Pizza With Beans. Perhaps it would be better to call this pizza “Pizza Bean” He saw that his dough is prepared with the cannellini beans passed into the mixer.
The cannellini beans, added to the dough, make this soft and fragrant pizza, just like the pizza with potato dough.
We begin this recipe listing the ingredients for the preparation of this delicious pizza:
Let the mixer 250 grams of cannellini beans in their cooking water.
We add 4 grams of yeast.
Aggungiamo poco zucchero
a pinch of salt
a small cup of extra virgin olive oil
Pizza With Beans
Mix the ingredients by adding the flour lentmente, until you get a soft and elastic dough.
Divide into balls 250/270 grams
put it in a container with a lid resting for leavening in a warm corner of your home.
E’ a high-protein mixture, then let rise for a long time.
When it doubled its volume, Take a ball and roll it out on a round baking pan diameter 30 cm.
wait for others 30 minutes, leaving it to rise
Drill holes on the surface with your fingers
Season the disk of dough with oil, salt and rosemary.
Bake the everything in your oven previously heated to a temperature of 300 degrees, to 4 minutes, until the surface of your cake will be perfectly golden.
this focaccia, in addition to being delicious, It has the particularity to remain soft and fragrant for a few days.
below, It is available the video of the making of the dough, photos of the cake seasoning time with beans, and, the brilliant end result, obtained during the course of one of our professional pizzaiolo courses at our school of Italian pizza. For more information about our practical training as a pizza maker, click here.
Pizza With Beans
Video of the dough for pizza with beans
The video of the drafting of the pizza on baking tray.

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How much flour to 250g of beans?