At Fruit Dessert Pizza. With the pizza dough you can really prepare many things. We've dedicated an entire section of our website at "street food"And I recommend strongly to find out.
Today during my morning rounds devoted to spending, I found the strawberries and ripe bananas in the right place. Strawberries and bananas chopped by adding a little sugar are pleasing in these hot summer days.
Back at the lab during the time dedicated to our Professional courses of Pizzaiolo we have prepared a. Huge and delicious, just as I imagined. greatest, we have it divided into small pieces and served with aperitif. If I am not wrong ... no one protested, then … success.
At Fruit Dessert Pizza
At Fruit Dessert Pizza
Preparation of the Stuffing
Let's start with wash the strawberries and then cut into small pieces, the same thing was done for bananas. A pinch of sugar and ready to be added as a filling for our pizza dessert.
At Fruit Dessert Pizza
Drafting of Pizza.
Roll out the base, add the previously prepared fruit.
Now we are helping us prepare the cover with the special knife borrowed from the pastry.
Trim the excess edges and bake in the oven at 300 degrees. In a few minutes it will be ready to churn out.
Divide it into pieces and serve it to your guests lucky.
Below the video of the making of this delicious pizza fruit desserts.
At Fruit Dessert Pizza
Are you among those who often prepare pizza at home? Did you know that on our site are available for free over 300 pizza recipes, visit the recipe screen.
If you are interested in our video recipes, visit our YouTube channel.
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Pizza Black and White Dessert. In Italian pizzerias, the request for a dessert pizza is “Weird thing”, The results of our statistics say that the dessert pizzas represent about 3% of pizzas sold.
The country where they are consumed as many dessert pizza is undoubtedlyBrazil.
In our country the predominant role of sweet pizzas is certainly covered by the "focaccia with nutella”.
Pizza Black and White Dessert
The recipe that I propose today there is a small variation of the focaccia alla nutella.
At our focaccia we added in addition to the classic chocolate hazelnut spread, a type of white chocolate, finally we added delicious crumbled chocolates bounty e mars.
truly exceptional result, not to mention the rich flavor. We do not mention the calories, For we may "scare", but you know that those who order this pizza does not mind some calories.
Pizza Black and White Dessert
In the video below, Marta who is attending the course professional for pizza makers at our laboratories School Pizza, decided to prepare a.
This recipe is very simple, Also suitable for those who ventured the first time in the preparation of the pizza at home.
After preparing the dough for pizza and leavened to perfection, roll out the dough to form the dough disks with a diameter of 33 cm. Add a pinch of salt and bake.
As soon as she reached the perfect golden brown, baked focaccia and let it cool for a few minutes.
Spread the chocolate black and white at your leisure, add the crumbled chocolate and cut into wedges before serving to your guests.
Pizza Black and White Dessert
On our site there is a good During pizzaiolo professional online, You can access the course at any time of the day. More information about the course, be found here.
Need inspiration for your next pizza: On our site you are available for free 300 pizza recipes.
Other videos on the pizza you can find them on our You Tube channel.
Focaccia With Dough pineapple. I really appreciate the pineapple flavor. In a post a few months ago, We have prepared a "Hawaiian Pineapple Pizza Recipe”, Pizza highly rated pizzerias around the world, today to stay on pineapple, We prepare a treat for your palate. A cake from the particular taste. We will start with a dough made with pineapple juice instead of water. Yeast 5 grams, sugar 20 grams, sale 30 g and a cup oil.
Focaccia With Dough pineapple
Mix flour with an average strength and let rise for at least 24 hours. The day following shows the mixture at room temperature and below roll out in disks.
Let rise again and bake the cakes in the oven at 300 degrees. The pineapple sweet smell that is caramellando in the oven will fill your kitchen. Tender and fragrant focaccia this really has the pineapple taste.
Focaccia With Dough pineapple
Follow carefully the explanatory video of the preparation of the dough with pineapple:
Well, the pineapple cake was served as a snack for children, and inventories were served along with a fruit aperitif.
In all of our practical courses to become a pizza maker, We prepare daily different doughs. If you are interested in participating in one of our practical professional courses click here.
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As pizzas Desserts Dessert Recipes. It all began with a cake smeared over with a thick layer of Nutella. E’ only in recent years that the sweet pizza has stormed to become part of our culture by inventing a whole new way of eating pizza.
The success was immediate. The country where the sweet pizza has the most successful is certainly Brazil, think that in the south of the country, in the Sao Paulo area and Rio de Janeiro pizza dessert touches tips 20% compared to the classic pizzas. No wonder if we think of the great quantity and quality of fruit available in this country. If you are interested in more information about this classification please refer to our previous article about “The Pizza in Brazil“.
In our country the sweet pizza has made great strides, thanks to the resourcefulness of many pizza makers, the simple focaccia with hazelnut cream smeared on the back was literally transformed into masterpieces with custard, chocolate flakes, limoncello and even the babas and icing sugar.
As pizzas Desserts Dessert Recipes
As pizzas Desserts Dessert Recipes
One of the nicest things that sweet pizza has to offer, It is definitely the part aesthetics. The bright red of cranberries and strawberries, yellow creams, data scents from citrus fruits often used as a topping and the many varieties of chocolate flakes or in spalmbile version has meant that this sweet specialty was now present in all menus of the peninsula.
It is slowly even changing the tradition of the dough used for the production of sweet pizza. At first was the simple classic pizza dough with sweet topping, lately there are many who produce special mixtures to be used exclusively for this type of pizza. Doughs are often fragrant citrus, the green apple or lemon. See the section Mixtures.
As pizzas Desserts Dessert Recipes
As pizzas Desserts Dessert Recipes
In professional courses for pizza makers who daily carry out at our school pizza, usually we devote ample space to pizza dessert, It has now become an integral part of our program. Anyone interested in more information about our courses, we suggest click this link.
If you want to prepare this delicious kind of pizza to your home or in your business, on our site are available a lot of pizza dessert recipes.
Here is a list of sweet pizza recipes that you can prepare in accordance with our professional recipes:
We remind you that if you want to improve yourself in the preparation of the pizza, on our site there is a fantastic professional course of Pizzaiolo Online. E’ to everyone, you can access the course at any time when you have time available, It contains many videos showing you the various tricks and secrets to prepare a pizza that has nothing to envy to that of the pizzeria beneath your home. If you want more information on our online course, click here.
If you liked this post share it on Facebook and G +, helps our blog to grow.
Focaccia With Ham And Figs. I am actually grown in the shade of a fig. Just outside the front door of my house, during childhood, in the open countryside, there was a huge fig tree, high around 10 meters, with big leaves and green, dark on top and lighter on the bottom. Produced of the greatest fruits pear shape, They ranged from green to reddish color.
Focaccia With Ham And Figs
From small, my favorite snack could only be: Bread with ham and figs.
In my memory, appears still the image of the grandmother who expertly rolled the well-ripe figs within the same leaves to form the “salami with figs”. length about 20 cm, diameter 7/8 cm, It is tied with string in the same way with which it is linked the loin. Today the loin of figs is prepared yet for some wise old village where the old traditions. This salami with figs is recognized as a “traditional food product” of the Marche and is a garrison “Slow Food” from 1999. It is served cut into slices just as it gets with classic cuts, and gives off aromas and unique flavors, its taste is pleasantly sweet and you can feel the scents of dried figs.
Pizza with ham and figs
Focaccia With Ham And Figs
In 1975 when I started my first roll out and bake pizzas, I could not help but to accompany this delicious fruit cakes that sfornavo, perhaps adding some nice slice of ham. The sweet and savory combination has always been my favorite.
Remember that the customers of the country, time, They looked embarrassed when I proposed the focaccia with prosciutto and figs, but, oddly American and German tourists who populated the beaches of the Riviera, They adored this my creation and returned frequently in the local to order again.
Present Day, Focaccia with Ham and Figs finally is recognized as a specialty when it comes to “Street Food”.
Prepare this cake is simple, you can do it in no time at home or in your restaurant or pizzeria.
Focaccia with ham and figs
Focaccia With Ham And Figs
Prepare the dough with your recipe of focaccia, or taking a cue from our previous post: How to prepare a cake perfect.
When the dough will be soft and elastic at the right point, divide it into dough balls from 250/270 grams and place in a container with lid to rise.
After the rising phase, roll out the dough to form the dough disks with a diameter of 30 centimeters.
Drill holes on the surface to prevent swelling during cooking.
Season with a little olive oil extra virgin olive oil, salt and fresh rosemary. Bake in your oven previously heated to a temperature of 300 degrees for a few minutes, until the surface will be perfectly golden.
Baked your cake, let cool a few minutes and with a knife cut it in half to imbottirla.
Arrange fruit peeled, cut into wedges on the surface and add raw ham.
A treat for your taste buds and a guaranteed success with your guests.
The perfect combination to serve with this pizza is a nice sparkling cup, sweet or still makes no difference, just do not serve it with coca cola.
If you do not know the figs, You can find more information on Alimentipedia.
Focaccia with prosciutto and figs, is one of the many specialties that we prepare during the pizzaiolo courses at our School Pizza. If you want to know more about our courses, I invite you to click here.
Delicious pizza with ham and figs
Also in the kitchen the figs are very used. A recipe on the fly:
“Figà àea Venessiana” From the title it is clear that this ancient recipe belongs to the tradition Veneta. The origins actually date back to the Romans who were preparing the liver along with the figs in order to cover the strong odor.
By the time the figs have given way to the onions creating one of the most popular recipes in the Veneto region and beyond: The Venetian liver.
By the way, what aspects to click on G + and then share it on your Facebook wall? 😉 (The so technical articles are of great help for those who make pizza at home or in their own business!)
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Pizza Dessert Philadelphia e Macedonia. With the climate really summer these days due to the African all'anticiclone called “Caronte”, many customers rather than give the usual pizza that besides being a fabulous single dish is also the basis of our healthy Mediterranean diet, many customers are constantly in search of restaurant menus and pizza for an alternative to just classic and hot steaming pizza baked.
Pizza Dessert Philadelphia e Macedonia
As for the pasta, the arrival of the warm season turns many tasty dishes in dishes “cold” as in the case of rice salad or the classical cold pasta salads, Also our pizza undergoes transformations. In addition to the high demand Pizza “Caprese” made on the basis of a cake to which are added tomato and sliced mozzarella, seasoned with extra virgin olive oil, oregano, salt and a few leaves of fresh basil inevitable, There is another pizza by the exquisite taste that you can prepare to amaze your lucky guests who are coming to dinner at your house.
We're talking about
Pizza Dessert Philadelphia e Macedonia
Pizza Dessert Philadelphia e Macedonia
in our practical training as a pizza maker at our school pizza, Always prepare this summer pizza. E’ easy to implement and it will be easy to prepare at home following the video that was made by our students pizzaioli.
The ingredients to make this pizza can be found anywhere, in any small or large supermarket that is.
Fresh fruit salad strictly prepared with seasonal fruit and a box of philadelphia.
Pizza Dessert Philadelphia e Macedonia
Wash the fruit, sbucciatela and cut into cubes. Pour it into a container and let rest in the refrigerator. Personally I do not add to the fruit sugar or lemon juice as it will go to abbinarsi with philadelphia cheese.
Pizza Dessert Philadelphia e Macedonia
Roll out the pizza dough to form of discs with a diameter of 28 cm. Practiced on the pizza pressure with your fingers in several places to prevent swelling during baking in the oven. Add a pinch of salt on the surface and bake in your oven preheated to a temperature of 300 degrees.
The cooking time can vary from oven to oven, but it will be about 3 minutes. When the surface of the pizza reaches a nice golden color, the oven and wait a few minutes for it to cool down.
Now spread a generous layer of soft cheese philadelphia.
Add the previously prepared fresh fruit salad, some red cherry to give the right touch of color to your pizza.
Pizza Dessert Philadelphia e Macedonia
Cut into wedges and serve it to your guests.
Follow carefully the following video.
For all those who need help to prepare the pizza, We remind you that on our website we have prepared for the less experienced good guides extremely easy to follow:
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Made this, tell me what you think. Our site now receives most of its traffic thanks to the many tips and advice on how to make pizza that we provide daily visitors. In your case however? because we follow? leave your comment.
Nutella pizza and Lemon Dessert Exquisite. Chocolate goes well with any other flavoring, from bitter to sweet, dall'acre spicy, there is practically no taste that the chocolate you do not exalt without hiding it.
When the intense taste of chocolate blends with the fresh fragrance of lemon a truly unique and incomparable marriage of flavors is born.
A classic dessert pizza
Today prepare a pizza “dessert” more good, figure at the top of my personal list.
The pairing given by the chocolate joined to the lemon, I have certainly invented it, and it is certainly not an invention of these pseudo modern chefs in vogue in the current television broadcasts, was already present on the notes of recipes from my grandmother was born in 1898 that somehow came to me only because of my love for pizza that this recipe is over on one of them.
The lemon scent is king in this delicious pizza, good is served hot or cold.
Pizza Nutella and Lemon Dessert Exquisite is very easy to prepare at home, also suitable for those who are beginners. Let's see how to prepare it helping with the pictures taken by me during the preparation. The first thing to do is to prepare the’dough. If you have any doubt you will find all the information on the mixture preparation in This Post.
The next step is the rising phase, Let ripen the mixture until its volume will not be doubled, to deepen this topic, followed our previous article on rising.
We arrived at the important step of applying the pizzas, if you are one of those / that and still use the rolling pin to roll out the pizzas, I invite you to see my article “the drafting of pizza” that explains step by step how to do this manually, with the aid of videos and photos.
The Pizza Nutella and Lemon Dessert Exquisite
Nutella pizza and Lemon Dessert ExquisiteNutella pizza and Lemon Dessert Exquisite
Using a spoon spread Nutella along the cornice of pizza.
Nutella pizza and Lemon Dessert ExquisiteNutella pizza and Lemon Dessert ExquisiteNutella pizza and Lemon Dessert Exquisite
Close the border, forming a cornice.
Nutella pizza and Lemon Dessert Exquisite
With a spoon, spread the inside of the pizza with lemon jam.
Nutella pizza and Lemon Dessert ExquisiteNutella pizza and Lemon
Impalate e bake in a hot oven, 300 degrees, until the edge turns out to be perfectly gold.
Nutella pizza and Lemon
Baked pizza and place them on a plate.
Nutella pizza and Lemon
Add the Smarties
Nutella pizza and Lemon
A dusting of icing sugar and your pizza is ready to be served to your guests.
I love the pizza and would like to become an expert pizza maker? Subscribe to our course professional online. For more information click here.
You do not know Smarties? Impossible….Have a look at wikipedia!!
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Pizza all’ananas. The pizza is definitely one of the most popular dishes in the world, presented in many ways with a wide variety of ingredients, from the simple focaccia or daisy use of original ingredients, to make so many different pizzas and pizza to pineapple is just one of them. The pizza pineapple and ham is also commonly called by the name “Hawaiian”. It could easily be classified as a dessert pizza, or inserted in the category of pizzas savory. Its main ingredients that make it up, I am the ham and pineapple, they mix well giving this pizza a bit’ and a bit of sweet aftertaste’ salty at the same time. This pizza is usually prepared by the classical basis of a daisy with the addition of pineapple pieces and cooked ham quality.
Pizza hawaiana
All Hawaiian Pineapple Pizza Recipe
The preparation of this pizza is very simple and is one of the few pizzas that do best when cooked in the oven at home, sugars pineapple remaining longer in the cooking in the oven at home, caramellano, giving the pizza a gorgeous color.
The dough is classic homemade pizza, you can find it described in this our previous article.
Once prepared the dough, dividetelo in 4 balls, cover with a clean cloth and let rise for about an hour, until its volume will not be doubled.
After the rising phase, helping you with your fingertips (or a rolling pin) roll the balls to form 4 discs of dough the diameter of about 30 cm.
Pizza with pineapple and ham
All Hawaiian Pineapple Pizza Recipe
Toss with tomato, mozzarella, pineapple cut into small pieces, ham cubes, Finally, add a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil, a pinch of salt and a few leaves of fresh basil.
Bake in your oven preheated to 200/250 degrees and bake for the Hawaiian 15 minutes, until edge is golden to perfection.
Serve warm combined with a light white wine.
You knew this recipe? Come prepari la pizza ananas a casa tua? Give your recipe in the comments on this page.
His Hawaiian pizza wikipedia
All Hawaiian Pineapple Pizza Recipe
The Apple pie with dough for pizza is very good and tasty. Halfway between sweet and savory cake made with this dough that we usually use to make pizza, It is also commonly called “apple cake”.
The apple cake, in this recipe it is made with the classic dough for homemade pizza, apples thinly sliced, two tablespoons of brown sugar to form a dough somewhere between sweet and salty. Focaccia with apples can be enriched with many other ingredients and seasoned to your liking. E’ delicious with strawberries, peaches, berries, with jam or with delicious Nutella. I have prepared for the snack, but it is also delicious served at breakfast.
Apple Pie with Pizza Dough
Apple Pie with Pizza Dough
For ingredients and doses, see our previous post: Pizza dough.
Apple Pie with Pizza Dough
Apple Pie with Pizza Dough
Let the mixture stand until doubled in volume, about an hour.
Apple Pie with Pizza Dough
Peel the apples and cut into cubes or prefer disc.
Arrange the apples on the entire surface of the pizza, brush with melted butter and add brown sugar sprinkled on the surface.
Let it sit for another hour.
Bake in an oven pre-heated to 200 degrees for 20 minutes until the board will be perfectly golden. The scent of apples surrounds you and you will understand that the cake of apples ready.
You never prepared the Apple Pie with Pizza Dough? Leave your comment or your recipe in the comments.
If you want to learn more about apples, consultation wikipedia.
Follow recipes Silvio Cicchi on social networks Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest e Linkedin.
If you are always looking for new ideas for delicious surprise your dinner guests, or are looking for new pizzas to be added to the menu of your pizzeria, here is the Nutella pizza and Philadelphia.
Pizza Nutella and philadelphia with cocoa and icing sugar
I have not yet happened to a client who said "no" to this incredible marriage of delicious flavors, children simply adore, not to mention the adults who go absolutely crazy!
Pizza Nutella and philadelphia with crushed biscuits
It is very easy to make a pizza at home, even for those who are beginners, a few simple ingredients that make this pizza the "number one" among the dessert pizzas to offer your guests.
The timing of the preparation of the pizza nutella and Philadelphia are very low and you can prepare it in advance as it should be eaten cold (not in the fridge).
Pizza with Nutella and bananas in philadelphia fettee chopped almonds
Pizza Nutella and Philadelphia: The Preparation
Pizza dough
Recipe homemade pizza
Flour500 grams
DO NOT use flour with baking powder already mixed in, or mixtures of meals. If you want to eat your pizza tonight for dinner, used a normal flour type "0", if it is produced from some local mill even better.
Water250 grams
Your tap water is not cold, around 20 degrees.
Extra virgin olive oil1-2 spoons
It is not of fundamental importance, but a few tablespoons of oil will improve the gluten of your pizza.
Sale5-10 grams (1-2 teaspoons)
Shortly sale, and never in direct contact with the yeast. To avoid making mistakes, add it to your mixture near the end.
Fresh yeast2-3 grams
It's not a typo, fresh yeast 2 the 3 grams. Considers that a cube of yeast bought at the supermarket weighs 25 grams, BUY therefore only a few crumbs. The granular yeast is fine but being dehydrated ferments, leavening take longer tempo.Non absolutely use the baking powder in sachets with or without vanillin..
If you have no experience in the preparation of the dough for pizza and rising, I suggest you read this my previous article.
Divide the dough into 4 balls and let them rest for an hour the rising phase in a container with lid.
After the rising phase flattened ballspizza to obtain 4 discs of dough by the diameter of 30 centimeters.
Season the circles of dough with salt, a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and rosemary that will be removed after cooking.
Bake in your oven preheated to 250 degrees for 10 minutes, when the board will be perfectly golden, baked buns and let them cool by removing the rosemary.
Pizza Nutella and Philadelphia: Preparation of the ingredients
Pour into a container Nutella and philadelphia
In a bowl, pour the Philadelphia cheese and Nutella, mix well and spread the cream on your pizza focaccia.
Stir Nutella and philadelphiaSpread the cream on the cake
To make elegant presentation of Pizza Nutella and Philadelphia, sprinkle with cocoa powder and powdered sugar. If it is to your liking, you can add a sprinkling of chopped almonds. In the dessert pizzas, you can use a sprig of fresh mint in place of fresh basil that is commonly used in the presentation of the pizzas.
Pizza Nutella and philadelphia
Serve the pizza dessert accompanied by a glass of prosecco!