All the articles by silviocicchi

SILVIO CICCHI:Male Age:54 A restaurant-trained Executive Pizza Chef, he is the author of upcoming book of pizza recepy: “PIZZA e FANTASIA“, you can download it for free registering on this site. He currently resides in Spinetoli (ITALY) with his cats and dogs. Specialized in Business start up – Pizza dove – Pizza courses – Art of pizza.
Pizza and Kebab Sauce At Yogurt Recipe

Pizza and Kebab Sauce At Yogurt Recipe

For years now the Middle Eastern cuisine, is fully a part of our culinary culture. Hands up who among us has not tasted at least once in a lifetime kebab, this delicious specialty. The Italian pizza makers, They have now decided to adapt this specialty Italian culture by adding the kebab as a sauce for a pizza that was never more apt!!!

Pizza and Kebab Sauce At Yogurt Recipe
Pizza and Kebab Sauce At Yogurt Recipe

Pizza and Kebab Sauce At Yogurt Recipe

The spicy taste of kebab meat combined with yogurt sauce gives life to the recipe that we are going to illustrate today: The pizza kebab with yogurt sauce, a fresh pizza suitable for all seasons.
For those who do not have much experience in the preparation of the dough, the leavening and the establishment of balls, we provide these previous articles which explains step by step how to make the foundation for our pizzas.
Pizza dough homemade
The drafting of the balls of pizza

Pizza and Kebab Sauce At Yogurt Recipe
Pizza and Kebab Sauce At Yogurt Recipe

Pizza and Kebab Sauce At Yogurt Recipe

Buy meat kebabs and yoghurt sauce by your nearest dealer.
After having laid the disks of dough, sprinkle the base with yogurt sauce, add the meat kebab, the finely chopped onions and fresh tomatoes sliced. Add salt and pepper and put to cook in your oven preheated to 250 degrees for 15 minutes, until the edge will be perfectly golden. Baked your pizzas and add the chopped salad with thin strips before serving.
If you want to know more about the kebab and its origins, please click this link to wikipedia.
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Pizza and Kebab Sauce At Yogurt Recipe
Pizza and Kebab Sauce At Yogurt Recipe

Pizza and Kebab Sauce At Yogurt Recipe

Pizza and Kebab Sauce At Yogurt Recipe
Pizza and Kebab Sauce At Yogurt Recipe
Oregano and Pizza Properties and Uses

Oregano and Pizza Properties and Uses

Oregano “Origanum vulgare” is a herbaceous plant with small oval leaves, whole, opposite. Its flowers are pinkish. E’ a perennial plant that grows in the mountains, In fact, its scientific name is derived from the Greek language, oros which means mountain, and ganos meaning splendor. It grows on the sun, and needs warm to develop all its aroma.

Oregano and Pizza Properties and Uses
Oregano and Pizza Properties and Uses

Oregano and Pizza Properties and Uses

Oregano has enormous medicinal properties that are contained in the flowering tops.
Its unique and distinctive strong flavor and penetrating is given from the essential oil content in its flowers, This essential oil also exerts some beneficial effects:
Aids digestion by stimulating the salivary and gastric secretions, It has tonic for the nervous system, frees the airways in case of cold or cough, read disinfectant properties.

Oregano and Pizza Properties and Uses
Oregano and Pizza Properties and Uses

Oregano and Pizza Properties and Uses in the kitchen

In our kitchens oregano occupies a prominent place, especially in the preparation of Mediterranean dishes and its leaves are commonly used for salads and meats.

Oregano and Pizza Properties and Uses
Oregano and Pizza Properties and Uses

Oregano and Pizza Properties and Uses

In pizzeria oregano is an ingredient of primary importance. The tomato is prepared and coupled with oregano in all the pizzas “white” no tomato, It is always added a sprinkling of oregano.
for who, come me, He loves to collect the fresh oregano to be dried before use for their pizzas, I recommend raccoglere this plant in dry places and sunny, these plants have more flavor and aroma. Once collected, oregano is dried in the shade and then must be stored in airtight containers.
Oregano on wikipedia

Pizza recipe Scampi and Smoked Salmon

Pizza recipe Scampi and Smoked Salmon

One of the most typical recipes of the sea is the recipe pizza scampi and smoked salmon. For those who live in town by the sea, This recipe is not nothing new, the union of the unique taste of smoked salmon together with that of fresh shrimp form a marriage of flavors unique and indistinguishable, by true lovers of fish and shellfish.

Pizza recipe Scampi and Smoked Salmon
Pizza recipe Scampi and Smoked Salmon

This pizza is suitable for all those who are perpetually on diet, because it really is a light and tasty pizza. The ideal dish to be eaten in a warm summer evening. Also this recipe is very easy to achieve and does not require much time for preparation.
For those not familiar with dough, Proving and doses, You can see our previous post that will illustrate in detail the preparation of the dough, the leavening of the dough and the drafting of the balls of pizza.
drawing up

Pizza recipe Scampi and Smoked Salmon
Pizza recipe Scampi and Smoked Salmon

Scampi pizza ingredients and smoked salmon for 4 people:

250g of mozzarella;
50g of parsley;
200g smoked salmon;
340g scampi;
oil, salt and pepper q.b.

Pizza recipe Scampi and Smoked Salmon
Pizza recipe Scampi and Smoked Salmon

Preparing pizza with scampi and smoked salmon:

This pizza can be made with or without tomato.
After lying on the balls of pizza, add the tomato, mozzarella, scampi well washed and sliced ​​smoked salmon. Season with oil, sale, pepper and chopped parsley.
Bake in oven previously heated to a temperature of 250 degrees for 15 minutes, until the edge of the pizzas will prove to be perfectly golden.
Baked pizzas and serve hot.
The perfect match for this pizza, is to serve it accompanied with a great dry white wine.
He knew the pizza with shrimp and smoked salmon? how to prepare your home? post your recipe in the comments on this page.
If you want to know more about the scampi, you can click this link to wikipedia.

Pizza recipe Scampi and Smoked Salmon
Pizza recipe Scampi and Smoked Salmon

Pizza recipe Piadina

Piadina Romagna is very appreciated in Italy, It enjoys the same popularity of pizza, They have a lot in common, from the ingredients for the preparation and the filling, to form. It often happens that those who want to quickly prepare the pizza for dinner, use is made of a base “flatbread” for the preparation. A very simple recipe to achieve at home and fast cutting totally the time to rise.

Pizza recipe Piadina
Pizza recipe Piadina

Pizza recipe Piadina

For the preparation of this simple recipe we will need 4 piadine
250 grams of mozzarella
200 grams of tomato sauce seasoned with oil, salt and oregano
Grilled vegetables, diced
extra virgin olive oil
a pinch of salt
a few leaves of fresh basil

Pizza recipe Piadina
Pizza recipe Piadina

Pizza recipe Piadina Preparation

Sprinkle the top of the tortillas with a little tomato pulp, add the diced mozzarella, add the grilled vegetables into cubes.
Dress your pizzas with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and a pinch of salt.
Preheat your oven at a temperature of 200/250 degrees and bake for 10/15 minutes until the mozzarella has melted, oven and add a few leaves of fresh basil.
Serve piping hot.
The flat bread is very easy to make at home, if you are interested, you can see the recipe to prepare it at home in our previous post.
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The piadina wikipedia.

Pizza recipe Piadina
Pizza recipe Piadina
At the Tyrolean Pizza Recipe

At the Tyrolean Pizza Recipe

The recipe for the pizza to the Tyrolean is based on ingredients that are characteristic of this region, the most famous is definitely Speck complete with PGI. South Tyrol. Another characteristic ingredients include pork sausage, and finally, to represent the local gastronomy, i funghi, that in this region thrive.

Tyrolean recipe pizza
Tyrolean recipe pizza

At the Tyrolean Pizza Recipe

The ingredients:
500 grams of flour type 00
5 grams of yeast
270 grams of warm water
a teaspoon of salt
A tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil
200 grams of tomato pulp
300 grams of mozzarella
250 grams of Speck
250 grams of sausage of pork
A pinch of pepper

At the Tyrolean Pizza Recipe
At the Tyrolean Pizza Recipe

At the Tyrolean Pizza Recipe

drawing up
After lying on the four discs of dough, add the tomato, hot dogs, i funghi. The bacon should be added after cooking.
Bake at 250 degrees for 15 minutes, until the edge is perfectly golden
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Know Tyrol? visit this site.

At the Tyrolean Pizza Recipe
At the Tyrolean Pizza Recipe
pizza recipe biancaneve

White Pizza Recipe

Pizza recipe biancaneve. This is the perfect recipe for lovers of the simple things, in fact the pizza biancaneve is pizza that has fewer ingredients that you can find on menus around the world (immediately after the focaccia).
As you might imagine, its name comes from the fact that it is a white pizza and is prepared by all with a single ingredient…..mozzarella.

White Pizza Recipe
White Pizza Recipe

Snow White recipe Pizza Preparation

The mixture of this pizza is the standard that we use for all our pizza recipes, if you are not expert, you can read our previous article “dough for homemade pizza“.

White Pizza Recipe
White Pizza Recipe

White Pizza Recipe

E’ a pizza very easy to prepare, finished leavening phase, roll out the disks of dough and season with a generous layer of mozzarella.
Sprinkle the surface with a pinch of oregano and freshly ground black pepper.

White Pizza Recipe
White Pizza Recipe

Snow White recipe Pizza Cooking

Preheat your oven at home at a temperature of 220/250 degrees and bake the pizzas for biancaneve 15 minutes, until the edge will prove to be perfectly golden.
When cooked, baked and served piping hot.
A great match for this pizza is to accompany it with a light white.
You knew the pizza biancaneve? Leave your comment on this page.
If you want to refresh your memory about who was snow white and the seven little friends who were, vi invito a look at you the video of his story.

capers and cucunci

Capers Features and Use in Cooking

Capers Features and Use in Cooking

Capers Features and Use in Cooking. Capers are the small shrubs. This plant will consume the buds, called capers, and the fruits, called cucunci. They are preserved in oil, pickled or salted.

Capperi Caratteristiche Uso in Cucina
Capers Features and Use in Cooking

Capers Features and Use in Cooking

Capers in gastronomy
They have a strong flavor, in the kitchen they are used to give flavor to other foods in the first, in seconds and in various sauces and condiments.
The best are those salted capers, this method ensures the maintenance of the organoleptic characteristics, without resorting to the addition of additives that can be found in the products pickled.
Market there exists various sizes, those of smaller size, They lend themselves to be eaten whole, while the older ones are chopped and used to flavor sauces and fillings.

Capers Features and Use in Cooking
Capers Features and Use in Cooking

Capers Features and Use in Cooking

Capers best on the market come from the island of Pantelleria which also boast the IGP. The volcanic soil of the island and the right humidity from the sea, give the Capers of Pantelleria a characteristic aroma and unmistakable.

Capers Features and Use in Cooking
Capers Features and Use in Cooking

The fruits of the caper, called cucunci are used in the kitchen in a similar way to the buds. Great as a side dish or as an appetizer.
Capers and cucunci can be found on the market in salt, oil and vinegar, the best are those in salt, although because of excess sodium, at the time of purchase they are often discarded in favor of other. You can remedy the problem of salt, capers and rinse thoroughly under running cold water and letting it soak for about ten minutes.
A good rule is not to add salt to dishes garnished with capers.

Capers Features and Use in Cooking
Capers Features and Use in Cooking

Capers Features and Use in Cooking

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If you want to learn more about the capers, consultation wikipedia.

5 Tips for Getting A Perfect Pizza

The pizza is definitely the symbol of Italian cuisine in the world. A few months ago, television broadcast “Report” It introduced a service called: Non bruciamoci la pizza, This excellent report has exposed the various pitfalls that lurk inside a pizza, from its cooking until the container to the takeaway in which it is packaged. In this post we will try to briefly summarize the advice we are given.

5 Tips for Getting A Perfect Pizza
5 Tips for Getting A Perfect Pizza

5 Tips for Getting A Perfect Pizza

1) Keep the oven clean, always at room temperature and without smoke emissions.
The oven in which we cook our pizzas, It must be always constantly clean, the temperature must reach and sometimes exceed 400 degrees. Always remove from the oven residue flour burned. Careful not to burn the crust pizzas.

5 Tips for Getting A Perfect Pizza
5 Tips for Getting A Perfect Pizza

2) Attention to rising.
A slow rising returns a product easy to digest and does not cause swelling. Careful not to use pre-cooked or frozen foods as the basis of the fresh ready to replace that is prepared in pizzeria.
3) Use unrefined flour and not carbonized.
Refined flours cause increase in blood glucose with the resulting increase in insulin. This phenomenon leads to a greater accumulation of fat in our blood. Many are now the pizzerias using wholemeal flour or other alternatives. The flour integrali, They are rich in minerals that are almost absent in the flour 00.

5 Tips for Getting A Perfect Pizza
5 Tips for Getting A Perfect Pizza

4) Use San Marzano tomatoes.
For the sauce pizza, They should be used only San Marzano tomatoes, rich in antioxidants, considered as a real fruit, high-fiber, and lycopene higher than the norm.
5) Always use extra virgin olive oil.
In pizzas packed, They are high doses of saturated fats and oils of poor quality, check the labels. Avoid palm oil or similar. Only the self-production gives us the guarantee of a better quality.
6) The mozzarella on pizza.
The pizza, few ingredients, but good. Buy only quality products are sourced Italian.
7) The cardboard for the takeaway pizza.
Are commercially 3 types of cardboard with which they are wrapped pizzas to take away, White pure cellulose, brown semi-chemical and recycled cardboard. The law dictates that only white cardboard woodfree.

5 Tips for Getting A Perfect Pizza

Now that we are at Acquaintances of all the information on how it should be a perfect pizza, we must demand the highest quality from our pizzeria trust.
Here's the video of the transmission report “Non bruciamoci la pizza” which aired in October 2014.
Visit the site rai
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Pizza Truffle Recipe and Preparation

Pizza Truffle Recipe and Preparation

The pizza is the Italian word better known to the world, second of this special list is the word spaghetti followed by cappuccino.
E’ appreciated both by adults and children to be a genuine flat, tasty and cheap. At home or in a restaurant eating a pizza together is a perfect way to spend an evening.
The pizza has many variations, ranging from the classic margherita to complex offering authentic mix of flavors.
Today I will explain how to make a pizza with truffle, a well known product in the middle northern Italy.

Pizza Truffle Recipe and Preparation
Pizza Truffle Recipe and Preparation

Pizza ingredients Truffle Recipe and Preparation

In my humble opinion, the best way to enjoy a truffle pizza is certainly to grate over a white pizza with mozzarella only, without the tomato, that with the acidity that contains would cover much of the flavor of this special tuber. Despite this, They are many pizza makers that combine truffles with eggs (Bismark) baked ham, pancetta or bacon depending on personal tastes.

Pizza Truffle Recipe and Preparation
Pizza Truffle Recipe and Preparation

Preparation Pizza Truffle Recipe and Preparation

To prepare the, the leavening and the establishment of balls, Please consult our post:
Dough for homemade pizza
The drafting of the balls
At this point, add a generous layer of mozzarella on your pizza, the truffle is grated cooked.
Bake in your oven preheated to 200/250 degrees for 15 minutes, until the edge has reached the perfect degree of browning.

Pizza Truffle Recipe and Preparation
Pizza Truffle Recipe and Preparation

Remove from the oven and at this point the grated truffle over hot mozzarella. The warmth of freshly baked pizza will release truffle pizza on an exceptional perfume.
Cut into wedges and serve your pizzas piping hot.
I hope I was clear with the information to make this delicious pizza with truffle. Write your comment and your recipes of pizza with truffle on this page.
To learn more about the truffle can consult wikipedia.

Pizza Truffle Recipe and Preparation
Pizza Truffle Recipe and Preparation

The Pizza More Long World

That record!!! The world's longest pizza.
The 20 June will be a date to remember for the Italian pizza makers. E’ It was realized the Expo of Milan a long pizza 1595,45 meters and it was therefore torn the previous record held by Spain 1141,5 meters.

The Pizza More Long World
The Pizza More Long World

The Pizza More Long World

Total weight of 5 tons.
The company was brought to an end by 80 Italian pizza with 200 volunteers. For the preparation of the pizza records were needed 5 ovens, a ton and seven hundred kilograms of Italian mozzarella, 1500 pounds of tomatoes, 150 pounds of extra virgin olive oil, 1700 pounds of flour and 30 pounds of yeast.
Cooking times? 3 minutes for each meter of pizza.
The pizza was offered to 30.000 visitors and expo 300 meters of pizza were delivered to the food bank in Milan.
With the completion of this Guinness record, we wanted to celebrate the birthday of pizza margherita that has made its 126 age, In fact it was the year 1889 when he was summoned to court by the pizza maker Raffaele Esposito then she prepares for the royal family of pizzas for her majesty the Queen Margherita of Savoy.

The Pizza More Long World
The Pizza More Long World

The Pizza More Long World

This primacy, It acts as a support for the candidacy international registration of pizza in the unesco list of intangible cultural heritage of humanity.
For those who do not is Acquaintances, the business of pizza has achieved in the Itala 10 billion euro, account 63 thousand pizzerias and employs 150 thousand employees. Furthermore, the 39 percent of Italians believe that the pizza is the culinary symbol of Italy according to the website of coldiretti , after all the pizza is the best known Italian word abroad, followed by cappuccino, spaghetti and espresso.
For more information, read the article RaiNews

If you are interested in preparing your home a perfect pizza margherita, please read our previous article on how to prepare a pizza margherita perfect.

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The Pizza More Long World
The Pizza More Long World