
Chicory Field Wild Natural Viagra

The Chicory.

After the lessons I've learned in the fields picking herbs with her mother, aunts and some old lady of the country in which I live, I felt almost a professional herbs this morning while I was doing my usual walk in the fields. Chicory everywhere, this plant seems to have no seasons. The ladies, My instructors, (320 years the sum of their age 4)did nothing to settle the properties of this plant, seems to be a natural remedy for many diseases. What most impressed me their stories is that during the war, in complete poverty, toasted the roots of this plant and there were a coffee substitute.

Chicory wild

Its Latin name "Chichorium intybus" composite family. There are different types, all more or less due to the bitter alkaloid substances contained.

Seedlings of chicory freshly harvested

Good for bowel, liver, gallbladder, Skin and hair. Stimulates concentration, helps combat drowsiness, has a laxative, stimulates the pancreas and liver, good for diabetics as it helps to regulate the amount of glucose and cholesterol in the blood. A lot of other things that I omit not to bore, if you are interested in learning more please see wikipedia, but a particular deserves to be quoted mandatorily: According to popular belief, chicory reawaken eros, In fact, it is actually a natural vasodilator, able to increase the blood supply to the male sex organs. A natural viagra.

Chicory cleaned and washed

Excellent as a side dish or as a main dish, there are many ways to cook the chicory. A recipe of all: Chicory garlic. Wash the chicory and put to boil in water for 10 minutes. In a large frying pan fry of garlic with olive oil and some red pepper, pour the vegetables after draining and toss in the pan. Delicious.

Wild chicory

If you are a nature lover and often go for walks in the fields, download my free guide to herbs in the kitchen, is called: "Herbs? Not only Coca and Marijuana, click here.


How to prepare this vegetable to your house? Leave your comment on this page.

Wild chicory

2 thoughts on “Wild Campo Chicory Natural Viagra”

  1. Good evening, Also I recommend boiled dress it with olive oil and a lot of lemon juice, I find it remarkable sour mix with bitter!

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