How to make bread


How to make bread at home

How do common bread at home, procedure and tips
Difficulty: media
Eating at the table bread we just made and baked, is one of those things that leave us very satisfied. I just suggest a recipe easy to prepare at home vostra.Useremo few simple ingredients, which must be of a quality.
Flour white type 00: 250 gr
Flour Manitoba (durum wheat):250 gr
Water 300 gr
Brewer's yeast ½ cube (12,5 grams)
Sale 1 teaspoon

How to make bread at home

Instructions: Put in a large container, the flour and the yeast dissolved in water. Start working the dough with your hands until it begins to form a smooth paste. Now add a teaspoon of salt and let it melt in the dough.
Place the dough on a work surface.
Knead until the dough does not prove to be homogeneous.
Slowly add the remaining water. The amount of water absorbed by the flour can vary ,and if the dough is sticky, add more flour.
The dough will be ready when you come off completely from your hands.

How to make bread at home
Batter ready

We give a shape to our bread. If this is the first time you try them at home to make bread, I advise you to prepare a loaf stretched, be easier cooking.
Cover the dough and let rise until doubled in volume will be (at least 2 hours)

Making bread at home
Ready to bake

**The recipe for whole wheat bread has the same manufacturing process, but it should be replaced white flour with the same amount of wheat flour.
Bake in preheated oven at 190 degrees and cook for 25/30 minutes, or until the crust does not prove to be perfectly golden.
The bread should be allowed to cool slowly for you to lose the moisture content in excess.
Wikipedia devotes much space to bread.
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