Category archives: Advice

The Colors In Catering

The Colors In Catering

The Colors In Catering. Did you know that you can influence your customers' choices using the color matching techniques? Do Not? If you were not aware of this technique, Read this article carefully!!

Here's how the colors can stimulate emotions:

E’ Everyone knows that the decisions we make from time to time are affected by our mood.

We're not talking about absolutely magic, but the popular theory of colors.

scientifically, the color visual processing is generated by nerve impulses carried by the brain and is able to generate emotions.

This causes the color turns into feeling that influence people's choices (clients). At this point we have everything we need to influence the choices of our guests in a pizzeria. Prepare your palette and your colors, we're going to influence your customers!!

The Colors In Catering
How to influence customers' choices with colors

The Colors In Catering

A recent study of “Cornell University” He has shown that people eat 22% more food if the plates are color-matched to the dishes.

Do you think that all of this was already known in 1865, discovered by the Belgian scientist Delboeuf, effect known as Delboeff Illusion.

Subsequent experiments in 2006 made by scientists Brian Waninsk and Koert van Ittersum found that, if the spaghetti al pomodoro (rossi) They were served on red plates, the diners were eating in larger amounts than the same spaghetti served on white plates.

unbelievable!!! Do you have trouble making your kids eat vegetables? Fawning on a green plate, and immediately you notice the difference.

Do you want to organize a dinner for friends based green ravioli with spinach? Serve them on the green plates, and for sure all of your guests will ask you for an encore!

The Colors In Catering
colorful vegetables

The Colors In Catering

Before you start to get your teeth into!

There are foods that have always been part of our culture and influence our taste buds with their color.

  • Rosso: The red color is instinctively associated with sweet and passion, It is a fantastic stimulating our appetite. Know that A plate of red color will always be a success guaranteed one hundred percent.
  • Yellow: The yellow color is associated immediately with the acidic flavor of lemon and apples are also. Caution, It is absolutely used sparingly.
  • Verde: The green color with a sense of naturalness, It reminds us of the earth. For millennia the vegetables were the only foods that have been nurtured man. A touch of green to your dishes will create a sense of trust, so always remember to add leaves of green to your dishes, like basil, fresh parsley or arugula.
  • Viola, Brown, Nero: These colors are instinctively connected to rotten food, or to the fruits (berries) of poisonous plants. Already in prehistory primitive men avoided the. If you cook a great steak (Brown) tries to serve on a colored base, maybe with colorful flowers field. It will be perceived as more than good served without the use of “colors”.
  • Blu: Pay close attention to the blue, it is known that this color is a strong appetite-suppressant. All those who are dieting are fully aware. It is known that the food dye blue or whitewash the walls of its kitchen blue, inevitably leads to decrease the feeling of hunger. Because?? Simple, in nature there is almost nothing to eat the blue color, accordingly it is instinctively refused.
The Colors In Catering
The Colors In Catering

And the walls of your restaurant or pizzeria, what color should be?

The environment where you sit the customers is important for you to generate a series of reactions.

  • Cheerfulness and appetite: As you may have noticed the yellow color is the one that prevails in fast food, It is usually associated with the red. Yellow = joyful atmosphere, and red = fast. This combination makes our customers feel in a joyful and friendly atmosphere, but to consume the meal in a hurry to leave the empty seat to other customers.
  • gourmet cooking: Blue is the color of elegance, all cold color gradations create an opposite effect to yellow, giving an elegant and distinguished atmosphere, but, as suggested above, reduce the feeling of hunger. E’ the ideal color for those that do nouvelle cuisine with their mini portions, but, often not even satiate hunger.
  • Temptation and innocence: White is the color of innocence, It is a neutral color, so the brain communicates that everything can be eaten without any side effects. E’ Also the color of the tease, those who do not have the temptation to cut a strip of white bread or focaccia to whet your appetite? well yes, white is the color that should be combined with bar serving aperitifs, everything should be served on white plates candid. Result….always hungry customers who order continuously other things.
The Colors In Catering
colorful vegetables

In conclusion, you'll definitely understood by reading this post what is important color for your business. Do you feel ready to start with the experiments?

Grow your business and helping you with the colors….let me know, leaving a comment, if it is working.

By the way, what aspects to click on G + and then share it on your Facebook wall? 😉 (The so technical articles are of great help for those who make pizza at home or in their own business!)

Click on G + and share this post on Facebook, you will not be diverted to any other page, but you demonstrate your gratitude for this article! Thank You

Silvio Cicchi Executive Chef Pizza

The flour Soy Pizzeria

The flour Soy Pizzeria

The flour Soy Pizzeria. The soy flour is obtained from the processing of the soy plant. This product contains no gluten so it is suitable for those who follow a particular diet as celiacs. Really good for those who follow a vegetarian diet, rich in proteins, excellent for making bread, pizza and cakes mixed in small percentages to wheat flour.

E’ obtained by grinding the soybeans, It belongs to the family of “legumes”, originates from China where it already 5000 years ago it was cultivated for human consumption. Soybeans together with rice, barley, millet and wheat is a valuable and essential plant.

The flour Soy Pizzeria
The flour Soy Pizzeria

In the present day there are different varieties, among the most common is that red, yellow and green, used both to feed humans and as feed for animals.

Compared to common bean flour, soy flour contains starch in minor amounts, This makes it much easier to digest.

All people with diabetes are very familiar with the benefits of this plant, You think its glycemic index is 25, while that for wheat flour arrives in 85. Rich in proteins, It presents a composition of essential amino acids complete than other legumes.

Exactly for this reason, the soybean is also called by the name of vegetal meat.

The flour Soy Pizzeria
The flour Soy Pizzeria

The flour Soy Pizzeria

The soy flour is very suitable for the preparation of pizzas, buns, bread, confectionery, biscuits and cakes.

In pizzeria are many of my colleagues pizza dough that add to each a small percentage of soy flour.

The percentage varies from a 10% until you get to a 15-20% added to wheat flour.

When we add the soy flour at our dough, we must take account of 2 very important factors:

The soybean has a high content of protein, so beware the leavening, needs a long rising in a refrigerator that depending on the percentage of added soy, It can reach up to 48-60 hours of leavening, see for example the type pizza “Romanian Pinsa”. Another factor to which we must pay close attention to is that the soybean meal during cooking darkens much more compared to other cereal flours.

The flour Soy Pizzeria
The flour Soy Pizzeria

The flour Soy Pizzeria


The addition of soy flour to the dough for pizza is perfect for those who are already used to working with long rising in the fridge, but absolutely not recommended for all those who prepare the pizza on Sunday in only a few hours at the delicate stage of leavening. A mixture with addition of soya flour that is highly protein will never reach maturation in two hours.

For those who have little experience and confidence with flour, we remind you that on our website by clicking this link, you will have access to the guide flour for pizza, what to buy and which to use to obtain a perfect mix.

For all those who want to learn the fantastic job of the pizza maker, we recommend you subscribe to our During pizza online, or attend one of our professional courses of pizza at our school of pizza. To know more click here.

By the way, what aspects to click on G + and then share it on your Facebook wall? 😉 (The so technical articles are of great help for those who make pizza at home or in their own business!)

Click on G + and share this post on Facebook, you will not be diverted to any other page, but you demonstrate your gratitude for this article! Thank You

Silvio Cicchi Executive Chef Pizza

If you want to learn more about soy, please click this link wikipedia.

Pizza and Yeast The Righteous Doses

Pizza and Yeast The Righteous Doses

Pizza and Yeast The Righteous Doses. When you write posts that will be read by many other people, It must be clear, but the thing that I think is very important not to fall into criticism from other readers or people doing the same job is… only write things you know well.

Often surf the net looking for ideas and suggestions for new post, today to answer questions received by many readers and readers who prepare the pizza at home, I wanted to write this advice covering a pretty important thing about the pizza, We introduce the topic baking powder and the right amounts to be added to the dough.

Pizza and Yeast The Righteous Doses
Pizza and Yeast The Righteous Doses

Pizza and Yeast The Righteous Doses

When I read in some recipes on the web site of some illustrious and I see between doses….Flour 300 grams and Yeast 20 grams Well… shoot straight, immediately step to other sites and other recipes. How you can use 20 grams of yeast for 3 pizzas to the plate or for the preparation of a baking tray? What credibility we should give these gentlemen? daltronde, just look at the photos of their results to understand that he's talking about pizza, but of something baked in the oven with the above ingredients.

Too much yeast in the dough feels, altrera aromas and taste of pizza.

So what we have to put yeast?

The yeast cubes of beer they sell in the supermarket weigh 25 grams, I think that in a dough 200 pizzas along with 24 hours of leavening in the fridge, ne uso 5 GRAMS (Five).

Pizza and Yeast The Righteous Doses
Pizza and Yeast The Righteous Doses

Pizza and Yeast The Righteous Doses

For housewives and husbands who Sundays prepare pizza at home and as usual to knead 5 afternoon and then leave the dough to rise 2 sunshine hours and then consume it the same evening at 7/8, I would like to give an advice: Increasing the dose of yeast disproportionately pizza will not rise before, It takes the same time to rise even with only a few crumbs of leaven, 2 or three grams are sufficient. Anyhow, the mixture to be digested must get to “maturation” more or less quickly depending on the type of flour used for the dough that will have, and maturation, You not certainly comes with only two hours of leavening.

Make a habit of mixing with a good mixture of flour (W350) pizza on Saturday, and then roll out the pizza and fire it on Sunday night (long rising in the fridge), the result will be great.

How do I comment my friend Carmine, the topic “As yeast use” it is clear only to people who have appropriate knowledge on the pizza, on doughs and especially the flour to use, those who prepare once in a while the pizza at home will have difficulty understanding.

Just to help these people in difficulty, I prepared a course of professional pizza maker ONLINE to everyone who will help you prepare the pizza to your home just like an expert pizza maker, It contains lots of useful information, tricks and secrets on suitable flour for pizza, dough, leavening, the preparation and baking. The trainees have access to a tutor who will answer to all the doubts and questions, to know more CLICK HERE.

Pizza and Yeast The Righteous Doses
Pizza and Yeast The Righteous Doses

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Sour Dried Pasta and Pizza

Sour Dried Pasta and Pizza

Sour Dried Pasta and Pizza. And, It happened again, You will not believe, but there's still those who insist on wanting prepare pizza exclusively with the yeast, even making a mess on the name, calling “Sourdough”. I was invited to dinner with friends and friendly hostess has prepared his specialty: Pizza with his staff sourdough! Logically the yeast (natural) He does not respond with force in the same way of the yeast, that, for the uninitiated, Also it is natural, then, We had dinner with a pizza absolutely unleavened.

Sour Dried Pasta and Pizza
Sour Dried Pasta and Pizza

But what is this blessed yeast? We do a bit of clarity saying: The brewer's yeast is not some chemical thing prepared illegally in some clandestine laboratory in a makeshift garage somewhere drug dealer.

garage and nothing pushers nothing, I'm sorry for you, the yeast is formed by colonies of a microorganism named Saccharomyces cerevisiae which is obtained by fermentation and did multiply. Washed and dried and gives life to the dry yeast, sold fresh in cubes gives life to the classic yeast that we find at the supermarket.

All this opening speech to finally get to the dried sour dough.

Sour Dried Pasta and Pizza
Sour Dried Pasta and Pizza

Sour Dried Pasta and Pizza

The dried sourdough is a powder that is added in bakery products in small percentages to improve the sensory characteristics of the product.

The structure of the bacteria and yeast that are present in the sourdough are very resistant all'essiccatura, then in the preparation of sour dough there is a complete deactivation of the yeast, for this reason when dried completely it loses its power fermentative. So dear friends, not just the simple addition of dried sourdough, but we must always add the yeast so that our yeast dough.

Why do you use the dried sour dough?

As with the classic leavened with the yeast you are obtained a mainly alcoholic fermentation with the production of a few different metabolites that are responsible for the aroma and flavor, adding the acid dried pasta dough, we will obtain a lactic and acetic fermentation also. This makes it better preserve the product, its aroma and its flavor.

Sour Dried Pasta and Pizza
Sour Dried Pasta and Pizza

Sour Dried Pasta and Pizza

And the pizza dough?

The pizza is a product that should not be stored for a long, on the contrary, the opposite is true, It should be eaten still hot, the smells and the flavors are prevailing data from the ingredients on the pizza, therefore all the possible benefits of dried sourdough do not apply to our beloved pizza.

Maybe dough bread……perhaps… any technician in the field with a good “nose” It may feel some difference.


If it's pizza we want to talk, used strong flour, brewer's yeast, long rising in the refrigerator, few ingredients and good!! Just invite people to your home just to settle your “mother dough”, use it for bread, not for a good pizza! they are angry, I ate a pizza unleavened, It is absolutely not come to maturation, Rusk because cooked at very low temperatures and I had to get up twice during the night to drink water.

I asked the friendly hostess to subscribe to one of our professional pizzaiolo courses at our School Pizza. It also happens to you sometimes to make pizza for your guests so “disastrous”? Subscribe to our professional course of pizza ONLINE, you will learn everything there is to know about pizza and you will become an expert pizza maker in no time. For more information, click here.

The next time you decide to make pizza at home, starts in the right way, before buying the flour for the dough, carefully read our guide to the flour for pizza, click here to know which one to buy flour.

Add this site to your “Bookmarks”, It will be useful the next time you decide to make pizza for your guests at your house. More than 200 recipes of pizza at your disposal, how to make a perfect mix, the drafting of pizza, cooking and many videos at your disposal.

Pizza dough type grip Romana

Pizza dough type grip Romana. Fashion is not a sole that influences the way we dress, but at the same time also it affects the daily food that ends up on our tables. The pizza guy “Romanian Pinsa” It is the striking case of these last years. While until a few years ago it was a case restricted to one area of ​​Rome, Now the opening of new phenomenon “pinserie” It is involving some our entire peninsula. sprouting everywhere, often associated with words “bio” If it looks too fashionable in recent times. Do you think that in my small country within a week they opened their doors 2 new Pinserie.

Pizza dough type grip Romana
Pizza dough type grip Romana

We have extensively discussed the history of type grip pizza in our previous article that you can consult by clicking this link, Today we will talk about how to prepare the mixture of flour for the dough of this specialty.

Pizza dough type grip Romana

The ingredients that make up this special dough include the use of a strong wheat flour with a high W value that was approximately 350, to all this must be added the soy flour and the rice flour together with a small percentage of dried sourdough.

As always it happens in the preparation of the pizza, it all begins right from the purchase of flour for the dough. If you are real pizza lovers, I suggest you subscribe to one of our professional pizzaiolo courses at our school. All those who have attended our course, in addition to being experts in cooking and preparing leavening, They have a broad knowledge of the flour on the market, what to buy and how to use them to get it the perfect pizza.

Back to our Dough type grip Romana.

Prepare a mixture of flour type:

800 grams farina w300-w350

150 grams of rice flour

50 grams soy flour

a teaspoon of sourdough dried wheat as a improver

30 grams salt

10 grams EVO oil

yeast 4 the 5 grams

nota bene, This mixture will absorb 80 % water.

Use strictly cold water and what important dates so the dough to reach maturity, so a rise in the refrigerator long. Prepare the balls in the containers and place them in the fridge to 3 degrees centigrade for at least 48 the 60 hours.

Pizza dough type grip Romana
Pizza dough type grip Romana

Pizza dough type grip Romana

The pizza guy Pinsa Romana fragrant, basic and crisp edge and soft and fragrant interior, more digestible than plain pizza because of the long rising and high hydration, hypocaloric compared to the common pizza since the use of soy flour and rice flour, It differs from the older sister for a lower in calories and fat.

If you are interested in preparing your house or your business in the Roman type grip pizza like a pro, we suggest you subscribe to one of our professional Pizzaiolo courses at our school. To learn more about our professional courses click here.

If you want to learn more about the grip Romana, click here.

Pizza baked in house on baking stone

Pizza baked in house on baking stone. One of the questions that comes to me more frequently by friends who prepare the pizza at home is as follows: How do I make a good pizza even with the oven in my house?

Pizza baked in house on baking stone
Pizza baked in house on baking stone

The biggest problem for those who prepare the pizza for the family at home lies in the cooking of the same. Many think that the cause of a bad result is due to the mix, the ingredients used, or the rising times not respected. All we know that the baking temperature of the pizza is approximately 300 degrees. Often the oven of our house does not even reach the maximum power of this temperature, and, if we consider that the opening of the large door of the oven, when we insert the pizza to be cooked, a large part of the heat is lost, the temperature drops drastically and we are to bake the pizza with the thermostat which indicates that the heat has subsided considerably, sometimes down to 200 degrees. The result that is obtained by cooking our pizza at such low temperatures is often due to lack of fragrance, rubbery pizza, pale color and cooking times that are up to 30 minutes. A good product cooked in a wood stove takes less than a minute, and in a professional oven is around 3 minutes.

Then, how to rectify this unfortunate incident and improve our pizza?

Pizza baked in house on baking stone
Pizza baked in house on baking stone

Pizza baked in house on baking stone

The baking stone.

The baking stone is a tool in my opinion fundamental and indispensable for all those who prepare the pizza at home in the classic kitchen oven.

The baking stone is inserted in the oven, the oven must be brought to temperature (300 degrees), It must be turned on at least 30 minutes early.

The refractory material will work for us acting as a heat accumulator, already you will notice right away that once inserted the pizza to be cooked and closed the oven door, the temperature will remain high enough. Already from the first time you use it, you will notice a marked improvement in your beloved pizza.

Pizza baked in house on baking stone
Pizza baked in house on baking stone

Pizza baked in house on baking stone

The perfect pizza:

You all know that you can cook the pizza directly on the refractory stone, try this, you shorten a lot of the cooking time and you will get a state of the art product.

Even for those that do not want to change their habits, and they want to continue to bake your own pizza in the classic pan, notice visible improvements in cooking using the aid of refractory stone.


Lovers of DIY, They can buy from stores of material for the building refractory mortar pennies per pound and build a baking stone for your custom and personalized thick oven. Who does not have time and possibilities, may apply to Amazon and get get the baking stone in their own home in a day at very reasonable prices.

Below are some examples of good refractory stones that I have selected for you:

If after all these recommendations and suggestions your homemade pizza is not the best aspect, or is coming disaster, I suggest you subscribe to our online professional course. Easy and suitable for everyone, our online course you will get fantastic results from the first time you prepare the pizza for your guests at your home. To learn more and to get more information, click here.

Pizza baked in house on baking stone
Pizza baked in house on baking stone


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Guide Flour for Pizza Which Use

Guide Flour for Pizza Which Use

Guide Flour for Pizza Which Use. This article contains the '”A B C” a pizzaiolo, a pastry chef or a baker. All those who are about to make pizza or bread in the store or at home should know perfectly the content of this post.

Guide Flour for Pizza Which Use
Guide Flour for Pizza Which Use

Guide Flour for Pizza Which Use

Flour…. because we do not give the right value to the flour that we use? Often we commit our first mistake in the preparation of the pizza from the choice of the flour we buy on the supermarket shelf. I'm tired of listening to complaints juxtaposed to a badly managed product, blaming your oven, leavening, the yeast that was not good or not has been put enough dough. From all this it was necessary to write again for clarification on this product which is the basic ingredient of bread in all the kitchens of the world.

Each flour has special characteristics which make it suitable for one or for another type of preparation.

We see all kinds of wheat flour, their use, the difference between their strength (The) and proteins, so we will be able to make the right choice in buying:

Guide Flour for Pizza Which Use
Guide Flour for Pizza Which Use

Guide Flour for Pizza Which Use


Flour 00 It is the most common flour, It is obtained from the processing of the inner part of the seed of wheat, to tell the truth when it comes to us, the 00 It does not contain anything more, considering that, in the grinding process are eliminated fibers, minerals and vitamins. It will surely be easy to work, but does not provide any nutrients to our body, Indeed there are many who say that it hurts, rich in sugars and difficult to digest.


Just less refined the 00, flour type 0 and widely used in bread making because it contains much gluten.


The high content of bran and wheat germ make flour 1 full of useful substances for our body. Very used for the production of bread, pizza, pastries and bakery products.


The flour 2 It is an integral seed flour, Highly textured and coarsely minced. Much easier to work with than the whole wheat flour. Precisely because of its degree of grinding the flour 2 leavens much more slowly than a 0 or of a 00. This type of flour is used in baking, a pizzeria and bakery for some types of sweets.


The unrefined grinding, from this type of flour a grainy texture to the touch. It contains the highest number of nutrients seen that the whole is milled grain of wheat. Although its use is very limited as very difficult to work, it is the best. If you decide to buy it, try freshly ground whole wheat flour in stone, the slow grind does not overheat the grain that will keep all its properties.

Guide Flour for Pizza Which Use
Guide Flour for Pizza Which Use

The strength of the flour

The flour is also classified according to its power (The). the strength of the flour is the absorption capacity of liquids during the dough and the ability to retain carbon dioxide during the leavening (see the gluten network of the pizza) and it is measured according to the contained gluten protein (gliadina+ glutenina).

A strong flour will be used for long fermentation products such as bread, pizza, Christmas panettone and Easter cakes with cheese, A weak flour is suitable for production that do not require long rising, type pastry, brisè pasta etc..

The strength of the flour find it written on the same packaging, the unit of measurement is the W, the strength scale ranges from weak to stronger 130W 500W.

Here's how they are used:

weak flours up to 170W

These flours absorb about 50% of liquids and are ideal for leavened flour like cookies

Farine medie da 180W and 260W

Absorb in phase of liquid mixture that can reach the 65% weight and they are used for products that contain an average quantity of liquid as the rolls.

Farine forti da 270W and 350W

absorb the 65 to the 70% liquid and is ideal for PIZZA. For a good pizza often prepares a mixture containing flour Manitoba. The MANITOBA flour is often used to increase the strength of weak flour, It has its own force of about 350W and comes to even absorb 90% of liquid.

strong flour over 350W

These flours arrive to absorb up to 90% of liquid. They are often used by pastry chefs to prepare delicious Panettone and Pandoro.

In Italy, specialists in Complicating matters is in force the law number 580 which, with its subsequent amendments provides that the bag of flour classification is shown in terms of ashes or the minerals that remain intact after refining: more ashes are low and more the flour is refined.

Soft wheat flour type 00 â€“ 0,55%
Soft wheat flour type 0 â€“ 0,65%
Soft wheat flour type 1 â€“ 0,80%
Soft wheat flour type 2 â€“ 0,95%
Wheat wholemeal flour â€“ 1,30% / 1,70%

Guide Flour for Pizza Which Use
Guide Flour for Pizza Which Use

The flour protein.

Even proteins ( Gliadina e glutenina) They must be specified by law on the bag of flour. The minimum values ​​of commerce have these:

Soft wheat flour type 00 â€“ 9,00%
Soft wheat flour type 0 â€“ 11,00%
Soft wheat flour type 1 â€“ 12,00%
Soft wheat flour type 2 â€“ 12,00%
Wheat wholemeal flour â€“ 12,00%

The hard wheat flour

For wheat flour as not to further complicate things we have reserved a separate article that you can consult by clicking here.

I tend to have in my school pizza makers of the students who come from other countries where the flours are classified differently, so I prepared a helpful valid table for you if you decide to make pizza to your guests while on holiday abroad.

Classification of flour abroad:
Soft wheat flour type 00 â€“ Pastry flour
Soft wheat flour type 0 â€“ All pourpose flour
Soft wheat flour type 1 â€“ High gluten flour
Soft wheat flour type 2 â€“ First clear flour
Wholemeal flour â€“ White whole wheat
Durum wheat flour â€“ Durum wheat semolina

Flour!!! In our professional courses of pizza at our school of pizza, the flour is the basic argument that everyone should know. A pizza maker who attended our course will be able to prepare their own perfect blend of flour, depending on the type of leavening that want to do. To learn more about our professional courses CLICK HERE.

If you want to learn more about the flour, consultation wikipedia

Guide Flour for Pizza Which Use


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How to Freeze Pizza

How to Freeze Pizza

To freeze pizza. E’ really impressive the number of times it is to me that question, this is the reason why I decided to write this article and finally clarify whether it is possible to freeze the pizza.

From which readers category comes the request for information on how to be frozen pizza? Fortunately no pizza or pizza operators, This means that you can still go safely to enjoy a good pizza in pizzeria, having the certainty of eating a product not frozen!!!

The information request fortunately comes exclusively from those who make pizza at home and invites guests to dinner, 🙂 quindi fate attenzione cari amici, if someone invites you home to eat a pizza, chances are high that you see “trimmed” a beautiful frozen pizza!

How to Freeze Pizza
How to Freeze Pizza

How to Freeze Pizza

Jokes aside, we approach this interesting topic. For those not accustomed to being good deal I would like to explain that the cost of a base for a pizza dish 1 ball 250/270 grams prepared at home is about 0,10 euro (10 cents), worth freezing? It is already difficult to get a good pizza at home using the best ingredients on the market that you can find in supermarkets, I dare not imagine the results you get using a mixture prepared by you with a common meal and then freeze it. Before writing this post, to avoid bad impression I took a look at what the network says, Well there are people who do it (freeze the dough), but just look at the photos of the results to understand clearly that you are not well absolutely talking about pizza, but of a color mixture “dead body” lying with the things over which we have tried in some way to give him the sacred name of “pizza”. The pizza is not just stuff splattered on a disk of dough and put in the oven, the pizza is art, perfume, taste and sight.

My says Marisa, a diligent reader of my site, that, It not always has time available to make the dough and wait hours for leavening, so rightly wondered if you can freeze it. Cara Marisa, prepares the pizza only when you have time!!!

How to Freeze Pizza
How to Freeze Pizza

How to Freeze Pizza

If you are quite stubborn and decide to freeze your pizza because your friend told you that “it is very good”, at least follow the correct method.

Prepare classic dough for homemade pizza

Season it and bake taking care sfornarla before you begin to take the right color. Once it has cooled, insert it in a freezer bag and freeze it. When you need pull out, bring the oven to temperature and bake, also frozen, a few minutes will be enough, right until it is the right color.

They sell excellent frozen even in the supermarket for the uninitiated, also sell the bases already ready for pizza. but remember…the “PIZZA” it's another thing. Word of pizza.

How to Freeze Pizza
How to Freeze Pizza

In our professional pizzaiolo courses we play in our School of pizza, the topic “freeze” 🙂 mi dispiace per voi ma non viene assolutamente trattato, the same thing is true for our “During pizza online“.

Have you ever thought to freeze a plate of spaghetti with meat sauce that is advanced? Yet the end result could be definitely better than a frozen pizza.


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Semolina flour and semolina The Differences

Semolina flour and semolina The Differences

Semolina flour and semolina The Differences. One of the questions from readers of my site more often comes to me is to clarify what are the differences between the semolina flour, the semolina flour, common wheat and durum wheat used in bread making and in the pizzeria.

Semolina flour and semolina The Differences
Semolina flour and semolina The Differences

Let's deal with this difficult subject, especially for those who are not insiders.

Semolina flour and semolina The Differences

Distinsioni between common wheat and durum wheat:

from processing (grinding) the wheat you get the classic white flour, labeled in different types:

  • Wholemeal flour
  • Flour 2
  • Flour 1
  • Flour 0
  • Flour 00

categorized according to the degree of refining ( Flour 00 It is the most refined).

From the processing of durum wheat is obtained:

  • Wholemeal flour
  • semolina flour
  • semolina flour
Semolina flour and semolina The Differences
Semolina flour and semolina The Differences

Semolina flour and semolina The Differences

The semolina flour It is slightly more yellow in color than that of wheat, It contains carotenoids, It is grainy to the touch and is similar to a fine sand.

So from the milling of durum wheat not get the flour 00 one that all we commonly use, which it is of pure white color and its texture is similar to a fine powder.

Durum wheat: as for the wheat, There are different varieties of durum wheat, one in all that seems to be the most in demand is called “Senatore Cappelli” that has a low value glutinico, therefore suitable for those with mild gluten intolerance problems, but beware: It is not free of gluten.

semolina It is less refined compared to the semolina, intense yellow color and it is the ideal flour to make homemade pasta. It retains many of its natural scents, It does not overcook and is much more digestible than the other types of flour.

With the semolina flour you can not produce any type of product leavened, I do not know if you have ever tried, but you would get poor results, does not rise at all, result: A brick unleavened. Some pizza maker uses the flour on the bench during the writing of the pizza so do not stick to the work surface, but personally I consider it an invalid cunning, because the semolina grains feel in your mouth when you eat the pizza.

Semolina flour and semolina The Differences

The semolina It undergoes an extra step in the grinding phase becoming more subtle graininess. Even the color becomes lighter when compared to the semolina. The semolina is used in bakery and a pizzeria to produce characteristic bread and buns. Even the semolina is good to make homemade pasta, but it has a lower consistency, It takes less cooking and is more difficult to digest.

Semolina flour and semolina The Differences

If you are interested to know flour for pizza and bread, their strength (The) and the proteins contained, subscribe to our online professional course, many videos to watch on and along with many specific articles to read to learn comfortably sitting at home all the tricks to make pizza as a pizza maker professional. To know more CLICK HERE.


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Oliera in Pizzeria

Oliera in Pizzeria. Once upon a time….many years ago an inseparable tool Pizzaiolo. L'”Oliera in rame”. I remember with great joy this fascinating tool contains extra virgin olive oil.
Every pizzeria owned one different.

Oliera in Pizzeria

Oliera in Pizzeria
Oliera in Pizzeria
Oliera in Pizzeria
Cruet tinned copper
Oliera in Pizzeria
classical cruet
Oliera in Pizzeria
Oliera in Pizzeria

These tools usually tinned copper were itself precious objects of inestimable value.
All, but I do mean all of the pizza makers used it to add to freshly baked pizza touch of extra virgin olive oil to release the scents of the earth and its fruits. The addition of extra virgin olive oil is important, It is as important to the addition of fresh basil leaves.
Wandering the pizzerias in present days, I note with regret that the old copper cruet disappeared, sometimes it replaced by these modern and dark glass bottles with long neck, in other cases, the oil is not added at the end of cooking, for fear of too greasy pizza.

Oliera in Pizzeria

I must admit that I also tried it using the bottle of extra virgin olive oil instead of the usual copper cruet, but with poor results, the amount of oil leaking from the spout of the bottle is irregular and there is a risk of spilling too much on the pizza.
Totally different is the use dell'oliera copper, from long spout and thin, It distributes just a little olive oil evenly over the pizza surface.
If you really do not want to spend on a copper cruet, I recommend one of these modern steel cruets.
Cruet beak 1/2 liter steel

Also they make them work extremely well, does not drain the oil along the edges so you do not dirty your work plan, from very affordable price available on Amazon
Pizza makers around the world…..back to work with the old and classic cruet tinned copper, or the more modern steel cruet of olive oil and add the touch “good” on pizza, customers will thank you.
Would you like to make pizza at home as an expert pizza maker? Subscribe to our online professional course. Clicca who.
ramaio oliera

olive oil on the pizza.

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