Temperature Of The Oven To The Della Pizza Cooking. To obtain a good pizza is often not enough to have acquired the flour suitable for pizza, a good dough, a perfect leavening. The question that most often comes to me both from housewives preparing pizza at home, both by some professionals pizza, is the following: Chef Cicchi, at what temperature should I set my oven to cook pizza?
I dedicated a post previously devoted entirely to this subject which you can read by clicking here, but as times change and change quickly, the time has come to provide new instructions, fresh and detailed.
The answer is not difficult, but it is articulated and can be divided into two parts: The temperature to be set in the oven at home, and the temperature to be set in professional oven.
Council to save this page trà your favorite sites, There will definitely help the next time you prepare the pizza.
Temperature Of The Oven To The Della Pizza Cooking
The cooking pizza in the oven at home, Cooking pizza in a professional oven electric or gas, the pizza baking in a wood oven.

cooking temperature of the pizza in the oven at home:
Dear sisters and brothers who prepared the pizza at home, if the pizza in your oven at home is not “good”, The reasons could be many. HE the dough you used it as my, then we go on to the second point. If you have rested sufficiently the dough giving it a long time rising and your pizza is still over unpresentable, the cause of all this could be definitely the wrong cooking temperature. The pizza, va cotta a 300 degrees. What is the maximum temperature reaching your oven at home? 200 degrees? This explains the cause. Ventilated or static modern ovens easily reach these temperatures but what if you have an older model that barely reaches 200/250 degrees?
I at my house dispose of exactly one of these “older models”. With some of these simple measures can fully prepare a good pizza.
council 1: Place in your oven of firebricks.

Preheat your oven to maximum temperature, turn it on at least 30 minutes early before baking the pizza.
Open quickly, bake the pizza and fast richiudete.
Never open the oven door to look around or to see the degree of cooking pizza. Much of the heat would come out, and you end up with a pizza that once cooked, It will be of a white color and that will be rubbery chewing.
council 2: Because instead of the usual pizza pan in your oven, do not make pizza dish? The pizza pan is high, thick, they spend 5 just minutes before the heat after heating your pan, walk to the pizza contained therein. It would be preferable, therefore,, prepare pizzas to the plate, They are thin and cooking them in those forms of aluminum round by 30 centimeters would solve much of your problem. Now the pans aluminum round can be found anywhere, in all supermarkets.
council 3: On the market of the fantastic really cheap pizza ovens. If the pizza is often prepared at home, I strongly suggest you invest a few Euros for a pizza that will have nothing to envy to the one purchased at a pizzeria.
here they are, available on Amazon.
tribute: if you decide to purchase it by clicking this link, Amazon will refund to me of some EUR, and I will give’ in return for the perfect recipe to prepare pizza at home with this oven. Do you think that the pizza cooks in 3 minutes using this oven.
of pizza baking oven temperature Professional Electric or Gas

In professional pizza ovens on the market with top in refractory, the temperature to be set to get a good product is 300/330 degrees. The pizza takes to cook by 3 to 5 minutes.
of pizza baking temperature in the wood stove.
I love the wood-burning oven, but, Ugh, how much work. Often not even worth turning it on if you only need to prepare two pizzas. But who has a large family, or he may decide to make a pizza party for friends has a fantastic tool. We begin the description of how the pizza is cooked in a wood oven.

First the wood stove does not have a thermometer that indicates the degrees, or if it is available, in most cases it is not truthful, so we have to follow another natural method that will show us when he has reached the right temperature to bake pizza, caution, no bread but pizza.
Turn on your oven, you will notice that the whole vault of heaven (top of the oven) soon it will turn black. Move the fire side continuing to add fuel to the fire. You'll soon notice that just above the flame, slowly the upper oven will start once the white color. When the white will have exceeded half of the time (3/4), your oven is ready to cook your pizzas. A wood-burning oven that works every day, It employs on average 45 minutes before being ready to temperature, but if your wood stove is turned on rarely, It will take more than an hour before you are ready to bake the pizza. For the curious, when the roof of the furnace will be completely white color, your oven has a temperature of about 450 degrees.
A wood-burning oven at the right temperature bakes a pizza to the dish in less than a minute, about 45 seconds, pizza goes on continuously because the part of the flame quickly darkens.
Temperature Of The Oven To The Della Pizza Cooking
To prepare a good pizza we need:
A good meal
Successful proving
A perfect application of the pizza
Familiar with the ingredients used and the right doses.
A good oven to cook a perfect pizza.
If you are a pizza lover, and you would like to prepare it at home as an expert pizza maker, subscribe to our ongoing professional pizzaiolo ONLINE, or attend a practical course at our Italian School of Pizza.
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