Category archives: Dough

How to Create a Gourmet Pizza with Quality Ingredients

How to Create a Gourmet Pizza with Quality Ingredients

How to Create a Gourmet Pizza with Quality Ingredients

Hello pizza-loving friends! Today I want to share with you a guide on how to create a gourmet pizza using quality ingredients. There is nothing more satisfying than making a delicious pizza in your own kitchen, with carefully chosen ingredients. And with a little’ of practice and the right advice, you will be able to make a pizza that will have nothing to envy of that of the best pizzerias. Then, let's get to work immediately!

The Preparation of the Dough

The secret of a good gourmet pizza starts from the base: the dough. A well-made dough is essential to obtain a pizza with a crust that is crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside. The preparation of the dough requires attention and a little’ of time, but I assure you that it is worth it.

To prepare a perfect dough, you will need high quality flour, water, yeast, salt and a pinch of sugar. Here is a simple recipe that you can follow:

  1. Ingredients:
    • 500g of typical flour “00”
    • 300ml of warm water
    • 10g of salt
    • 5g of sugar
    • 25g of fresh yeast (or 7g of dry yeast)
  2. Procedure:
    • Dissolve the yeast and sugar in the warm water.
    • In a large bowl, mix the flour and salt.
    • Gradually add the water with the yeast to the flour, mixing until you obtain a homogeneous mixture.
    • Transfer the dough to a floured surface and knead for approximately 10 minutes, until it becomes smooth and elastic.
    • Cover the dough with a damp cloth and let it rise for at least 2 hours in a warm place.

Quality ingredients for a Gourmet Pizza

Once your dough is ready, it's time to choose the ingredients for your gourmet pizza. The quality of the ingredients will really make a difference in the final result. Here are some tips:

  • Tomatoes: Use high-quality San Marzano or peeled tomatoes. They have a sweet, rich flavor that will give your pizza an authentic taste.
  • Mozzarella: Opt for DOP buffalo mozzarella or fior di latte. They are fresh cheeses that melt perfectly and have a delicate flavor.
  • Extra virgin olive oil: A drizzle of good quality EVO oil will add a touch of extra flavour.
  • Fresh herbs: Fresh basil, oregano and rosemary can elevate the taste of your pizza.

Cooking Pizza

Cooking is another fundamental step to obtain a perfect gourmet pizza. If you have a wood-fired oven, you are lucky, because this is the traditional and best way to cook a pizza. However, even a good home oven can give excellent results.

  • Wood oven: Heat the wood oven to a temperature of approximately 450-500°C. Cook the pizza for 1-2 minutes, turning halfway through cooking to ensure even cooking.
  • Electric oven: Preheat the oven to maximum temperature (250-300°C). Cook the pizza on a baking stone or perforated baking tray for approx 10-12 minutes, until the crust is golden brown and the cheese is melted and lightly browned.

Catering and Innovation

If you are passionate about pizza and like to experiment, I suggest you to sign up for our pizza chef courses that we organize in our Silvio Cicchi pizza school. who, you will be able to learn advanced pizza preparation and cooking techniques, as well as discovering new gourmet recipes. Our school is the ideal place for those who want to turn their passion for pizza into a profession or simply improve their culinary skills.

Experimenting with Gourmet Recipes

One of the most fun things in preparing gourmet pizza is the possibility of experimenting with new ingredients and combinations. Here are some ideas to inspire you:

  • Pizza with raw ham and rocket: After cooking pizza with tomato and mozzarella, add slices of raw ham, fresh rocket and flakes of Parmigiano Reggiano.
  • Pizza with Porcini Mushrooms and Truffle: Use a white base with mozzarella, fresh porcini mushrooms and a sprinkling of grated truffle for a rich, earthy flavor.
  • Burrata and Tomato Pizza: Cook the pizza with a tomato and mozzarella base, then add fresh burrata and cherry tomatoes cut in half, seasoning with a drizzle of EVO oil and fresh basil.

A Special Invitation

Dear readers, I hope these tips have been useful to you and have inspired you to create your own gourmet pizza with quality ingredients. If you want to learn more about preparation and cooking techniques, sign up for our pizza chef courses that we organize in our Silvio Cicchi pizza school. And don't forget to visit and subscribe to my YouTube channel, where you will find more of 300 videos of pizza recipes prepared by the pizza chef students who participate in our courses.

Thanks for reading and have fun cooking!

Greetings from Silvio Cicchi.



the history of yeast in the preparation of pizza

Choosing the Right Wheat for a Rustic Pizza: Farro, Wholemeal or Multigrain?

Choosing the Right Wheat for a Rustic Pizza: Farro, Wholemeal or Multigrain? Dear friends of good pizza,

Have you ever dreamed of preparing a rustic pizza that delights the palate and nourishes the body? Well, today we will talk about exactly this: how to choose the perfect type of wheat for a pizza with an authentic and genuine flavour.

When it comes to pizza flour, we are faced with a vast choice: Spelt, integral, multigrain and so on. But which one to use to get the best result?

Let's start with spelled. This ancient grain is known for its nutritious properties and slightly nutty flavor. Spelled flour is great for those looking for a rustic pizza with a slightly crunchier texture and distinctive flavor. Its processing takes a while’ pay more attention when preparing the dough, but the end result is definitely worth it.

Now let's move on to wholemeal flour. Rich in fiber and nutrients, wholemeal flour is the ideal choice for those who want a healthier and more nutritious pizza. Its slightly denser texture gives the pizza a solid base and robust flavor. Perfect for a rustic pizza that tastes of authenticity.

At Last, we have the multigrain flour. This blend of different types of grains adds depth of flavor and texture to the pizza. With multigrain flour, you can create a rustic pizza with a unique mix of flavors and an interesting texture. It is an excellent option for those who love to experiment and surprise their palate.

But which one to choose? The answer depends on your personal tastes and dietary needs. If you are undecided, why not try all three and find out which one you like best?

And if you want to learn all the techniques to prepare a perfect pizza, we invite you to sign up for our pizza maker courses at our Silvio Cicchi pizza school. During our courses, you will learn everything about preparing dough, cooking pizza and much more. You will become true pizza masters!

Not only will you be able to learn directly from Silvio Cicchi, but you can also subscribe to his YouTube channel, which contains more than 300 videos of pizza recipes prepared by pizza chef students who have attended our courses.


At that time, what are you waiting for? Choose your favorite type of wheat and start experimenting in the kitchen. And don't forget to share your successes with us!

With love,

Silvio Cicchi


Gluten free pizza how to make it at home

Gluten free pizza how to make it at home

The pizza gluten free how to make it at home. To make gluten-free pizza at home, you must use one gluten free flour like that of rice, more, buckwheat or quinoa. You can find them in specialty stores or online.

To prepare the, start by mixing the flour with the water, the oil and the yeast, then add salt and sugar to your taste.

Work your dough well

The dough should be worked until it becomes elastic and does not stick to your hands.

Leave rise for at least 30 minutes. After that, form the pizza with the dough and add the toppings to your liking. Bake in preheated oven a 220 degrees for 15-20 minutes.

Gluten free pizza how to make it at home

E’ It is important to note that some gluten-free flours they do not have the same texture or the same properties as those with gluten, so you may need to experiment a bit’ to obtain the desired consistency.

Want to know more? Sign up for one of our "Practical Professional Courses”. All information here.


Silvio Cicchi

Visit my youtube channel and subscribe.

Fried Pizzelle

Fried Pizzelle

Fried Pizzelle. They are a specialty of origins Neapolitan. Over time they have become famous all over the world even if somewhere they are called by a different name: Montanare.

They are prepared with the dough of bread or of the pizza and fries. After frying, tomato sauce is added in the center and grated Parmesan cheese to flavor everything.

A delight for the palate

They are perfect for the table buffet to birthdays, appetizers and any kind of party since everyone likes them, both adults and children.

Present Day many bars who prepare aperitifs prepare them hot for their guests.

Fried Pizzelle

You know the recipe for fried pizzelle? I suggest you do the download of my latest collection of recipes which is called: Non Solo Pizza. Contains lots of recipes including pizzelle, find her at this link.

Appointment in a few days for other news on pizza and its derivatives.


Silvio Cicchi

Visit my Youtube channel



Pizza Dough Boxes

Pizza Dough Boxes

Pizza Dough Boxes. Today we continue with our useful suggestions to obtain a perfect dough both at home and in the pizzeria.

We are talking about the very useful dough boxes that are used in all pizzerias after having formed the balls, these plastic boxes are used for the maturation dough.

Very useful boxes for storing pizza dough

All those who prepare pizza at home certainly already have this useful tool. For those who still do not have it here is how and where they can be purchased.

The dough boxes are available in different sizes, to be adapted to all types of fridge on the market.

Pizza Dough Boxes
Pizza Dough Boxes

Pizza Dough Boxes

Before making your choice, get yourself a measuring tape and measure the space available inside your refrigerator well.

Tip number one: Small size dough box, 30x40x10 centimeters high. Suitable for all home refrigerators.

Other dough boxes

Professional crates for pizzeria fridges: 2 boxes with lid with dimensions 60x40x10

Also this professional box for large pizzeria refrigerators, 60x40x10 with lid.

More choices

Another small size dough box 30x40x10, without cover. Caution, balls in the refrigerator must always be hermetically sealed, so we assume that you already own a lid.

Another type of home refrigerator box with small dimensions, i.e. 30x40x10 with lid, very reasonably priced and fast delivery in one day with Amazon prime.


As you can see, there is a wide choice to be able to make a perfect pizza at home as well. Follow our advice.

Instead for all those who want to improve or learn more about the art of pizza and bread making, a fantastic professional course is available in our pizza school. You will find all the information at this link.


Our courses are individual (one to one) suitable for everyone, whether you are planning to open your own pizzeria, whether you are simply a lover of this fantastic art.

Appointment in a few days for other very useful information on the fantastic world of pizza.

Silvio Cicchi

The Strength Of Flour Discover The Differences

The Strength Of Flour Discover The Differences

The Strength Of Flour Discover The Differences. As you may have noticed, flours are not all the same, they differ not only by the name of the manufacturer, nor just by the type which is clearly specified on the front of the bag: Type 0, Type 00, Integral etc..

The most important thing that is often not mentioned is the so-called "Strength of Flours" indicated by the symbol W. This symbol is certainly the most important thing to take into consideration when we are faced with the choice of which one to buy, this symbol represents the quantity of proteins contained in it.

The Strength Of Flour Discover The Differences

In a few simple words, the use and the same processing method that we are going to apply depends on this symbol. We can classify the various categories of flours in: Weak, Average, Strong and very strong. This classification makes us understand the water absorption capacity for each type of flour so that the best gluten mesh for each product is created.

The work of proteins

Glutenin and Gliadin are the two main ones protein contained in our flour. Glutenin helps us to make the elastic dough responsible for the gluten mesh. Gliadin helps us to preserve the gluten mesh during drafting, preventing it from being destroyed.

As usual, I'll give you an example regarding pizza: Using flour with a strength greater than w240, perfect for pizza and bakery we will have a dough with an excellent gluten mesh and the gliadin contained in it will ensure that the gluten mesh resists the strong stresses of the drafting.

The strength of the flour

Unfortunately, the symbol W is not indicated in all types of flour, so we just have to read the protein content on the bag.

Flour 00: it is the most used even if it is the weakest flour on the market. Its strength ranges from W90 to W180. Suitable for biscuits, breadsticks and shortcrust pastry that do not want long leavening.

Flour 0: It has an average strength with 10 the 12% protein. His W goes from 180 to 280. With a water absorption equal to 60% about its weight is suitable for medium leavening doughs, perfect for pizza bread, pasta and various bakery products.

Strong Flours

Flour 1: Come on, come on 180 to 300 and a percentage of protein that reaches up to 14, they absorb a lot of water and is suitable for doughs with long leavening and aging in the fridge that can reach up to 4-5 days. Not recommended for quick doughs at home. Perfect for bread, pizza and focaccia but with long maturations.

Flour 2: It is already noticeable from the darker color that it contains a lot of bran, has a strength W that can even reach 350. It absorbs a lot of water and is suitable for long leavening.

Other flours

Wholemeal flour: It has a very high strength and is suitable for long leavening. Wholemeal flour is difficult to rise so I suggest you mix it with a weaker type flour 0 the 00.

The strength of the flour is the basis of the pizza chef's work. During our professional practical courses to become professional pizza chefs, this topic is addressed on the first day of the course. If you are interested in becoming an excellent pizza chef follow this link.


If, on the other hand, you do not have the time or resources to attend the practical course in person, I remind you that here on our site there is a fantastic "Pizzaiolo Online Course" that you can download on your PC or mobile phone and follow from the comfort of your home during your free time. You'll find it here.

If you haven't already, download my latest book of delicious pizzeria recipes, is called: NOT ONLY PIZZA - What should have all the pizzerias in your menu. You'll find it here.

See you soon

Silvio Cicchi



How to calculate how much dough to put in the pan

How to calculate how much dough to put in the pan

How to calculate how much dough to put in the pan. There are so many people who regularly prepare pizza at home. The preparation of the dough is not a difficult thing, indeed very easy, on our site in dough section you will find many types of dough to prepare at home next weekend.

However, one of the most frequently asked questions I am asked, is certainly to know how much dough to put in pan when we prepare it.

How to calculate how much dough to put in the pan

It is not easy to answer this question, since we have different tastes, who likes it thin, those who want it thick, so what you will find next is a suitable suggestion for a type of pizza that will be baked in your home oven.

As you well know, the home oven is not an oven suitable for cooking pizza. To prevent it from drying out too much we must prepare it not too thin, that can hold up well a cooking that can sometimes go up to 15/20 minutes.

Let's calculate the amount of dough to put in our pan

The first thing to do will be to calculate the area of ​​the pan and multiply it by 0,60. Here are some practical examples:

Let's take as an example a classic rectangular baking pan, then base by height multiplied 0,60. The classic home oven pan measures 30 cm the base e 20 cm in height, then we will calculate 30 x 20 x 0,60 = 360 grams of dough

Another example of calculation

If you have a square pan of 30 base and 30 height, the calculation of the weight of the dough will be: 30 x 30 x 0,60 = 540 grams of dough that you will have to carefully roll out in your pan.

If, on the other hand, you have the classic round pans, the calculation will be even easier: Radius x Radius x 3,14 x 0,60. If the pan has a diameter of 28 cm, the radius will be 14 cm, then the calculation of the dough to be placed on our round pan will be: 14 x 14 x 3,14 x 0,60 = 370 grams of dough.

Drawing up

After placing the dough on the pan, you will have to carefully spread it over the entire surface, avoiding tearing it. Cover it with a cloth or give it a brush of oil and wait a few hours for it to rise. As soon as it has risen, season and bake in a hot oven.

On our site there is a great Of Pizzaiolo Online Course. You can download it on your mobile and follow it comfortably from the sofa of your home. You'll find all the information at this link.

You have already downloaded my latest cookbook? Do it now, you will find it here.

Follow and subscribe to my youtube channel, you'll find hundreds of video recipes for pizza.


See you soon

Silvio Cicchi



How To Store Pizza Dough To Have It Always Ready Available

How To Store Pizza Dough To Have It Always Ready Available. I state that these suggestions are suitable for those who often want to prepare pizza at home.

As you can imagine, the whole process of preparing a good pizza is long, often we do not have enough time and many times we give up. Better to go to a pizzeria and buy it ready.

How To Store Pizza Dough To Have It Always Ready Available

With this little tip, you will be able to prepare your own pizza at home in less than you say.

Just follow this little trick to have the dough always ready and available to prepare an excellent pizza at home.

How to store the dough

Once the dough has been prepared, divide it into balls 250 grams, this is the first operation to do.

If you plan to make pizza in the next two or three days, store the dough in an airtight container and place it in the refrigerator. The dough will keep perfectly for two or 3 days at a temperature of 2/3 degrees.

If you want to use the dough for a longer time than 3 days, we just have to freeze it. After forming the balls, spread a little oil on the surface, cover them with plastic wrap and leave them in the freezer.

How to reuse them

When you need it, take them out of the freezer at least 8/10 hours before. Just the time they need to defrost. The dough keeps quite well in the freezer.

As I clearly stated at the beginning of this article, these suggestions are suitable for those who often prepare pizza at home, certainly not for a pizzeria business. There are no pizzerias that freeze the dough before using it, or at least I hope.


If you are a pizza lover, sign up for one of our professional practical courses that we organize weekly in our pizza school. You will find more information about ours courses at this link.

For those who do not have the time or resources to come to our pizza school, I remember that here on our site there is a fantastic "Online Pizzaiolo Course" that you can follow from the comfort of your home, just download it on your mobile. All the information of course pizza maker Online Here.


If you have not already done, it is already possible to download my latest recipe book called: NOT ONLY PIZZA - What should have all the pizzerias in your menu. More information at this link.

See you soon

Silvio Cicchi



The Pizza Prosciuttella

How To Make A Crunchy Pizza

Article updated on 09/09/2022

How To Make A Crunchy Pizza. Today we will discover the trick or secret to prepare a crunchy and yummy pizza. Let's start with choosing the perfect flour for our dough.

Whether it's the classic homemade pizza, or a plate of pizza in a pizzeria, to get the right crunchiness, or to use an Anglo-Saxon word the right "crunch", we must use a flour of type zero, because it is rich in gluten.

How To Make A Crunchy Pizza

There are many types of flours, but certainly the soft wheat flour type zero is the most suitable. Contains a high amount of gluten.

The high amount of gluten will allow us to obtain a dough with excellent elasticity, this will help us to work it correctly throughout its phase.

Why this type of flour

A dough rich in gluten can stand the long hours of rising without any problem, this will give us not only a good crunchiness, but the dough will be light and perfectly digestible.

So from now on, pay attention to what type of flour you will buy to prepare the pizza, but not only, for all types of leavened products including bread, flour type zero it is perfect for this type of work.


If you like bread making, if you are a pizza lover, do not hesitate. Subscribe to one of our Professional workshops that we carry out regularly in our school pizza Italian. You will find all information at this link.

For the less fortunate who do not have the time or resources to come to our pizza school and attend a practical course, I remember that here on our site a fantastic online pizza chef course is available for everyone. You can easily download it on your pc or mobile phone and follow it from your home during your free time. You'll find all the information on course online at this link.

Before leaving

Let's move on to the greetings, you have already downloaded my latest recipe book which is called: NOT ONLY PIZZA - What should have all the pizzerias in your menu? Fantastic e-book with 150 color illustrations of recipes that are monuments of Italian cuisine. To learn more, please click here.

If you still have a few minutes left, visit my youtube channel, you will find hundreds of classic and light pizza recipes, Sign up.


See you soon

Silvio Cicchi


Rising Temperature Of The Pizza

Rising Temperature Of The Pizza

Rising Temperature Of The Pizza. In our previous article, we have explained everything about the various types of yeast. Today we spend a few words on the process of rising.

The leavening process is formed by the effect of gases produced within our dough from live products, the mushrooms of our yeast. The bread or pizza will form a honeycomb structure (the famous air bubbles) that will make our product easy to eat and very pleasant to taste.

Rising Temperature Of The Pizza

Brewer's yeast (saccharomyces cerevisiae) it feeds on carbohydrates and produces gas in the form of carbon dioxide and ethanol. Our carbon dioxide is responsible for the swelling of the dough (air bubbles) while ethanol which is a type of alcohol, evaporates during cooking.

The temperature is very important to obtain an excellent leavening.

At the temperature of 2/6 degrees the yeast metabolism is blocked, in fact at these temperatures we ripen in the refrigerator. The yeast stick can also be kept in the fridge 3 the 4 weeks, but beware, because old cells lose their leavening strength.

If stored at temperatures above 38 degrees its cells slowly die and its leavening strength will be drastically reduced.

Rising Temperature Of The Pizza

At what temperature the leavening?

Above the 7 /8 degrees the yeast begins its work, the production of carbon dioxide occurs, even if the optimal temperature is between 24 degrees and 30 degrees.

Professionals use leavening cells set to 28/30 degrees and suitably humidified. And, because humidity is very important, without it a crust would form on bread or pizza balls and prevent them from increasing in volume (rising).

Final Annotations

Don't be intimidated by this process, it is much more difficult to say than to make it happen. In any case, you can always enroll in one of our professional practical courses and become a perfect pizza chef. Find out all about our courses. Visit this link.

If you do not have free time or resources to come to our school, I remind you that here on our site there is a fantastic "Pizzaiolo Online Course" available for everyone that you can download on your PC or phone and follow from the comfort of your home during your free time. For all information on the online pizza chef course click here.

We got to the greetings, but before doing that I wanted to remind you to download my book which is called: NOT ONLY PIZZA and that you can find at this link.

See you soon

Silvio Cicchi