Recipe Of Pizza At Norma

Recipe Of Pizza At Norma: Today we will prepare a simple recipe to achieve at home, really for all of our readers: Recipe Of Pizza At Norma

Recipe Of Pizza At Norma
Recipe Of Pizza At Norma

I can not explain the reason why this delicious pizza yummy and that fully reflects the values ​​of our Mediterranean cuisine is one of the unique regions of southern Italy. In fact, it is difficult to find in the menus of pizzerias located on the north of the peninsula, It seems to only be brought by Calabria down.

The ingredients for the filling of this great pizza, It is eggplant and ricotta salata, the same recipe that is used for the preparation of the pasta to the Norm.

Based on a pizza margherita, They add the diced eggplant fries, a thick layer of grated ricotta, salt and pepper and fresh basil added after cooking.

Recipe Of Pizza At Norma
Recipe Of Pizza At Norma

Recipe Of Pizza At Norma


Before baking must prepare eggplant, to remove the characteristic bitter taste of this vegetable, we'll have to cut it into cubes and soak in salted water for at least one hour. This operation is very important, it is unthinkable to prepare this pizza just using raw or grilled eggplant.

After about an hour, drain well eggplant to separate them from the water and fry the cubes in extra virgin olive oil to give a perfect browning.

Recipe Of Pizza At Norma
Recipe Of Pizza At Norma

Recipe Of Pizza At Norma


For the pizza dough, as usual I invite you to read our post “pizza dough” which explains step by step procedures to be adopted to achieve a perfect dough.


Let it rise well your pizzas, always the dough prepared well in advance, if there is possible, prepare it the day before and let it ripen to perfection in the fridge. Any recommendations for a perfect leavening are enclosed in our post available by clicking this link: “digest the pizza“.

After the rising phase, proceed with the drafting of the balls. If you are not an expert pizza makers, I suggest you take a look at our article about the detail drafting balls of pizza.

Recipe Of Pizza At Norma
Recipe Of Pizza At Norma

Roll the balls to form discs of dough by the diameter of 30 centimeters, add the tomato, a generous layer of mozzarella, eggplant prepared previously fried diced, abundant grated ricotta, salt and pepper and bake in your oven preheated to 300 degrees for a few minutes, until the edge of your pizzas will prove to be golden at the right point.

Baked your pizzas and add a few leaves of fresh basil that give the characteristic aroma and flavor to this delicious pizza.

If you want to learn more about the standard and its proivenienza, please see wikipedia

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Recipe Of Pizza At Norma
Recipe Of Pizza At Norma