Pizza Hut The End Of American Pizza

Pizza Hut The End Of American Pizza. Sixty years of history e 18 thousand restaurants in more than one hundred countries in the world had to close due to the corona virus.

It is the end of an American dream that begins in 1958 when two brothers Dan and Frank Carney asked on loan 600 dollars to his mother to open a small pizza shop in Wichita in the state of Kansas

Pizza Hut The End Of The American Colossus

They are the inventors of "home deliveries". Already in 1977 possessed 4 thousand restaurants, then they sold everything to the big brand PEPSI & Co.

The last advertising leap dates back to two years ago, when they sponsored the NFL championship, which turns out to be the most popular football championship in America.

Pizza Hut The End Of American Pizza Eaten By Covid

Then the end, he amassed over a billion dollars in debt until the covid took the coup de grace.

And to think that in Italy, the country of pizza, Pizza Hut has never had a large market share. We are a traditionalist people, especially with regards to food, then the high and spongy pizza does not like the Italians.

Pizza Hut The End Of American Pizza Full Of Debts

How will I do now? Without any malice towards this group, that to tell the truth I've always been nice, I have always used Pizza Hut as an example in my "School of Pizza Makers" to explain to my pupils how they shouldn't have made pizza to survive in our country.

Pizza Hut The End Of American Pizza Unfortunately Has Closed

So we end this parenthesis. Before saying goodbye, I wanted to remind you of some of the utility links that you can find here on my site:

Our professional practical courses that we do weekly in our school.

The calendar of upcoming courses in programming.

For all those who do not have the necessary time or resources, remember that an excellent "Online Pizza Maker Course" is available on our website. You will find all the information at this link.

I end by reminding you that it is already possible to download my latest book called: NOT ONLY PIZZA - What should have all the pizzerias in your menu. You will find it at this link.

If you are a pizza lover I invite you to visit my Youtube channel where you will find hundreds of pizza recipes.


See you soon

Silvio Cicchi