbolizes the colors of the Italian flag. The preparation of dough in this city still follows ancient traditions, with obsessive attention to the quality of the ingredients and the leavening process. The pizzerias of Naples are famous all over the world and represent a must-see for every pizza lover.

Pizza in America

Crossing the Atlantic, pizza has found a second home in the United States. who, pizza has undergone creative transformations that have made it an icon of American catering. La New York-style pizza, with its thin and crunchy crust, it is ideal for folding and eating on the fly. Chicago instead developed deep-dish pizza, a tall cake rich in cheese and tomato sauce. Each city has its own variant, demonstrating how versatile pizza can be.

Asia and Innovation

In Asia, pizza has taken an innovative turn. In Japan, pizzerias offer creative versions with local ingredients like sweet corn, mayonnaise and even raw fish. South Korea developed rice crust pizza, which adds a unique crunchy texture. These variations demonstrate how pizza can be adapted to local tastes while still maintaining its universal appeal.

Pizza in South America

Even in South America, the pizza found a warm welcome. In Brazil, pizza is often topped with a wide range of ingredients, from classics such as tomato and mozzarella, up to more exotic options such as seafood and bananas. Buenos Aires, with its large Italian community, offers pizzerias that keep Neapolitan traditions alive, but with an Argentine touch.

Pizza in Europe

Returning to Europe, each country has its own unique interpretation of pizza. In Germany, for example, si trova la Flammkuchen, a sort of thin pizza topped with sour cream, onions and bacon. In France, the Alsatian Tarte Flambée follows a similar tradition. The Nordic countries have also developed their own versions, often using local ingredients such as smoked salmon.

The Magic of Dough Preparation

Dough preparation is an art that requires patience and precision. Whether it's a traditional Neapolitan pizza or an innovative version, the dough is the basis on which everything else is built. Slow leavening, the choice of flours and manual manipulation are crucial aspects that determine the final quality of the pizza. Our Silvio Cicchi pizza school offers specialized courses where you can learn all the secrets of dough preparation and pizza cooking. Sign up for our pizza chef courses to become a master pizza chef and bring this art into your hands.

Cooking Pizza

Another fundamental element is cooking pizza. Wood-fired ovens are often considered the best for reaching the ideal temperature and imparting that smoky flavor that makes pizza unique. However, Electric and gas ovens can also produce excellent results if used correctly. Our pizza school offers practical sessions to teach the most effective cooking techniques, ensuring that every pizza comes out perfectly cooked and delicious.

Sign up for our courses

If you are passionate about pizza and want to deepen your knowledge, sign up for our pizza maker courses that we organize in our Silvio Cicchi pizza school. Our courses are designed for everyone, from beginners to professionals, and offer a complete experience that covers every aspect of pizza preparation and cooking.

My YouTube Channel

Before leaving, I invite you to visit and subscribe to my YouTube channel, where you will find further 300 videos of pizza recipes prepared by pizza chef students who enroll in our courses. Each video is a source of inspiration and knowledge, perfect for anyone who wants to improve their cooking skills and discover new ways of making pizza.

Thank you for reading this post and for sharing your passion for pizza with me. I'm waiting for you in our courses and on my YouTube channel!

Greetings from Silvio Cicchi



Pizza and holidays creative ideas to celebrate with a special pizza

Pizza and holidays: creative ideas to celebrate with a special pizza

Welcome fellow pizza lovers! Today I want to share with you some creative ideas for celebrating the holidays with a special pizza. Let it be Christmas, Easter, Halloween or any other occasion, a pizza prepared with love and imagination can transform every party into an unforgettable moment.

The magic of pizza during the holidays

Pizza has always been a symbol of conviviality and joy. Preparing it at home or enjoying it in a pizzeria with friends and family is a ritual that makes every occasion special. But how can we make our pizza even more special during the holidays? Here are some ideas to amaze your guests and make every party unique.

Ideas for a Christmas pizza

Christmas is the time of year when everyone gathers around the table to share moments of joy. Why not make your pizza the protagonist of these celebrations? Here are some suggestions:

  1. Spiced dough: Add a touch of cinnamon, nutmeg and ginger to the mixture for an aroma reminiscent of Christmas sweets.
  2. Festive condiments: Use ingredients such as cooked ham, brie cheese and walnuts for a rich and enveloping flavour. Don't forget a sprinkle of fresh rosemary!
  3. Christmas decorations: Create small pizza dough stars to place on top of your creation. You can also use black olives to make eyes and mouths for cute mozzarella snowmen.

A scary pizza for Halloween

Halloween is the perfect holiday to have fun in the kitchen with creative recipes and a little’ scary. Even pizza can become a thrilling dish:

  1. Black dough: Add some’ of charcoal to the dough to obtain a black and mysterious pizza.
  2. Themed decorations: Create spider webs with the stringy mozzarella and use black olives to make little spiders. A little’ of pesto sauce can become green blood’ to be scattered here and there.
  3. Scary shapes: Cut the pizza into pumpkin shapes, bat or ghost for a surprising effect.

Easter with taste

Easter is another perfect occasion to celebrate with a special pizza. Here are some ideas:

  1. Cheese dough: Add grated parmesan or pecorino to the dough for an even richer flavor.
  2. Spring seasonings: Use asparagus, artichokes, hard-boiled eggs and a sprinkling of black pepper for a fresh, spring-like condiment.
  3. Elegant presentation: Decorate the pizza with edible flowers such as violets and marigolds for a refined touch.

Preparation of the dough: the basis of everything

A fundamental element for obtaining a perfect pizza is the preparation of the dough. In this, the choice of ingredients and the processing technique make the difference. Always use high quality flours and let the dough rise for the necessary time. If you want to improve your skills, sign up for our pizza maker courses that we organize in our Silvio Cicchi pizza school. who, you will learn all the secrets of preparing the dough, from the choice of ingredients to the perfect leavening.

Pizza cooking: how to get the best result

Cooking the pizza is another crucial aspect. A hot oven and a baking stone can work wonders. Here is some advice:

  1. High temperature: Pizza requires a very high temperature, ideally around 250-300°C.
  2. Short cooking time: Cook the pizza for a short time, dai 5 to 7 minutes, to obtain a dough that is crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside.
  3. Be careful with the mozzarella: Add the mozzarella only in the last minutes of cooking to prevent it from burning.

Catering and pizza: a winning combination

Pizza is a versatile dish that adapts perfectly to different occasions and contexts, from fast food to gourmet restaurants. During the holidays, offering a special pizza can be an excellent strategy to attract customers and make their gastronomic experience unique. Think about thematic menus, unusual combinations and creative presentations to amaze your guests.

Our pizzaiolo courses

If you are passionate about pizza and want to turn this passion into a profession, sign up for our pizza maker courses that we organize in our Silvio Cicchi pizza school. You will learn everything about preparing dough, pizza cooking and decoration techniques. Not only, you will have the opportunity to work side by side with industry experts and perfect your skills in a stimulating and professional environment.

Final invitation

Thanks for reading our blog post on how to make pizza the heart of your holidays. We hope these ideas inspire you to experiment and have fun in the kitchen. Don't forget to visit and subscribe to my YouTube channel, where you can find further 300 videos of pizza recipes prepared by pizza chef students who enroll in our courses. With a little’ of creativity and passion, every party can become unforgettable with a special pizza.

Happy holidays and good pizza to everyone from Silvio Cicchi!



Pizza Sostenibile Come l'Industria si Sta Adattando alle Nuove Tendenze Eco Friendly

Sustainable Pizza: How the Industry is Adapting to New Eco-Friendly Trends

Hello to all, pizza lovers! Today I want to talk to you about a topic that is particularly close to my heart: sustainable pizza. Yes, you got it right! The pizza industry is also adapting to new eco-friendly trends and today we will discover together how pizzerias are doing their part for our planet.

The Pizzerias' Commitment to a Sustainable Future

Let's start with some good news: more and more pizzerias are adopting sustainable practices in preparing pizza. But what does it mean exactly “sustainable pizza”? This is a series of initiatives aimed at reducing the environmental impact linked to the production and consumption of pizza. Let's see some concrete examples.

Zero kilometer ingredients

One of the fundamental aspects of sustainable pizza is the use of zero kilometer ingredients. This means choosing local and seasonal raw materials, thus reducing emissions related to transport. Think of the goodness of a margherita prepared with fresh tomatoes and basil grown a few kilometers from the pizzeria. Not only does the flavor gain, but the environment is also grateful.

Preparation of the dough: Sustainability and Quality

Sustainability also comes from the preparation of the dough. More and more pizza makers are opting for organic and wholemeal flours, less refined and more nutritious. These flours are not only good for your health, but their production respects the environment, avoiding the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers. And then, let's face it, a dough prepared with love and natural ingredients has a completely different flavour!

Clean Energy for Cooking Pizza

Another important aspect is the use of clean energy for cooking pizza. Many pizzerias are investing in latest generation wood-fired ovens, which guarantee more efficient and less polluting combustion. Still others have chosen to switch to electric ovens powered by renewable sources, like solar or wind. In this way, every daisy, four seasons or capricciosa that we bake is a small contribution to the fight against climate change.

Reduction of Waste in Catering

Sustainability is also seen in restaurant management. Reducing food waste is a priority for many pizzerias, who have implemented innovative solutions to prevent perfectly edible food from ending up in the garbage. Some have introduced flexible menus, adapting recipes based on available ingredients, while others collaborate with local associations to donate surplus food to those in need.

Packaging Eco-Friendly

Packaging also has its role in sustainable pizza. Pizzerias are abandoning plastic packaging in favor of more eco-friendly solutions, such as recycled and biodegradable cardboard boxes. Some have even introduced reusable containers for loyal customers, that can bring them back every time they order a pizza.

An Invitation to Become Sustainable Pizza Makers

Now that we have seen how the pizza industry is adapting to new eco-friendly trends, I invite you to do your part. If you are passionate about pizza and want to learn how to prepare it in a sustainable way, sign up for our pizza chef courses that we organize in our Silvio Cicchi pizza school. who, you will learn all the secrets to creating delicious and environmentally friendly pizzas.


The road to a sustainable future is made up of small ones, great gestures. Even a simple pizza can make the difference, if prepared with quality ingredients, efficient cooking methods and an attentive eye to the environment.

I greet you with affection and invite you to visit and subscribe to my YouTube channel, where you will find more of 300 videos of pizza recipes prepared by pizza chef students who enroll in our courses.

Thanks for reading and… Bon Appetite!

Greetings from Silvio Cicchi



Customer reviews of the community's favorite pizzerias

The Community's Favorite Pizzerias: Customer Reviews

Hello to all, pizza-loving friends! Today I want to talk to you about the favorite pizzerias of our fantastic community. We have collected many reviews and we are happy to share with you the best pizzerias according to our loyal customers. Are you ready to find out where to find the perfect pizza? Then read on!

  1. Pizzeria Da Michele

Let's start with one of the most iconic pizzerias: From Michele. Located in the heart of Naples, this pizzeria is famous for its tradition and simplicity. The preparation of dough is an art that is respected here with obsessive care. The pizza cooking is perfect, thanks to the wood-fired oven which gives that unique and irresistible flavour.

Our customers never stop praising Da Michele's Margherita and Marinara. The reviews speak of an authentic experience and a flavor that recalls the Naples of the past. If you are in Naples, you can't miss the opportunity to pay a visit.

  1. Pizzeria Sorbillo

Another pizzeria that has won the hearts of our community is Sorbillo. Gino Sorbillo, with his passion for catering, has created a real temple of pizza. The quality of the ingredients and the dedication in preparing the dough make each pizza a masterpiece.

Customer reviews highlight the kindness of the staff and the welcoming atmosphere. The fried pizza and the Margherita with buffalo mozzarella are among the most loved. Sorbillo is synonymous with tradition and innovation, a perfect mix for those looking for the best.

  1. Pizzeria Brandi

We couldn't not include the Brandi pizzeria, famous for inventing the Margherita pizza in honor of Queen Margherita of Savoy. This historic pizzeria is a point of reference for all pizza lovers. The dough preparation still follows ancient recipes and the pizza cooking takes place in traditional wood-fired ovens.

Our customers appreciate the authenticity of the flavors and the warm welcome. Margherita di Brandi is a legend, and those who have tasted it can only confirm its uniqueness. A real journey through time, discovering the origins of pizza.

  1. Pizzeria La Notizia

La Notizia di Enzo Coccia is another pizzeria that has won rave reviews. Located in Naples, this pizzeria is famous for its attention to detail and the quality of its ingredients. The dough preparation is done with love and the pizza cooking takes place in wood-fired ovens which guarantee uniform and tasty cooking.

Customer reviews praise the creativity of the menu and the ability to combine traditional ingredients with innovative ideas. The pizza with courgette flowers and anchovies is a favourite. La Notizia is the ideal place for those who want to savor a gourmet pizza.

  1. Spontini Pizzeria

Let's move to Milan to talk about the Spontini pizzeria, an institution in the Lombardy capital. Known for its pizza by the slice, Spontini offers a unique dough preparation that gives the pizza a soft and crunchy consistency at the same time. Pizza cooking takes place in large pans, as Milanese tradition dictates.

Customer reviews are full of praise for the margherita pizza by the slice, which with its abundant stringy cheese conquers at the first bite. Spontini is perfect for a quick but tasty lunch break, or for an evening with friends in the name of conviviality.

  1. Pizzeria Trianon by Ciro

Another Neapolitan gem is the Trianon da Ciro pizzeria. Founded in 1923, this pizzeria is synonymous with tradition and quality. The dough preparation still follows ancient recipes and the pizza cooking takes place in wood-fired ovens which give an unmistakable flavor.

Customer reviews praise the goodness of the pizza and the friendliness of the staff. The sausage and broccoli pizza is a must for those who love intense and authentic flavours. Trianon da Ciro is the ideal place for those who want to enjoy a real Neapolitan pizza.

  1. Pizzeria Al Gallo Rosso

At Last, let's talk about the Al Gallo Rosso pizzeria, located in Rome. This pizzeria is famous for its Roman pizza, characterized by a thin and crunchy dough. The preparation of the dough is carefully carried out and the pizza is cooked in wood-fired ovens which guarantee perfect cooking.

Customer reviews speak of a welcoming atmosphere and excellent service. The margherita pizza with buffalo mozzarella and the carbonara pizza are among the most popular. Al Gallo Rosso is the perfect place for those who want to savor an authentic Roman pizza.


We saw together some of our community's favorite pizzerias. Every pizzeria has its own history, its peculiarities and its secrets in preparing dough and cooking pizza. The passion for catering and the love for pizza unite all these realities, creating unique and unforgettable experiences.

If you also want to learn the art of preparing dough and cooking pizza, I invite you to sign up for our pizza chef courses that we organize in our Silvio Cicchi pizza school. Here you can learn all the secrets of the master pizza chefs and become true experts.

Thanks for reading this post, I hope you liked it and that it gave you some ideas for your next gastronomic outings. Greetings from Silvio Cicchi and I invite you to visit and subscribe to my YouTube channel which contains more than 300 videos of pizza recipes prepared by pizza chef students who enroll in our courses.



Creative recipes with unusual toppings for a unique pizza

Creative recipes: unusual toppings for a unique pizza

Hello to all, pizza lovers! Today I want to share with you some ideas to make your pizzas even more special and unique. We are all used to classic toppings like mozzarella, tomato, mushrooms and ham, but what if we try something different? If you are ready to experiment and amaze your guests, read on!

The perfect base for a unique pizza

Before we talk about the toppings, It's important to have a good foundation. The preparation of the dough is essential to obtain a delicious pizza. In many pizzerias, the dough is carefully prepared and left to rise for the time necessary to obtain a perfect consistency. If you want to improve your technique, sign up for our pizza chef courses that we organize in our Silvio Cicchi pizza school. Our experts will teach you all the secrets for a perfect dough!

Unusual toppings to amaze

  1. Smoked salmon and avocado pizza

A combination that might seem strange, but I assure you it is delicious. The smoked salmon goes perfectly with the creaminess of the avocado. Add some’ of red onion and a drizzle of olive oil and you will have a refined and tasty pizza.

  1. Pizza with pears, gorgonzola and walnuts

Another winning combination is that of pears with gorgonzola. The sweet flavor of the pears contrasts wonderfully with the intense flavor of the gorgonzola. Add a few walnuts for a crunchy touch and you're done. Perfect for a special evening!

  1. Pizza with figs, raw ham and rocket

Fresh figs are a real delight, especially in combination with raw ham. Add some’ of rocket for a fresh and peppery note. This pizza is ideal for summer and will make you look great with your guests.

  1. Chicken tikka masala pizza

For spice lovers, this pizza is a must. Prepare the chicken with the tikka masala sauce, add some’ of mozzarella and cook everything in the oven. The result is a spicy and tasty pizza that will make you travel with taste.

  1. Pumpkin pizza, sausage and rosemary

A perfect topping for autumn. The sweetness of the pumpkin pairs perfectly with the flavor of the sausage. Add some’ of fresh rosemary for an unmistakable aroma. A pizza that warms the heart!

Tips for perfect cooking

Cooking the pizza is just as important as preparing the dough and choosing the toppings. Every pizzeria has its secrets, but there are some tips that can make the difference. Always preheat the oven to maximum temperature and use a baking stone if possible. This will help you get a crispy, well-cooked base. If you want to discover all the tricks of perfect cooking, sign up for our pizza chef courses!


I hope these ideas have inspired you to experiment with new toppings and make your pizzas even more special. Pizza is a versatile and creative dish, and with a little’ fantasy, you can create unique and surprising combinations.

If you want to learn more about preparing and cooking pizza, sign up for our pizza chef courses that we organize in our Silvio Cicchi pizza school. And don't forget to visit and subscribe to my YouTube channel, where you will find more of 300 videos of pizza recipes prepared by pizza chef students who enroll in our courses.

Greetings from Silvio Cicchi!



Pizza and pop culture when pizza becomes the protagonist in films and TV series

Pizza and pop culture: when pizza becomes the protagonist in films and TV series

Hello friends! Today I want to talk about a topic that combines two of my great passions: pizza and pop culture. There is nothing better than relaxing on the sofa, watching a good movie or TV series, with a slice of steaming pizza in his hands. But have you ever noticed how often pizza becomes a real protagonist on the screen? Well yes, pizza is not just a delicious dish, but also an undisputed star of many memorable scenes. Ready to take a journey through dough, pizzerias and iconic moments from cinema and television? So make yourself comfortable and let's go!

Pizza in movies

“Mamma, I've missed the flight” (Home Alone)

Who among you doesn't remember little Kevin McCallister, left alone at home for Christmas, who treats himself to an evening of junk food, with a giant pizza all to himself? The scene where Kevin orders a double cheese margherita pizza has become a classic. Not only does it showcase her independent spirit, but it makes our mouths water with that perfectly golden pizza. Cooking pizza in the neighborhood pizzeria is a fundamental element of the scene, which makes everything even more authentic and appetizing.

“Saturday night fever” (Saturday Night Fever)

John Travolta, as Tony Manero, walking the streets of Brooklyn with two slices of pizza folded on top of each other, it's another unforgettable scene. This image went around the world and made that pizzeria a true place of pilgrimage for fans of the film. The preparation of the dough and the cooking of the pizza in a wood oven are details that make us understand how pizza is an integral part of Italian culture, even overseas.

“Eats, pray, or” (Eat Pray Love)

Julia Roberts, on her journey to discover herself, he finds himself in Naples, where you can enjoy a traditional margherita pizza. This scene not only celebrates the goodness of Neapolitan pizza, but it takes us inside a typical Italian pizzeria, where the preparation of the dough is an art handed down for generations. Julia's joy while biting into pizza is contagious and makes us want to book a flight to Italy immediately.

Pizza in TV series


Who can forget the evenings of the six most famous friends in New York, often accompanied by a nice pizza? The pizza shop “Joey's” becomes a gathering place where Rachel, Ross, Monica, Chandler, Joey and Phoebe relax and discuss their lives. The pizza is always there, ready to unite the group in moments of joy and difficulty. The simplicity of preparing dough and cooking pizza is the backdrop to many of their adventures, making the pizzeria almost a seventh protagonist of the series.

“The Big Bang Theory”

Even nerds have a passion for pizza! Sheldon, Leonard, Howard and Raj are often seen eating pizza while discussing quantum physics and comics. Pizza becomes a comfort food for these eccentric scientists, who find the local pizzeria the ideal place to relax and recharge their batteries. The ritual of preparing the dough and the perfect cooking of the pizza are elements that add a touch of normality to their extraordinary lives.

“Breaking Bad”

In “Breaking Bad”, one of the most iconic scenes is when Walter White throws a whole pizza onto the roof of his house. This scene has become so famous that the house used for filming has become something of a tourist attraction, with fans trying to replicate the gesture. Also here, pizza becomes a powerful symbol, representing Walter's frustration and desperation at a crucial moment in his transformation.

The magic of pizza: between tradition and innovation

Pizza is not just a food, but a true cultural phenomenon that crosses the boundaries of time and space. Its preparation, from the choice of ingredients to the processing of the dough, until cooked in the wood oven, it is a ritual that is passed down from generation to generation. Pizzerias are places of meeting and conviviality, where people come together to share moments of joy and relaxation.

If you too are passionate about pizza and want to discover all the secrets of its preparation, I invite you to sign up for our pizza chef courses that we organize in our Silvio Cicchi pizza school. Our courses are designed for everyone, from beginners to experts, and will allow you to learn the traditional techniques of preparing dough and cooking pizza, directly from the best pizza masters.

And don't forget to visit and subscribe to my YouTube channel, where you will find more of 300 videos of pizza recipes prepared by pizza chef students who enroll in our courses. Each video is a journey into the world of pizza, among fresh ingredients, fragrant doughs and steaming ovens. An experience that will make you fall in love even more with this extraordinary dish.

Thanks for reading this post! See you soon for more culinary adventures.

Greetings from Silvio Cicchi



Pizza by the slice or round pizza, the great challenge between tradition and modernity

Pizza by the slice or Round Pizza: The Great Challenge between Tradition and Modernity

Pizza by the slice or Round Pizza: The Great Challenge between Tradition and Modernity.

A Delicious Dichotomy

In the vast and delicious world of pizza, two styles emerge as major contenders: pizza by the slice and round pizza. This dichotomy represents more than just a culinary choice; it is a real challenge between tradition and modernity. But what distinguishes these two styles and why they are both so loved? Let's find out together, exploring the unique characteristics of each and how the dough is prepared, catering and pizza cooking play a fundamental role.

The Round Pizza: Tradition on the plate

The History of Round Pizza

The round pizza, often associated with the classic Neapolitan pizza, it is a culinary icon that has its roots in the heart of Italy. Its history dates back centuries, with its legendary beginning in the streets of Naples. This pizza is famous for its perfect circular shape, with a high and soft edge, known as cornice, and a thin, soft center.

Preparation of the dough

The magic of round pizza begins with the preparation of the dough. This process is a time-consuming art, passion and precision. The doughs are usually prepared with simple ingredients: flour, water, yeast and salt. However, the secret lies in the leavening process, which can last from 24 a 48 hours. This time allows the dough to develop a unique consistency and flavor, making every bite a true sensory experience.

The Perfect Cooking

The round pizza is cooked in a wood-fired oven, which reaches extremely high temperatures, often higher than 400 degrees Celsius. This quick cooking, that only lasts 60-90 seconds, creates a pizza with a slightly burnt crust and a perfectly cooked center. The result is a combination of flavors and textures that is unmatched.

Pizza by the slice: Modernity in a Bite

The Innovation of Pizza by the Slice

On the other side of the culinary spectrum we find pizza by the slice, a more recent and innovative concept. This variant was born in Rome and stands out for its rectangular shape and the way it is served: it is cut into pieces and sold by weight. Pizza by the slice is perfect for a quick and informal meal, often consumed standing or walking through the city streets.

The Preparation of the Dough

Even in pizza by the slice, the preparation of the dough is crucial. However, here the approach may vary slightly. Slice pizza doughs tend to be more hydrated, which gives them a softer and more airy texture. This type of dough requires longer leavening, often up to 72 hours, to best develop the gluten and flavors.

Versatile Cooking

The cooking of pizza by the slice takes place in electric or gas ovens, at lower temperatures than wood-fired ovens. This slower cooking allows the dough to develop a uniform crunchiness on the base, while maintaining internal softness. In addition to, pizza by the slice offers great versatility in toppings, with a wide range of ingredients ranging from classics such as mozzarella and tomato to more innovative and gourmet combinations.

The Challenge between Tradition and Modernity

The choice between round pizza and pizza by the slice is often a matter of personal preference. Some love the tradition and ritual of the round pizza, while others appreciate the convenience and innovation of pizza by the slice. However, both styles offer a unique and delicious dining experience.

Catering and Pizzerias

Pizzerias that offer these two types of pizza often reflect their culinary philosophy. Traditional pizzerias, which focus on round pizza, they tend to place emphasis on the quality of the ingredients and the skill in preparing the dough and cooking. On the other hand, pizzerias that serve pizza by the slice focus on innovation and variety, offering a wider range of flavors and combinations.


Whether you are a lover of round pizza or pizza by the slice, One thing is certain: Pizza is a dish that unites everyone, despite the differences. The preparation of the dough, catering and pizza cooking are key elements that make each style unique and special. If you are passionate about pizza and want to learn the secrets of both techniques, we invite you to sign up for our pizza chef courses that we organize in our Silvio Cicchi Pizza School.

Greetings from Silvio Cicchi! Don't forget to visit and subscribe to my YouTube channel, which contains more than 300 videos of pizza recipes prepared by pizza chef students who enroll in our courses.



Pizza and sports like pizza integrate into active lifestyles

Pizza and Sports: How Pizza Fits Into Active Lifestyles

Pizza and Sports: How Pizza Fits Into Active Lifestyles.

Hello to all, friends of pizza and sport! Today I want to talk to you about a topic that combines two great passions: pizza and active lifestyles. Yes, you got it right! Pizza is not just a delicious dish to enjoy, but it can also be an integral part of a healthy and active lifestyle. Curious to know how? Read on!

Pizza: A Pleasure That Suits Everyone

Pizza is a versatile food loved by all. From children to adults, Who can resist a fragrant slice of freshly baked pizza?? But we often wonder: how we can include pizza in a balanced diet without compromising our active lifestyle?

The Preparation of the Dough: The Key to Healthy Pizza

The basis of a good pizza is the dough. The preparation of dough is an art that requires passion and competence. Using high quality ingredients and appropriate processing techniques, it is possible to create a light and digestible dough. Our Silvio Cicchi pizza school is dedicated to precisely this: teach pizza chef students the best dough preparation techniques. If you want to learn too, sign up for our pizza chef courses that we organize regularly.

Pizza and Nutrition: A Perfect Balance

A well-made pizza can be a complete and nutritious meal. The key is to choose fresh, balanced ingredients. A good pizza can include complex carbohydrates, lean proteins and vegetables, thus providing the energy needed to face an active day. Eg, a pizza with wholemeal flour, Grilled chicken breast and vegetables can be an excellent choice for those who practice sports.

Cooking Pizza: The Secret of Lightness

The cooking of the pizza also plays a fundamental role. Our pizzeria uses special ovens that allow uniform and fast cooking, keeping the pizza light and crunchy. The right temperature and cooking time are crucial to obtaining a pizza that is tasty and easily digestible, ideal for those with an active lifestyle.

Pizza and Sports: A Perfect Combination

Because pizza is perfect for those who practice sports? First of all, because it is a dish that can be easily adapted to the nutritional needs of athletes. But there's more: Pizza is a convivial food, perfect for recovering energy after a workout in the company of friends. Eating together is a way to relax and strengthen social bonds, important aspects for psychophysical well-being.

Catering and Pizza: Quality and Innovation

In the world of catering, pizza represents a combination of tradition and innovation. Each pizzeria has its own style and secret recipes, but what matters is the attention to the quality of the ingredients and preparation. Our Silvio Cicchi pizza school teaches exactly this: how to combine tradition and innovation to create unique and delicious pizzas. If you want to learn too, sign up for our pizza chef courses and discover all the secrets of the trade.

Our Pizza Chef Courses

Do you want to become a master pizza chef? Sign up for our pizza maker courses that we organize in our Silvio Cicchi pizza school. We offer comprehensive courses covering all aspects of pizza preparation, from the choice of ingredients to cooking. Our students learn the most advanced techniques and have the opportunity to experiment with different recipes and cooking methods.


Pizza can be part of a healthy and active lifestyle if prepared with quality ingredients and cooked correctly. Combining it with a balanced diet and regular physical activity, we can enjoy this delicious dish without guilt.

Greetings from Silvio Cicchi! I invite you to visit and subscribe to my YouTube channel which contains more than 300 videos of pizza recipes prepared by pizza chef students who enroll in our courses. Don't miss the opportunity to learn and have fun with us!