dandelion wild radish

The Dandelion Radicchio Wild Delicious

After devoting ample space to wild chicory in the previous article, Today we will talk about another type of radicchio: The Dandelion, wild radish edible by 1000 beneficial properties.

Dandelion wild radish
Dandelion wild radish

If looking at the flower might have doubts in recognizing this plant, just look at the next picture to understand with certainty what plant we're talking about.

Dandelion wild radish
head of the Dandelion

The Dandelion (Scientific name Taraxacum officinale) is widespread in the Mediterranean, Also commonly called Dandelion or Dandelion. It is easily recognized for its flowers intense yellow color, that are closed at sunset and reopen at sunrise, At the end of the flowering form a globe feathery white-silver has numerous achenes, is here comes the name of head.

Dandelion wild radish
Dandelion and wild radish

It grows everywhere, the gutter, in fallow fields, in the vineyards and along the paths.

Dandelion wild radish
Dandelion Plant also called wild radish

Use in herbal medicine

Dandelion wild radish
Herbal tea of ​​dandelion flowers

The extracts of dandelion and wild radish are used for the treatment or prevention of:

Edema and fluid retention, cellulite, obesity, gotta, High Cholesterol, dermatosi, stipisi, hemorrhoids, intestinal fermentation, flute line, liver diseases noninfectious, rheumatic and arthritic, dyspepsia, Food poisoning from abuse, hyperglycemia.

Use in the kitchen

Dandelion wild radish
The wild radish in the kitchen

The plant is used as a vegetable, boiled, goes sauté with a clove of garlic. Excellent for omelettes with addition of grated cheese, delicious if you use the leaves to make a pesto as a sauce for pasta, the vegetables in the pan redone is delicious on pizza.

Dandelion wild radish
Dandelion remade in the pan

Its buds you can blanch vinegar and keep as capers.

Dandelion wild radish
The flowers of dandelion

Picking the flowers you can make a delicious jam, here doses: 100 grams of flowers, 200 grams of water, boil for 20 minutes then strain. Put it back in the pot to boil on the stove and add 100 grams of sugar. Let it boil until it reaches the density you want. The result will be a yellow cream flavor and smell of honey, not bad.

Dandelion wild radish
Beans wild radish

With the roots of dandelion was preparing a roasted coffee substitute, let's keep this as the hard times they run.

Dandelion wild radish
Risotto with radicchio wild

Great risotto dandelion, dandelion and beans, delicious soup dandelion and chickpeas.

Dandelion wild radish
A soup dandelion

The dandelion was called in by the name of piscialetto, renowned for its diuretic properties, Try a herbal tea of ​​dandelion flowers.

dandelion wild radish
Spaghetti with pesto dandelion or wild radish
The guide to herbs Silvio Cicchi

If you are interested in the use of herbs in the kitchen, download my free guide to herbs.

If you want to know more about the dandelion can consult wikipedia.

3 thoughts on “Delicious Wild Radicchio Dandelion”

  1. INTERESTING article, detailed. MISSING indications
    if you can collect throughout its vegetative cycle or NO. thank you

  2. Pingback: The Peppermint

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