pizza pesto

Pesto Pizza Recipe - A Coupled Winner

The delicious pizza to the pesto which until a few years ago seemed to be a unique region Liguria, finally begins to find space in all the menus of our peninsula and beyond. On my last trip in the multiethnic city in the world: New York, I was really surprised to find in the menu of the pizzeria "chicken pesto pizza"... And as I could not order it. A delicious sliced ​​chicken topped with pesto that served as a topping pizza margherita. I was wondering, who knows if it would have happened in Italy? The Italians are very traditional, only few would match the chicken pizza, in fact many pizzerias in our country suggest the simple daisy with addition of pesto as topping. Absolutely delicious to taste and if you have not already done.

pizza pesto
The pesto pizza

Let's move on to the preparation of the pesto pizza.

Pizza dough:

Doses to prepare 4 pizza pesto
Flour type "0" 625 grams
Water 375 grams
Sale 15 grams
Yeast 2 grams
Sugar 10 grams
Oil 2-3 spoons
Take a container for the dough, pour the warm water (20 degrees around) and scioglieteci in yeast, then add the extra virgin olive oil and sugar. Add the flour and begin to knead. Add salt and continue to work the dough with your hands until a homogeneous product, elastic and soft that will come off completely from your hands.

Divide the dough into 4 balls and leave to rest well covered for leavening, for an hour or until its volume will not be doubled.

pizza pesto
Pizza with pesto

Meanwhile prepare the pesto. To prepare the pesto must wash and dry 4 bunches of fresh basil leaves. We begin to chop 2 cloves of garlic with a little’ salt, then add the basil leaves, a handful of pine nuts, Parmesan (40 g) and pecorino (20 g) and mix together gradually incorporating olive oil. The pesto must not be too liquid.

Completed the leavening, proceed with the drafting of the balls.

Season the circles of dough with tomato sauce, sale, extra virgin olive oil, oregano, add the mozzarella and topped with a spoon the surface of the pizza with your pesto.

Bring your oven at a temperature of 200/250 degrees and bake your pizzas. After 15 minutes check for doneness, and baked only when the board will prove to be perfectly golden. Add a few leaves of fresh basil and serve hot.

pizza pesto
Margherita pizza with pesto sauce

How to prepare your pizza with pesto? Give your recipe in the comments on this page.

To learn more about the pesto, you can take a look at wikipedia.

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