As pizzas Desserts Dessert Recipes

As pizzas Desserts Dessert Recipes

As pizzas Desserts Dessert Recipes. It all began with a cake smeared over with a thick layer of Nutella. E’ only in recent years that the sweet pizza has stormed to become part of our culture by inventing a whole new way of eating pizza.

The success was immediate. The country where the sweet pizza has the most successful is certainly Brazil, think that in the south of the country, in the Sao Paulo area and Rio de Janeiro pizza dessert touches tips 20% compared to the classic pizzas. No wonder if we think of the great quantity and quality of fruit available in this country. If you are interested in more information about this classification please refer to our previous article about “The Pizza in Brazil“.

In our country the sweet pizza has made great strides, thanks to the resourcefulness of many pizza makers,  the simple focaccia with hazelnut cream smeared on the back was literally transformed into masterpieces with custard, chocolate flakes, limoncello and even the babas and icing sugar.

As pizzas Desserts Dessert Recipes
As pizzas Desserts Dessert Recipes

As pizzas Desserts Dessert Recipes

One of the nicest things that sweet pizza has to offer, It is definitely the part aesthetics. The bright red of cranberries and strawberries, yellow creams, data scents from citrus fruits often used as a topping and the many varieties of chocolate flakes or in spalmbile version has meant that this sweet specialty was now present in all menus of the peninsula.

It is slowly even changing the tradition of the dough used for the production of sweet pizza. At first was the simple classic pizza dough with sweet topping, lately there are many who produce special mixtures to be used exclusively for this type of pizza. Doughs are often fragrant citrus, the green apple or lemon. See the section Mixtures.

As pizzas Desserts Dessert Recipes
As pizzas Desserts Dessert Recipes

As pizzas Desserts Dessert Recipes

In professional courses for pizza makers who daily carry out at our school pizza, usually we devote ample space to pizza dessert, It has now become an integral part of our program. Anyone interested in more information about our courses, we suggest click this link.

If you want to prepare this delicious kind of pizza to your home or in your business, on our site are available a lot of pizza dessert recipes.

Here is a list of sweet pizza recipes that you can prepare in accordance with our professional recipes:

 As pizzas Desserts Dessert Recipes

We remind you that if you want to improve yourself in the preparation of the pizza, on our site there is a fantastic professional course of Pizzaiolo Online. E’ to everyone, you can access the course at any time when you have time available, It contains many videos showing you the various tricks and secrets to prepare a pizza that has nothing to envy to that of the pizzeria beneath your home. If you want more information on our online course, click here.

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As pizzas Desserts Dessert Recipes
As pizzas Desserts Dessert Recipes