Category archives: Advice

10 perfect ways pizza seasoning

10 perfect ways pizza seasoning

10 perfect ways of season pizza

After a long period in which the pizza has been regarded as a simple alternative to lunch or dinner, lately is back in fashion and those who choose to eat pizza, he does it because he knows what to eat, view of the quality of the few ingredients that make up the dough and the filling. However, there are topping that are "marriages" tastes of well-managed.

Here is a list dei10 perfect ways of season pizza.

10 perfect ways pizza seasoning
Pizza margherita

Daisy. San Marzano tomatoes, extra virgin olive oil, mozzarella, basil are the simple ingredients that make this pizza the queen of pizzas

10 perfect ways pizza seasoning
Pizza Napoletana

Neapolitan. Tomato, mozzarella,anchovies, capers and fresh basil. The Neapolitan pizza, between the classic pizzas is definitely one of the most popular. Palatable, fantastic to be enjoyed with a glass of wine.

10 perfect ways pizza seasoning
Pizza boscaiola

Boscaiola.Presente in all menus of pizzerias Peninsula, the boscaiola enhances the combination of mushrooms and flavor of cured ham

10 perfect ways pizza seasoning
Pizza 4 cheeses

4 Cheese. Over a white base covered by a thin layer of mozzarella, A mixture of cheese with gorgonzola to act as a master, make this pizza a first choice among the customers of the pizzerias of our country, the addition of tomato is on request, Combined with the spicy salami or onion, make this pizza to become a sensory delight

10 perfect ways pizza seasoning

Pizza marinara

Marinara. As Daisy requires very few exceptional raw materials in order to impress. This type of pizza is topped with tomato quality generously put in cooking along with garlic cut into wedges and a round of extra virgin olive oil. Freshly baked, you add a handful of fresh oregano and the inevitable Fresh basil. A marinara done well is the business card of a good Pizzaiolo.8

10 perfect ways pizza seasoning
Pizza with cheese and bacon

Cheese and Speck. The pizza Provola and bacon pizza is considered one for the cold season, but I can assure you that is in great demand throughout the year, provolone and bacon covering the white base, give off all the scents of smoking is just out of the oven. Speck should strictly put raw on hot pizza before being servita.9

10 perfect ways pizza seasoning
Pizza with potatoes and sausage

Potatoes and Sausage. Pizza with potatoes and sausage sourced bell, is now proposed throughout Italia.Il Rosemary,fresh sausage and potatoes just blanched, Covering the white base before being baked. An absolute delight.

10 perfect ways pizza seasoning
Pizza with porcini mushrooms

Porcini Mushrooms. Lovers of this pizza choose it because they know perfectly the quality of this product. With a base covered with a light layer of mozzarella and covered with sliced ​​porcini mushrooms as a topping. No tomato, which with its taste would cover the smell of the delicious mushrooms. Some gourmet loves eating it along with a few slices of ham.

10 perfect ways pizza seasoning
Pizza devilled

Diavola. This type of pizza has variations from region to region. Its main feature is the use of chili paired with salami strong flavor. Strictly on a red base.

10 perfect ways pizza seasoning
The calzone

Calzone. A true classic of the Neapolitan school, a disc of dough folded crescent and stuffed with tomato, mozzarella, mushrooms and ham. The filling encloses a true symphony of flavors and is also appreciated in the fried version.

If you want to learn more about traditional seasonings pizza take a look at wikipedia



Pass the flour through a sieve

If you are convinced to find in this article the plot of a detective story where the captain talking to his staff says: I want you to sift the area thoroughly until they find the culprits ... .well, you're in the wrong post. Here we talk about simple flour, be it common wheat or durum wheat, and we will see why it is always advisable to go to the flour sieve.


Pass the flour through a sieve

Almost all the recipes we find the words: Pass the flour through a sieve. The sieve is an ancient instrument, made of wood with a very dense mesh through which you drop the flour until it becomes a fine powder and almost impalpable to the touch. There hung the old wooden sieve all over the walls of local rustic, pizzerias, and old photos of family memories.

Old sieve

Today, modern version of the sieve is made of plastic or steel.

Why should I upgrade to the flour sieve before use?

Sifting the flour, you start an important chemical process, called oxidation. The operation to divide the flour into small grains allows oxygen to penetrate easily between the particles, the presence of a larger amount of oxygen trapped in the flour, allow greater absorption of water, forming a better gluten network, the leavening process it will benefit and you will notice that the final product will be more but tall and perfectly honeycombed.

This process is very important in the preparation of sweets, come the sponge,plum cake and many others. Indeed in recipes for sweets is always recommended sift together the flour and baking powder. The thing to do is to put on our sieve the amount of flour application together with a packet of baking powder for cakes and pass through a sieve to get the product ventilated.

The operation to sift flour, turns out to be less when used for kneading using an electric mixer, where the action of the blades already in itself carries out the operation to aerate the mixture, but ... if you have ventilated(sifted) the flour previously, you can only improve the yield.

When all of us consume the bread at the table, we feel very pleased to find a light and airy crumb, so ... .prendete the habit of passing the flour through a sieve.


If you want to know more on the sieve click here

Open a pizzeria

Open a pizzeria

Open a pizzeria

It 'a bit' of time now that I read in the papers that there are companies looking for pizza, say there are more than 6000 places available, the same news was also repeated on some TV channel at lunch on the news. In these times of crisis? If I let my strong doubts about it, on the contrary, I assure you that the crisis is also felt here. Despite all the web and around the shop windows, I get to see lots of posters from various schools that organize courses pizzaiolo in large quantities. We are talking about the catering sector, and in detail of pizzerias ...... I assure you that even here there is a severe crisis, and is felt. Just look around to see with their own eyes, how many pizzerias are already closed, and how many are in great difficulty. In Any Case, if there was a great demand, and are not found pizzaioli, I think it means that the salaries for those who make this art or craft are too low, this explains why "are not pizza", if you do this work, you are surely aware of the large number of pizza makers working abroad, in countries like the UK or Germany, where salaries are much higher.

Open a pizzeria
Open a pizzeria

Turning Italy for work, I noticed a phenomenon much more common in the north than to the south: The pizza makers are immigrants. We know that in times of crisis like this that we are living ... everything is permitted.

Who does this work, performs many sacrifices, and definitely will happen at all to say: I open my pizzeria.

Open a pizzeria

How much and what it takes to open a local commercial pizza slices?

Here's a quote, very rough, but that definitely helps us to better understand the situation.

An electric oven or gas costs 2500 euro

A fridge industrial costs no less than 1500 euro

A mixer costs about 400 euro

Furnishing of a pizza takeaway 5000 euro

So to put on the whole we manage with 12.000 € VAT included.

E? can purchase the equipment used, and save money, but less than this figure does not seem possible

To these costs must be added the recurring management costs

Rent the room




A pizza dish costs on average 6,50 euro.

So the pizzeria should sell about 50 pizzas a day, 350 a week to collect the minimum useful for survival (Personally I do not think there are many pizzerias takeaway that this average receipts) to have a monthly turnover of 9000 euro.

I repeat that these are estimates only lump.

Description Costs Revenues
Proceeds from the sale of 350 pizzas a week    9.000,00
Rent the room  1.000,00  
Energy expenditure  250,00  
Phone  30,00  
INPS flat 1st year  250,00  
Business consultant  100,00  
Salary committed  1.200,00  
Purchase goods  1.400,00  
Advertising 1st year  150,00  
TOTAL  4.380,00  9.000,00
VAT on sales  901,80  
VAT on purchases and energy (flat rate)  150,00  
VAT to be paid  751,80  
GROSS PROFITS  3868,20  
Estimated net of personal TAXES  2.800,00  


This is what is left to our manager, ...... but there are still many other things to aggiungeree I leave you to imagine what might be. Do yourself well your accounts, and reach a recessed average 350 euro per day to survive!!

It should? It is not for me to answer this question, but I think if a pizza is young and wants to get involved, this is the time to try.

Contact me for all the information you need, or for advice on 'start of your new local.

Open a pizzeria

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The drafting of the balls of pizza

Drawing up of balls of pizza

Drawing up of balls of pizza.

In the many years that I do this work, I've seen thousands of colleagues intent in drafting the balls of pizza. I must confess that there is a right way and a wrong way to roll out the balls, each adopts its technical staff and proven over time.

Drawing up of balls of pizza
The drafting

Drawing up of balls of pizza.

To have a successful, just follow some rules:

The dough should be well leavened, must have at least doubled in volume.

When you proceed to the drafting of the ball, we must never crush the edge, otherwise sforneremo a pizza without board. Matches from the center pushing the gases produced by rising to the outside.

Everything else…….practice, much practice. This is the main reason for which you attended a course for pizza.

For a pizza lying evil, which took a little presentable form, is preferable to a ball for pizza spread with a rolling pin. Will certainly have little border around, but the result will be better in terms of aesthetics.

I wanted to add a video to facilitate your task. A pizza maker takes on average just over 30 seconds for the drafting of the balls of pizza.

Video by SC web marketing agency

Would you like to be up to date on the secrets of pizza? Subscribe to our site to receive our monthly newsletter entirely devoted to pizza. In a short time following our advice be able to make a pizza to your house to your guests, that will have nothing to envy to the one purchased in pizzeria. For more information on the benefits that you can get by signing up to our site.Clicca who

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The gluten in pizza

The gluten pizza

The gluten pizza

After having dealt with the article on the gluten and pizza, Today we will see the behavior of the gluten in the dough pizza.

I am very happy that many of you have written to me thanking me for doing clarity on gluten, because once we clear this concept, we can move on to see how it behaves the gluten in our pizza dough.

The gluten pizza

The gluten in pizza
The gluten in pizza

The gluten mesh may be more or less strong depending on the type of flour which we used for the dough, holds in its alveolus gases that are formed during leavening (check out this article if you have not already done) and makes it swell and then increase in volume.

We will certainly have to try to stretch the ball of your pizza, and note that it is very elastic, too elastic, This happens when the gluten has not finished the process of relaxation, that is not yet completed the process of leavening. Many of us will certainly have to try to roll the ball of the dough for pizza and find enormous difficulties in doing so, having the feeling of working with an elastic, This happens when the dough has not yet completed the process of leavening. Giving the right to the dough resting time, we can spread the ball with no problem, and even during cooking the gluten will be able to keep gases.


Each mix has its time to rise, that can be influenced by several factors: the temperature of the environment in which we live, flour, water, the type of yeast, the amount of salt in the dough. Let us not forget that during the rising process, takes the maturation of the dough, process described in this article, that are going to affect the lightness and digestibility of our finished product.

Are you interested in knowing more about pizza? Access our free online course.

The gluten in pizza
The gluten visible in pizza

Article: The gluten pizza

Also visit the website S.C agency web marketing

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Gluten and pizza

Today I'll talk about Gluten trying to do it in a very simple way.. This word, in recent times has become part of our everyday vocabulary, part of (merit) goes to those suffering from some disorder of food intolerance, up to the celiac disease can not tolerate gluten absolutely. And to think that we find commonly in all leavened products from the oven.

Gluten and pizza
Dough for pizza

When we begin to knead flour and water, you begin to form the lattice glutinico. We find the gluten in all flours, even if in a different way.

Each type of flour has a different protein value (Gliadine and Glutenine) that upon contact with the water to rise to a protein complex called precisely gluten. Gluten form a lattice in our dough that will be the backbone of the mix that supports it and it does not do it rise deflate. The reticle is visible if we look at the interior of a slice of bread, where we can observe the alveolus or lattice that is formed.

Gluten and pizza
Slice of bread

The percentage of gluten that contains a flour that is mixed with water as the unit of measure the "strength"Which is shown in all packs of flour with the symbol The. Then, the greater the value of W, the greater the strength of that flour.

The flour for biscuits average has a W ranging from 130 to 170

Flour for pizza has a W ranging from 240 (pizza quick rise), to a W higher than the 300 (for long leavening also 24 hours in the fridge)

Panettone and Pandoro to support its own weight (eggs,butter, flour,,water) need of a flour with W ranging up to 450.

The classic packs of flour in the supermarket do not report this value (The) then choose a flour where it is clearly indicated "flour for pizza"

It might be helpful, also the reading of protein values ​​shown in the pack of flour:

Protein values ​​up to 10% are index of flour for pastries, cookies or tarts.

Protein values ​​ranging dall'11-13% are index flours suitable for the pizza, bread and all the buns

Values ​​above 14%: Flour for bakery products that require a large structure.

Now that we know what gluten, let's see how it behaves in our dough, but this I will explain in the next article.

What says wikipedia about gluten?

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The yeast for the pizza

The yeast for the pizza

The yeast for the pizza

The yeast for the pizza
The yeast for the pizza

The yeast for pizza is formed by microorganisms "Saccharomyces cerevisiae" that entered in'Dough of flour and water, and then cause the fermentation leavening, namely the transformation of sugars into carbon dioxide.

The yeast for the pizza

We can find it on the market in two different forms:

  • In the form of cubes called fresh yeast, short expiry, strictly to be kept in a refrigerator, This type of yeast is used in all pizzerias, responds quickly because the microorganisms are already active in its interior.
  • Granules, called dry yeast. You buy in supermarkets. Is nothing but the fresh yeast which is subjected to the process of dehydration. This type of yeast has a deadline very long since in the absence of water microorganisms are paused. To use it, we have to add it in warm water for a few minutes.

For the right amount to use we could say that 1 gram of dry yeast equivalent to 3 grams of fresh yeast.

For all the housewives or all enthusiasts who want to make pizza at home we give advice: Use fresh yeast. So doing shortened times Proving and maturation of your dough.

To those who have much time available we suggest you use the yeast or natural for kneading, perhaps coupled with a pinch of yeast, to have absolute certainty that the dough will rise. The results obtained will be superior in terms of richness of flavor and fragrances. In this article explains how to make your home the natural yeast or yeast.

Amount of yeast to use:

Whatever your recipe that followed, I warn: Are you using too much yeast.

After mixed and prepared thousands and thousands of pizzas in my life, I assure you that for our classic dough 4 people who can view in this article, are needed 1,5 grams. I understand that you trust, I agree with you that you have to do it quickly rise to bake and eat it, but the use of a higher dose could compromise your final product, giving the pizza a strong smell of yeast. Better to use a little yeast and give the right to the dough rising time, maybe until it has doubled in volume.

Some of my colleagues uses a stick of 25 grams to prepare 600 pizza in pizzeria, leaving the dough to rise in the refrigerator for more than 24 ..lascio hours ... you draw conclusions.

So to all those who will compete in making pizza at home, counsel to prepare the dough in the morning, then use it in the evening for dinner. You will have a final product perfectly leavened and mature to perfection.

Baking pizza beer

What says wikipedia on yeast

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Difference between the various types of yeast

Difference between various types of yeast

Difference between various types of yeast?

The process of proving it can be summed up in three different categories: Chemical leavening, physical and biological leavening leavening.

We are used to seeing the yeast in different ways, in the form of dough, dried granules, or as sourdough.

What is the difference between different types of yeast?

Leavening is a process that allows the formation of gas within a dough, it does increase in volume both before, both during cooking.

Let's see how these processes occur.


The pastry dough rises with the physical process
The puff pastry, produced with the process of leavening physical

This technique is widely used in confectionery. Questo tipo di lievitazione avviene grazie alla dilatazione termica dell’impasto durante la cottura. Products that contain inside egg whites are shining examples: the egg white mixed dough, thanks to the protein structure, manages to retain the air inside; while cooking the air bubbles remain trapped in the mesh structure of the protein re-inflating the sweet. Another example of this type of leavening is given by the puff pastry, where layers of fat such as butter and margarine are stacked in layers of dough. In cooking, the water vapor that is formed between the layers browsed is restrained from fat, creating empty areas within the product.


Baking powder
Baking powder

This type of leavening, is used in many bakery products especially in the professional and home cakes. The function of this yeast is to produce carbon dioxide during cooking, re-inflating the dough. Il lievito chimico è un composto in polvere formato prevalentemente da bicarbonato di sodio unito a un elemento acido che produce anidride carbonica durante la cottura. The first baking powders were created at the end of industrially 1800. Un altro tipo di lievitazione chimica è rappresentata dal bicarbonato d’ammonio o ammoniaca per dolci che è utilizzato nella preparazione di biscotti particolarmente friabili. The downside of this type of yeast is given precisely by the smell of ammonia which should be eliminated in the cooking following the right timing.


Dried yeast and diced
Dried yeast and diced

Leavening organic produce carbon dioxide through mechanisms of alcoholic fermentation that occur at the cellular level; i due principali agenti lievitanti sono il lievito compresso e il lievito naturale o lievito madre. The mechanisms of biological leavening were known since ancient times, When mixtures of water and flour were rested developing yeast which then in cooking rigonfiavano product. In 1930 was isolated the first yeast and performed an industrial production. Il lievito compresso si presenta sia in forma di panetto sia sotto forma di granuli disidratati. Il nome corretto è Saccaromyces Cerevisiae (da cerevisia, beer, in latino) and is a single-celled fungus that reproduces by budding.

Commonly called brewer's yeast perché in passato si ricavava da depositi che si formavano durante la fermentazione dei fusti di birra, today is produced with a compound from molasses; subsequently, through industrial processes, the yeast is compressed in cakes.

Dehydrated: The same yeast is dehydrated by reducing moisture and obtaining the granules of dry yeast.

Il Saccaromyces Cerevisiae è un fungo che inizia a riprodursi in presenza di ossigeno: This occurs thanks to the presence of air incorporated during the steps of mixing. Out of oxygen, the fungus triggers a mechanism of fermentation which produces ethyl alcohol and the part of carbon dioxide that is used to re-inflate the alveolar and doughs, before and during cooking.

Mother Natural yeast

Il lievito naturale o pasta madre è un importante processo della lievitazione biologica. Was used in baking long before the yeast, the sourdough is a mixture of water and flour, left to ferment at room temperature, develops colonies of yeasts and lactic acid bacteria that reproduce and, in the mixing phase, have power leavening. The leavening process is equal to that of the yeast: alcoholic fermentation with gas production that create volume and alveoli in the cooked product. Unlike the compressed yeast, con il quale ha in comune la presenza del Saccaromyces Cerevisiae, sourdough develops inside multiple colonies of yeasts and lactic acid bacteria: the latter is an important difference between the compressed yeast and sourdough, in quanto la loro fermentazione sviluppa profumi e sapori particolari molto ricercati nel campo della panificazione. The higher acidity present in naturally leavened dough also allows a longer shelf life of the product, or a delay in the staling of the same.

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Digest the pizza


Digest the pizza?

It all depends on the degree of maturation dough

Last night we went out for pizza, tonight I have not slept a wink, I could not digest. How many of us, alas, were found in this situation, or has heard someone complaining that way?

The pizza arrived digestible maturity
Dough come to maturity.

Digest the pizza? Everything depends on the degree of maturation of the dough

The rise is one of the most important steps in the preparation process of 'pizza dough or any product from leavened bakery. We all know what the leavening: The mixture begins to swell, increases in volume, the same leavening continues even during the process of Cooking, forming on the inside of the bubbles that make our pizza lighter.

What influences the leavening?

  • temperature
  • THE rising time
  • The salt
  • The water

Without this premise on rising, let's dispel a common Taboo: The Digestibility of a pizza, not dependent on the leavening, but another important process, which is called Maturation.

Aging: The flour is mainly composed of starch, which are complex sugars. At the contact with the water, enzymes of the flour are activated by attacking starches and reducing them to simple sugars: will serve as food for the yeast and will be more easily assimilated by our body. The combination of flour and water also develops the gluten, ie the protein network that serves to give structure to the dough. The reticle is attacked by other enzymes which have the function of transforming the proteins into amino acids, easier to digest. So our pizza will prove to be well digested when our digestive system will find the dough cooked simple elements that have already been treated and reduced by enzimi.Tutto this process is called Maturation.

Conclusion: Any kind of dough is prepared by placing the right amount of yeast, giving it the right time of rest to allow the maturation of work properly.

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Which flour to use for pizza, desserts and homemade pasta?

Which flour to use for pizza, desserts and homemade pasta?

Foto di diversi tipi di farina per indicare quale farina usare per pizza dolci e pasta preparati in casa
Which flour to use for pizza dough and homemade desserts?

During the preparation of our food we happen very often to ask which flour used to prepare cakes and pizza dough at home. Cooking at home, is back in fashion thanks to the economic crisis! Part of the credit also goes to the many television programs in cooking and culinary books on the market.

Which flour to use for pizza, desserts and homemade pasta?

As we all already know, the pizza dough can be soft, soft, friable or spongy: these characteristics vary essentially depending on the type of flour used, or, rather, from the mixture of flour.
The pizzas, focaccia, and bakery specialties typically, may appear in a different way according to their own choice of flour for processing. Indeed, besides water, oil, salt and the yeast we use to the dough, the flour is in fact a star ingredient in the preparation of pizza.
Do not underestimate that the leavening, l'ambiente, the oven temperature and the type of cooking are factors that weigh heavily on the success of the final product.

Flour type 00, 0, 1 and 2

As we all know, from the milling of durum wheat semolina and you get the caster; instead, when we grind the wheat, we have as final product a white flour, particularly suitable for the preparation of bread and cakes. The white flour differs depending on the degree of sifting is that the machining process consisting in the separation of the flour from the bran.

  • White flour type 00: capable of sifting equal to 50% (ideal for batters and cakes)
  • White flour type 0: capable of sifting equal to 72% that there be an excellent product for bread, pizza, buns and many other leavened products.
  • Flour type 1: capable of sifting of 80%
  • Flour type 2: capable of sifting of 85%
  • Fine flour: which is a very fine powder of wheat, which is obtained from the innermost part of the grain and soft. Flour that is used in the production of confectionery, qualitatively superior in terms of gluten.
  • Wholemeal flour: after his grinding, This flour does not undergo further refining processes. And 'itself a great alternative to flour 0, in the preparation of doughs rustic, but also has properties to satiate and regularize our intestines, thanks to the great amount of fibers contained in it.

The choice of flour.

All this introduction I think it is essential to have a general idea about the various ITPI flour commercially. Generally, the mixture which prepare for the pizza, is made from different mixtures of flour type 0 and 00 to which should be added to the water, salt, yeast and any fat or oil. For all those who want to obtain a rustic, want to add a piece of whole wheat flour, paying close attention to rising times, that for wholemeal flour turn out to be much longer than the doughs with white flours.

Our pizza will be of higher quality when we're going to use flour made from organic products, which have not been treated with pesticides or other chemicals. This consideration also applies to all other foods that we commonly use in our homes or in the workplace.

Flour for pizza Ingredient for the production of pizzas, depending on the flour used you will get a soft dough, soft, friable or spongy
Types of flour Type of flour
White flour type 00
White flour type 0 (ideal for pizzas)
Flour type 1
Flour type 2
Fine flour: (ideal for sweet pastry)
Wholemeal flour (regulates the intestine and satisfies)
Degree of sifting
The choice of flour for pizza There is no single type of flour for the preparation of pizzas. There are mixtures characterized by:

  • Flour type 0 and 00: dough soft and fluffy
  • Flour type 0 and whole wheat flour: dough thicker, aromatic. → attention: rising times longer
  • Wheat flour and semolina: dough less bloated
  • Wheat flour and spelled flour
  • Wheat flour and oatmeal
  • Wheat flour and almond flour: sweet dough
  • Wheat flour and spices: sweet dough and more energy
Flour for pizza and celiac disease Absolute prohibition of consuming pizzas mixed with wheat flour (for coeliacs). Possible mixtures with certified gluten-free flours
Pictures of different types of flour farina.Quale use for the pizza?
Which use flour for pizza?

For information on the nutritional values ​​of flour, Refer to the wikipedia page:


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