L'arte della presentazione come rendere la tua pizza appetitosa anche agli occhi

The art of presentation: how to make your pizza appetizing even to the eyes

Hello pizza chef friends and cooking enthusiasts! Today I want to talk to you about a fundamental aspect for any self-respecting pizzeria: the art of pizza presentation. Because, let's face it, a delicious pizza is certainly important, but a pizza that is also a feast for the eyes can really make the difference. Prepare to amaze your customers not only with taste, but also with sight, it is one of the keys to success in catering.

Beauty in Simplicity

Before going into the details of preparing dough and cooking pizza, I want to start with a fundamental concept: simplicity. Often, the simplest things are the most beautiful. Think of the classic Margherita: tomato, mozzarella, basil. Three simple ingredients that, if arranged carefully, they create a harmonious and appetizing image.

Dough preparation: The Base of Everything

Every great pizza starts with great dough. The preparation of dough is an art that requires time and patience. Use quality flours and dedicate the right time to leavening. A well-prepared dough not only guarantees a light and digestible pizza, but it also offers a perfect basis for a flawless presentation.

If you are interested in perfecting your dough preparation techniques, sign up for our pizza chef courses that we organize in our Silvio Cicchi pizza school. Here you can learn from the best and discover all the secrets for a perfect dough.

Colors and Contrasts

One of the most important aspects of pizza presentation is the use of colors. A colorful dish is always more inviting. Think of the bright reds of tomatoes, to the bright greens of basil and the creamy whites of mozzarella. Playing with color contrasts can transform a simple pizza into a work of art.

When you add the ingredients, do it with care. Distribute the peppers evenly, the olive, rocket leaves or any other ingredient, in order to create a visual balance. A little trick is to think of your pizza as a canvas to paint: each ingredient is a color with which you can create your masterpiece.

Attention to Details

Details make the difference. An attentive pizza chef knows that even small details can transform a normal pizza into an extraordinary one. Eg, a drizzle of raw extra virgin olive oil, added just before serving, It can add shine and enrich the flavor. The same goes for a sprinkling of parmesan or fresh herbs.

Pizza cooking: The Moment of Truth

Cooking the pizza is another crucial moment. Perfect cooking not only guarantees exceptional taste, but it also contributes to the aesthetics of the dish. The oven must be very hot and the pizza must cook quickly to obtain a crispy base and a soft edge. Choice of oven (the largest, electric, gas) can affect the final result, but the most important thing is to constantly monitor cooking to prevent the pizza from burning or cooking unevenly.

Placing and Service

Plating also has its importance. A pizza served on a beautiful plate, maybe decorated with a little’ of flour or with a sprig of rosemary, can make a big impression. Remember that the first impression is what counts: a pizza that arrives at the table beautiful to look at is already half the success.

Sharing the Passion

Pizza presentation is a true art form that can only be refined with practice and passion. I invite you to share your creations and continue learning. And what better way to do it than by enrolling in our pizza chef courses that we organize in our Silvio Cicchi pizza school? You will learn not only to prepare delicious pizzas, but also to present them as true professionals.

Final greetings

With this, I greet you and thank you for taking the time to read these tips on pizza presentation. Remember that every detail counts and that the love for what you do is always reflected in the final result. Please feel free to visit and subscribe to my YouTube channel, where you will find more of 300 videos of pizza recipes prepared by pizza chef students who enroll in our courses. We are waiting for you!

Best regards,

Silvio Cicchi



La pizza nel futuro previsioni e scenari per l'evoluzione del settore

Pizza in the Future: Forecasts and Scenarios for the Evolution of the Sector

Hello to all, pizza lovers! Today I want to take you on a journey into the future of pizza, exploring together the forecasts and scenarios that could shape the evolution of this much-loved sector. Imagine a pizzeria of the future, where technological innovations and new gastronomic trends come together to create unforgettable culinary experiences. Ready? let's begin!

The Revolution of Dough Preparation

One of the areas in which we will certainly see big changes is the preparation of dough. The artisan tradition, with its long leavening hours and the use of high quality ingredients, will continue to be the heart of the pizzeria. However, Food technology and science will offer new possibilities to improve and innovate.

The introduction of advanced machinery for precise measurement of ingredients and management of temperatures could guarantee perfect dough every time. In addition to, research on new types of flour, such as those without gluten or enriched with superfoods, it could lead to healthier and tastier doughs.

The Catering of the Future: Pizzerie High-Tech

The catering of the future will not just be about delicious food, but also of experience. Pizzerias will transform into interactive environments where technology will play a fundamental role. Imagine touch screens for ordering, augmented reality systems to view pizzas before ordering them, and perhaps robots that help with preparation and service.

This technological integration will not only improve efficiency, but it will also create a unique experience for customers. However, It is important that these innovations do not lose sight of the importance of human touch and hospitality, elements that make the pizzeria a special place.

Cooking Pizza: Tradition and Innovation

Cooking pizza is an art that requires precision and passion. In the future, we will see a mix of traditional and innovative methods. Wood-fired ovens, with their ability to give a unique flavor to the pizza, will continue to be appreciated. At the same time, new generation electric and gas ovens, with precise control of temperature and humidity, will allow you to obtain excellent results in less time.

In addition to, the use of new cooking techniques, like sous-vide before final cooking, it could lead to pizzas with textures and flavors never experienced before. The challenge will be to maintain the balance between innovation and respect for the traditions that make pizza such a beloved dish.

The New Trends in Taste

Consumer preferences are constantly evolving, and the pizzerias of the future will have to adapt to these new trends. We will see an increase in demand for gourmet pizzas, with high quality ingredients and bold flavor combinations. Vegetarian pizzas, vegan and gluten-free will become increasingly common, responding to the needs of a public that is more attentive to health and sustainability.

In addition to, international influences will continue to play an important role, with the introduction of ingredients and techniques from different cuisines of the world. This fusion of tradition and innovation will give life to unique pizzas, capable of surprising and delighting the most demanding palates.

Training and Professional Growth: The Role of the Pizza School

A fundamental aspect for the future of the sector is the training of pizza chefs. Our Silvio Cicchi Pizza School is committed to preparing the professionals of tomorrow, offering high quality courses covering all aspects of pizza preparation. Sign up for our pizza chef courses that we organize in our Silvio Cicchi pizza school to acquire the skills necessary to excel in this constantly evolving sector.

Our courses are not limited to theory, but they offer extensive laboratory practice, where students can experiment and perfect the techniques learned. In addition to, Our school promotes a collaborative learning environment, where each student can grow and learn from others.

Conclusion: A Bright Future for Pizza

The future of pizza is full of possibilities and innovations. The pizzerias of tomorrow will combine tradition and technology to offer unforgettable culinary experiences. The preparation of the dough, cooking, and taste trends will continue to evolve, responding to consumer needs and pushing the boundaries of gastronomic creativity.

If you are passionate about pizza and want to be part of this exciting evolution, I invite you to visit ours Silvio Cicchi's Pizza School and sign up for our pizza chef courses. In addition to, Don't forget to visit and subscribe to my YouTube channel, where you will find further 300 videos of pizza recipes prepared by pizza chef students who enroll in our courses. Thanks for reading and I'll see you soon!

Greetings from Silvio Cicchi



The Secrets of Yeast: How to Get a Soft and Fragrant Pizza

Hello to all, pizza friends! Today I want to share with you the secrets to obtaining a soft and fragrant pizza, just like the one you find in the best pizzerias. If you are passionate about pizza and want to improve your preparation technique, this post is perfect for you. And if you are really serious about becoming a master pizza chef, I invite you to sign up for our pizza chef courses that we organize in our Silvio Cicchi Pizza School. But let's start immediately to discover all the tricks of the trade!

The Heart of Pizza: The yeast

Yeast is the magic ingredient that transforms a simple dough into a delicious, soft and fragrant pizza. But not all yeasts are the same, and knowing which one to use can make a big difference. There are mainly two types of yeast that we can use: brewer's yeast and sourdough.

Brewer's yeast is the most common in pizza dough preparations. It is easy to use and guarantees fast and uniform leavening. However, the sourdough starter, or natural yeast, it is what gives the pizza a unique flavor and a lighter and more digestible consistency. Even if it requires more time and care, the end result is absolutely worth it.

The Preparation of the Dough: Crucial Phase

Preparing the dough is one of the most important phases in creating a perfect pizza. First of all, it is essential to choose a good flour. Strong flours, with a high protein content, they are ideal for preparing dough because they are able to better retain the gas produced by the yeast, making the dough more elastic and the pizza softer.

Here is a basic recipe for a classic dough:

  • 500g of typical flour “00”
  • 300ml of water
  • 10g of salt
  • 3g of fresh brewer's yeast (or 1g of dry yeast)
  • 1 spoon of extra virgin olive oil

Start by dissolving the yeast in water at room temperature. Gradually add the flour and knead until you obtain a homogeneous mixture. At this point, add the salt and oil, continuing to knead for at least 10-15 minutes, until the dough is smooth and elastic.

Let the dough rise in a bowl covered with a damp cloth or cling film for at least 2 hours, or until it has doubled in volume. If you use sourdough, leavening may take longer, even up to 24 hours.

Cooking Pizza: The Moment of Truth

Cooking the pizza is another crucial step that can greatly influence the final result. Ideally, pizza should be cooked in a wood-fired oven, which can reach very high temperatures, around 400-500 degrees Celsius. However, even a good domestic oven can give excellent results if used correctly.

Preheat the oven to the highest possible temperature, usually around 250 degrees Celsius, and place a refractory stone on the central grill. The baking stone helps maintain an even temperature and cook the pizza more like a wood-fired oven. Once the oven is hot, transfer the rolled out dough onto the stone and cook for 10-15 minutes, until the edge is golden and crispy.

Final Tips for a Perfect Pizza

Now that you know the secrets of yeast, of the dough and cooking, here are some additional tips to further improve your pizza:

  • Use fresh, quality ingredients: San Marzano tomatoes, buffalo mozzarella and fresh basil can make a big difference in the flavor of your pizza.
  • Don't overdo it with the seasonings: A pizza that is too full of ingredients can become soft and difficult to cook. Keep it simple to get the best result.
  • Let the dough rest: After the first leavening, divide the dough into balls and let them rest for at least 30 minutes before rolling them out. This makes the dough easier to work with and improves the texture of the pizza.
  • Sign up for our pizza maker courses: If you really want to master the art of pizza, our courses are the perfect opportunity to learn from the best. Silvio Cicchi's Pizza School offers courses for all levels, from beginners to aspiring professional pizza chefs.

Greetings and Special Invitation

Thanks for reading this far! I hope these tips have been helpful and inspired you to make some amazing pizzas. I invite you to visit and subscribe to my YouTube channel, where you will find further 300 videos of pizza recipes prepared by pizza chef students who enroll in our courses. I can't wait to see your creations!

Warm greetings from Silvio Cicchi, and good pizza to everyone!



Pizza and travel exploring pizza traditions around the world

Pizza and travel: exploring pizza traditions around the world

Benvenuti cari lettori! Oggi ci tuffiamo in un’avventura golosa e affascinante: esplorare le tradizioni pizzaiole in giro per il mondo. The pizza, questo piatto amato e conosciuto ovunque, ha radici profonde e tradizioni varie che rendono ogni morso un’esperienza unica. Preparatevi a un viaggio gustoso attraverso continenti e culture diverse, scoprendo insieme come la pizza è diventata un fenomeno globale.

Le Origini della Pizza

La storia della pizza inizia a Napoli, dove è nata la pizza Margherita. Questa semplice combinazione di pomodoro, mozzarella e basilico non è solo deliziosa, ma simboleggia anche i colori della bandiera italiana. La preparazione impasti in questa città segue ancora le antiche tradizioni, con un’attenzione maniacale alla qualità degli ingredienti e al processo di lievitazione. Le pizzerie di Napoli sono famose in tutto il mondo e rappresentano una tappa obbligata per ogni amante della pizza.

La Pizza in America

Attraversando l’Atlantico, la pizza ha trovato una seconda casa negli Stati Uniti. who, la pizza ha subito trasformazioni creative che l’hanno resa un’icona della ristorazione americana. La New York-style pizza, con la sua crosta sottile e croccante, è ideale per essere piegata e mangiata al volo. Chicago ha invece sviluppato la deep-dish pizza, una torta alta e ricca di formaggio e sugo di pomodoro. Ogni città ha la sua variante, dimostrando quanto la pizza possa essere versatile.

L’Asia e l’Innovazione

In Asia, la pizza ha preso una piega innovativa. In Japan, le pizzerie offrono versioni creative con ingredienti locali come il mais dolce, la maionese e persino il pesce crudo. La Corea del Sud ha sviluppato la pizza con crosta di riso, che aggiunge una texture croccante unica. Queste variazioni dimostrano come la pizza possa essere adattata ai gusti locali mantenendo sempre il suo fascino universale.

La Pizza in Sud America

Anche in Sud America, la pizza ha trovato una calorosa accoglienza. In Brasile, la pizza viene spesso condita con una vasta gamma di ingredienti, dai classici come il pomodoro e la mozzarella, fino a opzioni più esotiche come i frutti di mare e le banane. Buenos Aires, con la sua grande comunità italiana, offre pizzerie che mantengono vive le tradizioni napoletane, ma con un tocco argentino.

La Pizza in Europa

Tornando in Europa, ogni paese ha la sua interpretazione unica della pizza. In Germany, for example, si trova la Flammkuchen, una sorta di pizza sottile condita con panna acida, cipolle e pancetta. In France, la Tarte Flambée alsaziana segue una tradizione simile. Anche i paesi nordici hanno sviluppato le loro versioni, spesso utilizzando ingredienti locali come il salmone affumicato.

La Magia della Preparazione Impasti

La preparazione impasti è un’arte che richiede pazienza e precisione. Che si tratti di una pizza napoletana tradizionale o di una versione innovativa, l’impasto è la base su cui si costruisce tutto il resto. La lievitazione lenta, la scelta delle farine e la manipolazione manuale sono aspetti cruciali che determinano la qualità finale della pizza. La nostra scuola della pizza di Silvio Cicchi offre corsi specializzati dove imparare tutti i segreti della preparazione impasti e della cottura pizza. Iscriviti ai nostri corsi di pizzaiolo per diventare un maestro pizzaiolo e portare questa arte nelle tue mani.

Cooking Pizza

Un altro elemento fondamentale è la cottura pizza. I forni a legna sono spesso considerati i migliori per raggiungere la temperatura ideale e conferire quel sapore affumicato che rende la pizza unica. However, anche i forni elettrici e a gas possono produrre ottimi risultati se utilizzati correttamente. La nostra scuola di pizza offre sessioni pratiche per insegnare le tecniche di cottura più efficaci, garantendo che ogni pizza esca perfettamente cotta e deliziosa.

Sign up for our courses

If you are passionate about pizza and want to deepen your knowledge, sign up for our pizza maker courses that we organize in our Silvio Cicchi pizza school. Our courses are designed for everyone, from beginners to professionals, e offrono un’esperienza completa che copre ogni aspetto della preparazione e cottura pizza.

Il Mio Canale YouTube

Before leaving, vi invito a visitare ed iscrivervi al mio canale YouTube, where you will find further 300 videos of pizza recipes prepared by pizza chef students who enroll in our courses. Ogni video è una fonte di ispirazione e conoscenza, perfetta per chiunque voglia migliorare le proprie abilità culinarie e scoprire nuovi modi di fare pizza.

Grazie per aver letto questo post e per aver condiviso con me la passione per la pizza. Vi aspetto nei nostri corsi e sul mio canale YouTube!

Greetings from Silvio Cicchi



Pizza and holidays creative ideas to celebrate with a special pizza

Pizza and holidays: creative ideas to celebrate with a special pizza

Benvenuti amici amanti della pizza! Oggi voglio condividere con voi alcune idee creative per celebrare le festività con una pizza speciale. Che sia Natale, Pasqua, Halloween o qualsiasi altra occasione, una pizza preparata con amore e fantasia può trasformare ogni festa in un momento indimenticabile.

La magia della pizza nelle festività

La pizza è da sempre un simbolo di convivialità e gioia. Prepararla in casa o gustarla in una pizzeria con amici e familiari è un rito che rende ogni occasione speciale. Ma come possiamo rendere la nostra pizza ancora più speciale durante le festività? Ecco alcune idee per stupire i vostri ospiti e rendere ogni festa unica.

Idee per una pizza natalizia

Il Natale è il periodo dell’anno in cui tutti si riuniscono intorno alla tavola per condividere momenti di gioia. Perché non rendere la vostra pizza protagonista di queste celebrazioni? Ecco qualche suggerimento:

  1. Impasto speziato: Aggiungete un tocco di cannella, noce moscata e zenzero all’impasto per un aroma che ricorda i dolci natalizi.
  2. Condimenti festivi: Utilizzate ingredienti come il prosciutto cotto, il formaggio brie e le noci per un sapore ricco e avvolgente. Non dimenticate una spruzzata di rosmarino fresco!
  3. Decorazioni natalizie: Create delle piccole stelle di pasta di pizza da posizionare sopra la vostra creazione. Potete anche usare delle olive nere per fare occhi e bocca a dei simpatici pupazzi di neve di mozzarella.

Una pizza spaventosa per Halloween

Halloween è la festa perfetta per divertirsi in cucina con ricette creative e un popaurose. Anche la pizza può diventare un piatto da brividi:

  1. Impasto nero: Add some’ di carbone vegetale all’impasto per ottenere una pizza nera e misteriosa.
  2. Decorazioni a tema: Create delle ragnatele con la mozzarella filante e usate olive nere per fare piccoli ragni. A little’ di salsa al pesto può diventare del ‘sangue verdeda spargere qua e là.
  3. Forme spaventose: Tagliate la pizza in forme di zucca, pipistrello o fantasma per un effetto sorprendente.

Pasqua con gusto

La Pasqua è un’altra occasione perfetta per celebrare con una pizza speciale. Ecco qualche idea:

  1. Impasto al formaggio: Aggiungete parmigiano o pecorino grattugiato all’impasto per un gusto ancora più ricco.
  2. Condimenti primaverili: Utilizzate asparagi, artichokes, uova sode e una spolverata di pepe nero per un condimento fresco e primaverile.
  3. Presentazione elegante: Decorate la pizza con fiori edibili come violette e calendule per un tocco raffinato.

Preparazione degli impasti: la base di tutto

Un elemento fondamentale per ottenere una pizza perfetta è la preparazione degli impasti. In questo, la scelta degli ingredienti e la tecnica di lavorazione fanno la differenza. Utilizzate sempre farine di alta qualità e lasciate lievitare l’impasto per il tempo necessario. Se volete migliorare le vostre capacità, sign up for our pizza maker courses that we organize in our Silvio Cicchi pizza school. who, imparerete tutti i segreti della preparazione dell’impasto, dalla scelta degli ingredienti alla lievitazione perfetta.

Cottura pizza: come ottenere il massimo risultato

La cottura della pizza è un altro aspetto cruciale. Un forno ben caldo e una pietra refrattaria possono fare miracoli. Ecco qualche consiglio:

  1. Temperatura alta: La pizza necessita di una temperatura molto elevata, idealmente intorno ai 250-300°C.
  2. Tempo di cottura breve: Cuocete la pizza per un tempo breve, dai 5 to 7 minutes, per ottenere un impasto croccante fuori e morbido dentro.
  3. Attenzione alla mozzarella: Aggiungete la mozzarella solo negli ultimi minuti di cottura per evitare che si bruci.

Ristorazione e pizza: un connubio vincente

La pizza è un piatto versatile che si adatta perfettamente a diverse occasioni e contesti, dalla ristorazione veloce ai ristoranti gourmet. Durante le festività, offrire una pizza speciale può essere un’ottima strategia per attirare clienti e rendere unica la loro esperienza gastronomica. Pensate a menù tematici, abbinamenti insoliti e presentazioni creative per stupire i vostri ospiti.

I nostri corsi di pizzaiolo

Se siete appassionati di pizza e volete trasformare questa passione in una professione, sign up for our pizza maker courses that we organize in our Silvio Cicchi pizza school. Imparerete tutto sulla preparazione degli impasti, la cottura pizza e le tecniche di decorazione. Not only, avrete l’opportunità di lavorare fianco a fianco con esperti del settore e perfezionare le vostre abilità in un ambiente stimolante e professionale.

Invito finale

Grazie per aver letto il nostro blog post su come rendere la pizza il cuore delle vostre festività. Speriamo che queste idee vi ispirino a sperimentare e divertirvi in cucina. Non dimenticate di visitare ed iscrivervi al mio canale YouTube, dove potrete trovare oltre 300 videos of pizza recipes prepared by pizza chef students who enroll in our courses. With a little’ di creatività e passione, ogni festa può diventare indimenticabile con una pizza speciale.

Buone feste e buona pizza a tutti da Silvio Cicchi!



Sign up for the Practical Pizzaiolo course

Sign up for the Practical Pizzaiolo course

Subscribe to Practical course of Pizzaiolo. Being a pizza maker is an art that requires passion and dedication. If you are interested in becoming a professional pizza maker, there is no better way to do this than by learning from an expert in the field.

Our school of pizza makers was founded by a master pizza maker with over 45 years of experience in the field. We are proud to offer professional hands-on courses that teach the basic and advanced techniques of pizza making.

During the course

During the course, you will learn how to make pasta, how to spread it, how to add toppings and how to cook pizza in a wood oven. You will also learn how to create the right combination of flavors and how to present the pizza in an attractive way.

Our courses are suitable for all levels, from beginners to professionals. We can customize the course to suit your needs, in order to guarantee you the maximum benefit.

Sign up for the Practical Pizzaiolo course

Our goal is to offer a training of very high quality preparing you for a successful career as a professional pizza maker. Our team of highly trained instructors have extensive industry experience and will guide you through every step of the learning process.

Once you complete the course, you will have all the knowledge and skills you need to make professional pizza, since the creation of’dough to perfect cooking wood stove. You will also be able to create your own combination of flavors and present the pizza in an attractive way.

Our courses are suitable

Our courses are suitable for anyone who has a passion for pizza and wishes to pursue a career in the sector. We can customize the course to suit your needs, in order to guarantee you the maximum benefit.

Our courses are very popular with our students and offer an interactive and engaging learning experience. You will learn in a relaxed and informal environment.

Sign up for the practical course

If you are interested in learning pizza preparation techniques from an expert in the field, we invite you to subscribe to our professional training course. For more information and to register, click here.

We are confident that after completing our course, you will be able to make professional pizza like a real expert. Don't miss the opportunity to learn from an expert master pizza maker. Sign up for our today professional training course and start your journey to a successful career as a professional pizza maker. Visit the link for more information

See you soon

Silvio Cicchi


Visit and subscribe to my youtube channel.


Pizza Sostenibile Come l'Industria si Sta Adattando alle Nuove Tendenze Eco Friendly

Sustainable Pizza: How the Industry is Adapting to New Eco-Friendly Trends

Hello to all, pizza lovers! Oggi voglio parlarvi di un tema che mi sta particolarmente a cuore: la pizza sostenibile. Yes, you got it right! Anche l’industria della pizza si sta adattando alle nuove tendenze eco-friendly e oggi scopriremo insieme come le pizzerie stanno facendo la loro parte per il nostro pianeta.

L’Impegno delle Pizzerie per un Futuro Sostenibile

Iniziamo con una bella notizia: sempre più pizzerie stanno adottando pratiche sostenibili nella preparazione della pizza. Ma cosa significa esattamentepizza sostenibile”? Si tratta di una serie di iniziative volte a ridurre l’impatto ambientale legato alla produzione e al consumo della pizza. Vediamo qualche esempio concreto.

Ingredienti a Chilometro Zero

Uno degli aspetti fondamentali della pizza sostenibile è l’utilizzo di ingredienti a chilometro zero. Questo significa scegliere materie prime locali e stagionali, riducendo così le emissioni legate al trasporto. Pensate alla bontà di una margherita preparata con pomodori freschi e basilico coltivato a pochi chilometri dalla pizzeria. Non solo il sapore ne guadagna, ma anche l’ambiente ringrazia.

Preparation of the dough: Sostenibilità e Qualità

La sostenibilità passa anche dalla preparazione degli impasti. Sempre più pizzaioli stanno optando per farine biologiche e integrali, meno raffinate e più nutrienti. Queste farine non solo fanno bene alla salute, ma la loro produzione rispetta l’ambiente, evitando l’uso di pesticidi e fertilizzanti chimici. E poi, let's face it, un impasto preparato con amore e ingredienti naturali ha tutto un altro sapore!

Energia Pulita per la Cottura della Pizza

Un altro aspetto importante è l’utilizzo di energia pulita per la cottura della pizza. Molte pizzerie stanno investendo in forni a legna di ultima generazione, che garantiscono una combustione più efficiente e meno inquinante. Altre ancora hanno scelto di passare a forni elettrici alimentati da fonti rinnovabili, come il solare o l’eolico. In this way, ogni margherita, quattro stagioni o capricciosa che sforniamo è un piccolo contributo alla lotta contro il cambiamento climatico.

Riduzione degli Sprechi nella Ristorazione

La sostenibilità si vede anche nella gestione della ristorazione. Ridurre gli sprechi alimentari è una priorità per molte pizzerie, che hanno implementato soluzioni innovative per evitare che cibo perfettamente commestibile finisca nella spazzatura. Alcune hanno introdotto menu flessibili, adattando le ricette in base agli ingredienti disponibili, mentre altre collaborano con associazioni locali per donare il cibo in eccedenza a chi ne ha bisogno.

Packaging Eco-Friendly

Anche il packaging ha il suo ruolo nella pizza sostenibile. Le pizzerie stanno abbandonando gli imballaggi in plastica a favore di soluzioni più ecologiche, come scatole in cartone riciclato e biodegradabile. Alcune hanno persino introdotto contenitori riutilizzabili per i clienti più fedeli, che possono riportarli ogni volta che ordinano una pizza.

Un Invito a Diventare Pizzaioli Sostenibili

Ora che abbiamo visto come l’industria della pizza si sta adattando alle nuove tendenze eco-friendly, vi invito a fare la vostra parte. Se siete appassionati di pizza e volete imparare a prepararla in modo sostenibile, sign up for our pizza chef courses that we organize in our Silvio Cicchi pizza school. who, imparerete tutti i segreti per creare pizze deliziose e rispettose dell’ambiente.


La strada verso un futuro sostenibile è fatta di piccoli, grandi gesti. Anche una semplice pizza può fare la differenza, se preparata con ingredienti di qualità, metodi di cottura efficienti e un occhio attento all’ambiente.

I greet you with affection and invite you to visit and subscribe to my YouTube channel, where you will find more of 300 videos of pizza recipes prepared by pizza chef students who enroll in our courses.

Grazie per aver letto e… Bon Appetite!

Greetings from Silvio Cicchi



Customer reviews of the community's favorite pizzerias

The Community's Favorite Pizzerias: Customer Reviews

Hello to all, pizza-loving friends! Today I want to talk to you about the favorite pizzerias of our fantastic community. We have collected many reviews and we are happy to share with you the best pizzerias according to our loyal customers. Are you ready to find out where to find the perfect pizza? Then read on!

  1. Pizzeria Da Michele

Let's start with one of the most iconic pizzerias: From Michele. Located in the heart of Naples, this pizzeria is famous for its tradition and simplicity. The preparation of dough is an art that is respected here with obsessive care. The pizza cooking is perfect, thanks to the wood-fired oven which gives that unique and irresistible flavour.

Our customers never stop praising Da Michele's Margherita and Marinara. The reviews speak of an authentic experience and a flavor that recalls the Naples of the past. If you are in Naples, you can't miss the opportunity to pay a visit.

  1. Pizzeria Sorbillo

Another pizzeria that has won the hearts of our community is Sorbillo. Gino Sorbillo, with his passion for catering, has created a real temple of pizza. The quality of the ingredients and the dedication in preparing the dough make each pizza a masterpiece.

Customer reviews highlight the kindness of the staff and the welcoming atmosphere. The fried pizza and the Margherita with buffalo mozzarella are among the most loved. Sorbillo is synonymous with tradition and innovation, a perfect mix for those looking for the best.

  1. Pizzeria Brandi

We couldn't not include the Brandi pizzeria, famous for inventing the Margherita pizza in honor of Queen Margherita of Savoy. This historic pizzeria is a point of reference for all pizza lovers. The dough preparation still follows ancient recipes and the pizza cooking takes place in traditional wood-fired ovens.

Our customers appreciate the authenticity of the flavors and the warm welcome. Margherita di Brandi is a legend, and those who have tasted it can only confirm its uniqueness. A real journey through time, discovering the origins of pizza.

  1. Pizzeria La Notizia

La Notizia di Enzo Coccia is another pizzeria that has won rave reviews. Located in Naples, this pizzeria is famous for its attention to detail and the quality of its ingredients. The dough preparation is done with love and the pizza cooking takes place in wood-fired ovens which guarantee uniform and tasty cooking.

Customer reviews praise the creativity of the menu and the ability to combine traditional ingredients with innovative ideas. The pizza with courgette flowers and anchovies is a favourite. La Notizia is the ideal place for those who want to savor a gourmet pizza.

  1. Spontini Pizzeria

Let's move to Milan to talk about the Spontini pizzeria, an institution in the Lombardy capital. Known for its pizza by the slice, Spontini offers a unique dough preparation that gives the pizza a soft and crunchy consistency at the same time. Pizza cooking takes place in large pans, as Milanese tradition dictates.

Customer reviews are full of praise for the margherita pizza by the slice, which with its abundant stringy cheese conquers at the first bite. Spontini is perfect for a quick but tasty lunch break, or for an evening with friends in the name of conviviality.

  1. Pizzeria Trianon by Ciro

Another Neapolitan gem is the Trianon da Ciro pizzeria. Founded in 1923, this pizzeria is synonymous with tradition and quality. The dough preparation still follows ancient recipes and the pizza cooking takes place in wood-fired ovens which give an unmistakable flavor.

Customer reviews praise the goodness of the pizza and the friendliness of the staff. The sausage and broccoli pizza is a must for those who love intense and authentic flavours. Trianon da Ciro is the ideal place for those who want to enjoy a real Neapolitan pizza.

  1. Pizzeria Al Gallo Rosso

At Last, let's talk about the Al Gallo Rosso pizzeria, located in Rome. This pizzeria is famous for its Roman pizza, characterized by a thin and crunchy dough. The preparation of the dough is carefully carried out and the pizza is cooked in wood-fired ovens which guarantee perfect cooking.

Customer reviews speak of a welcoming atmosphere and excellent service. The margherita pizza with buffalo mozzarella and the carbonara pizza are among the most popular. Al Gallo Rosso is the perfect place for those who want to savor an authentic Roman pizza.


We saw together some of our community's favorite pizzerias. Every pizzeria has its own history, its peculiarities and its secrets in preparing dough and cooking pizza. The passion for catering and the love for pizza unite all these realities, creating unique and unforgettable experiences.

If you also want to learn the art of preparing dough and cooking pizza, I invite you to sign up for our pizza chef courses that we organize in our Silvio Cicchi pizza school. Here you can learn all the secrets of the master pizza chefs and become true experts.

Thanks for reading this post, I hope you liked it and that it gave you some ideas for your next gastronomic outings. Greetings from Silvio Cicchi and I invite you to visit and subscribe to my YouTube channel which contains more than 300 videos of pizza recipes prepared by pizza chef students who enroll in our courses.



How to manage a successful pizzeria tips for owners

How to Run a Successful Pizzeria: Advice for Owners

How to Run a Successful Pizzeria: Advice for Owners

Gestire una pizzeria di successo è un’arte che richiede passione, dedizione e un pizzico di creatività. Se sei un proprietario di pizzeria o stai pensando di aprirne una, questo articolo ti fornirà utili consigli su come affrontare le sfide del mondo della ristorazione e far brillare il tuo locale. Iniziamo questo viaggio nel delizioso mondo della pizza!

  1. The Preparation of the Dough

The basis of a good pizza is the dough. La preparazione impasti è un aspetto cruciale che può fare la differenza tra una pizza mediocre e una pizza indimenticabile. Per un impasto perfetto, è essenziale utilizzare ingredienti di alta qualità e rispettare i tempi di lievitazione. La farina deve essere selezionata con cura, preferendo quelle con un alto contenuto di glutine che permettono una migliore elasticità dell’impasto.

  1. The Choice of Ingredients

La qualità degli ingredienti utilizzati per la farcitura è altrettanto importante quanto l’impasto. Optare per prodotti freschi e di stagione può elevare il gusto della tua pizza. Buffalo mozzarella, San Marzano tomatoes, olio extravergine di oliva e basilico fresco sono solo alcuni degli ingredienti che possono fare la differenza.

  1. Cooking Pizza

La cottura pizza è un altro elemento fondamentale per ottenere un prodotto eccellente. Un forno a legna è spesso preferito per la sua capacità di raggiungere alte temperature e conferire un gusto unico alla pizza. However, anche i forni elettrici e a gas possono dare ottimi risultati se utilizzati correttamente. È importante conoscere bene il proprio forno e sperimentare con diverse temperature e tempi di cottura per trovare la combinazione perfetta.

  1. Il Servizio al Cliente

Il servizio al cliente è il cuore della ristorazione. Accogliere i clienti con un sorriso, essere attenti alle loro esigenze e garantire un’esperienza piacevole può trasformare i visitatori occasionali in clienti abituali. La cortesia e la professionalità del personale sono elementi chiave per costruire una buona reputazione.

  1. La Gestione del Personale

Un team ben coordinato è essenziale per il successo di una pizzeria. È importante selezionare personale qualificato e fornire una formazione continua per garantire che tutti siano aggiornati sulle migliori pratiche del settore. Investire nel proprio team significa migliorare la qualità del servizio e della pizza offerta.

  1. La Promozione della Pizzeria

La promozione è un aspetto fondamentale per attirare nuovi clienti. Utilizzare i social media, creare un sito web accattivante e partecipare a eventi locali sono ottime strategie per aumentare la visibilità della tua pizzeria. Special offers, serate a tema e sconti per i clienti abituali possono incentivare le visite.

  1. L’Importanza della Formazione Continua

In the world of catering, la formazione continua è cruciale per rimanere competitivi. Sign up for our pizza maker courses that we organize in our Silvio Cicchi pizza school. who, potrai apprendere tecniche avanzate di preparazione impasti, scoprire nuove ricette e perfezionare le tue abilità di cottura pizza. La formazione non solo migliora la qualità della pizza, ma anche la motivazione e la competenza del personale.

  1. Innovation and Tradition

Una pizzeria di successo sa bilanciare innovazione e tradizione. Mentre è importante mantenere le ricette classiche che i clienti amano, è altrettanto fondamentale sperimentare nuove combinazioni di sapori e tecniche di preparazione. Offrire una varietà di pizze, incluse opzioni per vegetariani, vegani e persone con intolleranze alimentari, può ampliare la tua clientela e soddisfare tutte le esigenze.

  1. Ascolta i Feedback dei Clienti

Ascoltare i feedback dei clienti è un’opportunità preziosa per migliorare il tuo servizio. Sia che si tratti di recensioni online o di commenti lasciati in loco, prendi in considerazione ogni suggerimento per apportare migliorie. Mostrare ai clienti che il loro parere conta può rafforzare il legame con loro e costruire una base di fedeli sostenitori.

  1. La Passione per la Pizza

At Last, la passione per la pizza è ciò che distingue una pizzeria di successo. Mettere amore e dedizione in ogni fase della preparazione, from the choice of ingredients to cooking, trasmette ai clienti un’esperienza culinaria unica. Una pizzeria gestita con passione sarà sempre apprezzata e ricordata.

Gestire una pizzeria di successo richiede impegno, competenza e un costante desiderio di miglioramento. Seguendo questi consigli, potrai creare un ambiente accogliente e offrire pizze deliziose che conquisteranno il cuore dei tuoi clienti.

Concludo invitandoti a visitare ed iscriverti al mio canale YouTube, which contains more than 300 videos of pizza recipes prepared by pizza chef students who enroll in our courses. Troverai tantissime idee e suggerimenti per perfezionare la tua arte della pizza.

Warm greetings from Silvio Cicchi! Good pizza at all!



Creative recipes with unusual toppings for a unique pizza

Creative recipes: unusual toppings for a unique pizza

Hello to all, pizza lovers! Today I want to share with you some ideas to make your pizzas even more special and unique. We are all used to classic toppings like mozzarella, tomato, mushrooms and ham, but what if we try something different? If you are ready to experiment and amaze your guests, read on!

The perfect base for a unique pizza

Before we talk about the toppings, It's important to have a good foundation. The preparation of the dough is essential to obtain a delicious pizza. In many pizzerias, the dough is carefully prepared and left to rise for the time necessary to obtain a perfect consistency. If you want to improve your technique, sign up for our pizza chef courses that we organize in our Silvio Cicchi pizza school. Our experts will teach you all the secrets for a perfect dough!

Unusual toppings to amaze

  1. Smoked salmon and avocado pizza

A combination that might seem strange, but I assure you it is delicious. The smoked salmon goes perfectly with the creaminess of the avocado. Add some’ of red onion and a drizzle of olive oil and you will have a refined and tasty pizza.

  1. Pizza with pears, gorgonzola and walnuts

Another winning combination is that of pears with gorgonzola. The sweet flavor of the pears contrasts wonderfully with the intense flavor of the gorgonzola. Add a few walnuts for a crunchy touch and you're done. Perfect for a special evening!

  1. Pizza with figs, raw ham and rocket

Fresh figs are a real delight, especially in combination with raw ham. Add some’ of rocket for a fresh and peppery note. This pizza is ideal for summer and will make you look great with your guests.

  1. Chicken tikka masala pizza

For spice lovers, this pizza is a must. Prepare the chicken with the tikka masala sauce, add some’ of mozzarella and cook everything in the oven. The result is a spicy and tasty pizza that will make you travel with taste.

  1. Pumpkin pizza, sausage and rosemary

A perfect topping for autumn. The sweetness of the pumpkin pairs perfectly with the flavor of the sausage. Add some’ of fresh rosemary for an unmistakable aroma. A pizza that warms the heart!

Tips for perfect cooking

Cooking the pizza is just as important as preparing the dough and choosing the toppings. Every pizzeria has its secrets, but there are some tips that can make the difference. Always preheat the oven to maximum temperature and use a baking stone if possible. This will help you get a crispy, well-cooked base. If you want to discover all the tricks of perfect cooking, sign up for our pizza chef courses!


I hope these ideas have inspired you to experiment with new toppings and make your pizzas even more special. Pizza is a versatile and creative dish, and with a little’ fantasy, you can create unique and surprising combinations.

If you want to learn more about preparing and cooking pizza, sign up for our pizza chef courses that we organize in our Silvio Cicchi pizza school. And don't forget to visit and subscribe to my YouTube channel, where you will find more of 300 videos of pizza recipes prepared by pizza chef students who enroll in our courses.

Greetings from Silvio Cicchi!



La storia dietro il tuo piatto preferito l'origine della pizza

The story behind your favorite dish: the origin of pizza

Hello pizza lovers friends! Today I want to tell you a story that will surely make your mouth water: the origin of pizza! The pizza, with its irresistible aroma and delicious flavour, it is one of the most loved dishes in the world. But have you ever wondered where this delicacy comes from?? Make yourselves comfortable, because we are about to take a journey through time to discover the origins of pizza.

The beginning of a tasty journey

To understand the origin of pizza, we have to go back a few millennia. It is said that focaccias similar to pizza were already prepared in ancient Egypt, and the same goes for the Greeks and Romans, who loved to season bread with various ingredients. But pizza as we know it today has more recent roots and has its origins in the city of Naples, in the 18th century.

The birth of modern pizza

Pizza as we know it today was born in Naples. At the start, it was a simple and popular dish among the Neapolitan working classes. The base was a focaccia topped with tomato, which had just been imported from the Americas. This dish was cheap, nutritious and easy to prepare, which immediately made him very popular.

Queen Margherita and Margherita pizza

A turning point in the history of pizza occurred in 1889, when the pizza chef Raffaele Esposito prepared a special pizza for Queen Margherita of Savoy. This pizza was topped with tomato, mozzarella and basil, representing the colors of the Italian flag. The Queen appreciated this pizza so much that Esposito named it in her honor: thus the Margherita pizza was born, one of the most loved variants in the world.

The spread of pizza in the world

Pizza began its journey beyond Italian borders thanks to Italian emigrants who, leaving for new lands in search of fortune, they brought with them the culinary traditions of their country. Pizza has found fertile ground especially in the United States, where it became incredibly popular. The first American pizzerias opened in New York and Chicago at the beginning of the 20th century, and from there pizza spread throughout the world, becoming one of the most loved and consumed foods everywhere.

The pizza shop: beating heart of tradition

Pizzerias are the beating heart of the pizza tradition. Each pizzeria has its own history and unique recipes, passed down from generation to generation. who, preparing dough is an art that requires time, passion and dedication. The ingredients are carefully chosen and the pizza is cooked in wood-fired ovens, which give that unmistakable flavour.

The art of dough preparation

The preparation of the dough is a fundamental element for obtaining a perfect pizza. Flour, water, yeast and salt are the main ingredients, but it is their combination and workmanship that makes the difference. The dough must be worked carefully and left to rise for the time necessary for the pizza to be soft and fragrant..

Cooking pizza: a sacred rite

Cooking pizza is a truly sacred ritual in pizzerias. The wood oven, which can reach very high temperatures, it is essential for perfect cooking. The pizza must cook for a few minutes, just the right amount of time to obtain a crunchy base and well-blended ingredients. This technique, refined over the centuries, it's what makes Neapolitan pizza unique in the world.

Catering and innovation

Present Day, pizza-related catering is constantly evolving. In addition to traditional pizzerias, there are many places that offer innovative variations of pizza, using original ingredients and modern techniques. However, tradition remains the point of reference, and true pizza enthusiasts know how to appreciate the quality and history behind each slice.

Become a master pizza chef with us!

If you too are passionate about pizza and want to learn all the secrets of preparation, sign up for our pizza chef courses that we organize in our Silvio Cicchi pizza school. who, you will be able to learn traditional and modern techniques for preparing dough and cooking pizza, led by expert pizza chefs.

A special invitation from Silvio Cicchi

Dear readers, Thank you for reading this journey into the history of pizza! I invite you to visit and subscribe to my YouTube channel, where you can find more 300 videos of pizza recipes prepared by pizza chef students who enroll in our courses. Don't miss the opportunity to discover all the secrets of this extraordinary dish. Greetings from Silvio Cicchi!



Executive chef pizza