How to Prepare a Focaccia The Perfect Recipe

How to Prepare a Perfect Focaccia: The Recipe

Exquisite like few other baked goods, perhaps because of its simplicity due to the few ingredients with which it is made, focaccia has far exceeded the boundaries of our country, and be able to find it anywhere in the world. Delicious if stuffed with meats and cheeses, and often also used in place of bread. The scent of freshly baked focaccia, and its fragrance, make this unique product.

focaccia recipe

Prepare a cake in the oven in your home is very simple and I will teach you to do it in no time.

With the dosage regimen in our recipe focaccia, you will get 3 pizzas diameter 28-30 cm, by stuffing or to use as bread.

Focaccia recipe Ingredients:

Flour type "O" 550 grams

Water 330 ml not cold(20 degrees around)

2 tablespoons olive oil

13 grams of salt

1 spoonful of sugar

3 grams of yeast


Dissolve yeast in water, add flour, oil and sugar and started to knead. Once blended the ingredients, add the salt. When the dough will be compact and elastic (are sufficient 5 minutes) dividetelo in 3 balls, cover them well and let rest (rising) until it has doubled in volume, take about an hour.

Roll out the balls with a rolling pin or your fingertips to give the size of the container.

focaccia recipe
The focaccia

Leave to rest for other 30 minutes, then seasoned with olive oil, salt and rosemary. The cake is delicious even with the addition of finely chopped onion, with garlic and many other ingredients.

Bake in an oven pre-heated to 200 degrees for 15 minutes or until the surface will be completely golden.

focaccia recipe
The focaccia

My favorite? Surely with mortadella, but to that of my family doctor could be a problem for my poor coronary. It 's true that good things ... evil .fanno, or make you fat or are illegal.

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