Parma ham on pizza

Parma ham on pizza

The ham, must always be added over the freshly baked pizza, should never be cooked in the oven.

Parma ham on pizza
Pizza with Prosciutto

Parma ham on pizza


Clarified this premise that I felt I must mention, we now turn to aesthetics. Some nice slice willing to well above the pizza to cover all ingredients, would seem to be the best solution, but, alas ... one of the most gruesome things I notice observing customers in pizzerias, occurs when the customer tries to cut a slice of pizza to eat with prosciutto over. Often, prosciutto does not want to learn to be cut with pizza, then they end up cutting the ham separately and then trying in every way to reassemble on the same pizza. Ugh how much work ....

In my opinion it would be more appropriate to cut the ham into small slices, the size of a mouthful, the pizza does not lose in aesthetics, and the customer will have less difficulty in cutting and eating pizza topped with prosciutto.

This also applies to all other meats that may have the same consistency of the raw ham, one for all: the speck.

There are some exceptions for which the ham must be cooked in the oven, and they can be when they prepare pants and stuffed pizzas with prosciutto, in these cases will not be fully cooked ham being in the filling, but will warm up soon.

And, I happened also that some customers asked that the same ham on pizza was cooked in the oven, but with poor results, because you know that the ham after cooking becomes salty, almost inedible.

One recommendation that I would rather give the holders of pizzerias and employees spending, is to not buy ham dubious origin,with various preservatives, and which has the appearance of a piece of raw meat, I understand it is a very expensive ingredient, but a possible saving 20 cents per pizza there would enrich, on the contrary, serving a ham not quality, run the risk of losing some customers.

Parma ham on pizza

To learn more about ham click here