Prepare the Microwave Potato Chips

Prepare the Microwave Potato Chips

Prepare the Potato Chips to the Microwave. Potato chips are a perfect side dish. Young and old adore them. We can use them as a side dish for meat or fish dishes, or as a fantastic aperitif, maybe adding mayonnaise, ketchup or some hot sauce.

Personally I love them with paprika. Let's see how to prepare them quickly in the microwave with a very easy and quick recipe.

How to prepare them, recipe

The cooking time in the microwave a 800 watt is approx 5 minutes. To 4 people will be enough 3 potatoes and a pinch of salt. Sauces to your liking.

Peel the potatoes, cut them into thin slices and wash them under cold water. Put them in a bowl with cold water and leave them to soak for half an hour.

Cooking in the microwave

Drain them well and dry them. Adjust them on a sheet of parchment paper by spacing them apart. Turn on the microwave oven set to 800 watts per 5 minutes and they will be ready.

Serve them accompanied by your favorite sauce.

Prepare the Microwave Potato Chips
Prepare the Microwave Potato Chips


Keep following my site for valuable tips and recipes. On our youtube channel you will find hundreds of pizza recipes.


For pizza lovers, we remind you that in our "School of Pizzaioli" our professional practical courses are always available weekly to become a pizza chef. You'll find all the information here.

For those who already have experience in preparing pizza, I remember that there is a fantastic online pizza chef course that you can follow from the comfort of your home. You can download it on your mobile and follow it from the sofa at home. You will find all the information on course online at this link.

For those who have not already done so, I remember that it is already possible to download my latest recipe book which is called: NOT ONLY PIZZA - What should have all the pizzerias in your menu. It is a collection of precious aperitif and snack recipes that are part of the great Italian cuisine. All the information my book at this link.

Appointment in a few days for other news and recipes.

See you soon

Silvio Cicchi