Pizza and Yeast The Righteous Doses

Pizza and Yeast The Righteous Doses

Pizza and Yeast The Righteous Doses. When you write posts that will be read by many other people, It must be clear, but the thing that I think is very important not to fall into criticism from other readers or people doing the same job is… only write things you know well.

Often surf the net looking for ideas and suggestions for new post, today to answer questions received by many readers and readers who prepare the pizza at home, I wanted to write this advice covering a pretty important thing about the pizza, We introduce the topic baking powder and the right amounts to be added to the dough.

Pizza and Yeast The Righteous Doses
Pizza and Yeast The Righteous Doses

Pizza and Yeast The Righteous Doses

When I read in some recipes on the web site of some illustrious and I see between doses….Flour 300 grams and Yeast 20 grams Well… shoot straight, immediately step to other sites and other recipes. How you can use 20 grams of yeast for 3 pizzas to the plate or for the preparation of a baking tray? What credibility we should give these gentlemen? daltronde, just look at the photos of their results to understand that he's talking about pizza, but of something baked in the oven with the above ingredients.

Too much yeast in the dough feels, altrera aromas and taste of pizza.

So what we have to put yeast?

The yeast cubes of beer they sell in the supermarket weigh 25 grams, I think that in a dough 200 pizzas along with 24 hours of leavening in the fridge, ne uso 5 GRAMS (Five).

Pizza and Yeast The Righteous Doses
Pizza and Yeast The Righteous Doses

Pizza and Yeast The Righteous Doses

For housewives and husbands who Sundays prepare pizza at home and as usual to knead 5 afternoon and then leave the dough to rise 2 sunshine hours and then consume it the same evening at 7/8, I would like to give an advice: Increasing the dose of yeast disproportionately pizza will not rise before, It takes the same time to rise even with only a few crumbs of leaven, 2 or three grams are sufficient. Anyhow, the mixture to be digested must get to “maturation” more or less quickly depending on the type of flour used for the dough that will have, and maturation, You not certainly comes with only two hours of leavening.

Make a habit of mixing with a good mixture of flour (W350) pizza on Saturday, and then roll out the pizza and fire it on Sunday night (long rising in the fridge), the result will be great.

How do I comment my friend Carmine, the topic “As yeast use” it is clear only to people who have appropriate knowledge on the pizza, on doughs and especially the flour to use, those who prepare once in a while the pizza at home will have difficulty understanding.

Just to help these people in difficulty, I prepared a course of professional pizza maker ONLINE to everyone who will help you prepare the pizza to your home just like an expert pizza maker, It contains lots of useful information, tricks and secrets on suitable flour for pizza, dough, leavening, the preparation and baking. The trainees have access to a tutor who will answer to all the doubts and questions, to know more CLICK HERE.

Pizza and Yeast The Righteous Doses
Pizza and Yeast The Righteous Doses

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