Category archives: Advice

Pizzaiolo Courses Everything You Need to Know

Pizzaiolo Courses Everything You Need to Know

Pizzaiolo Courses Everything You Need to Know. In this time of "crisis" it is very important to know how to reinvent, learn new skills and be mindful of the opportunities offered by the labor market.

Always one of the great demand occupations is that of Pizzaiolo. As I am sure you can imagine, the pizza is famous around the world and especially in Italy where she was born.

Pizzaiolo Courses Everything You Need to Know
Pizzaiolo Courses Everything You Need to Know

Pizzaiolo Courses Everything You Need to Know

But how do you become good pizza? It is better to be accompanied by a good teacher, or better to enroll in a good course? finally we will see in this article what is best to start learning this ancient art.

Before starting, it would be appropriate to get a few questions. We want to be simple pizza or wish to get to know this ancient art?

Surely it is better to enroll in a good course. Our School pizzaioli It organizes professional courses for many decades. I do this work for the past 44 years and our courses are INDIVIDUALS, They have a duration of one week (40 hours) and at the end of the course you will already be prepared to enter the world of pizza.

Discover all the information on our courses

Let's see all you should have a good course

Pizzaiolo Courses Everything You Need to Know
Pizzaiolo Courses Everything You Need to Know

Pizzaiolo Courses Everything You Need to Know

1 The raw materials are important

2 Flour

3 Many different types of dough: the techniques

4 Preparation of dough balls

5 maturation

6 Leavening

7 The drafting

8 Cooking in the oven

Pizzaiolo Courses Everything You Need to Know

duration. A good course should have a duration of at least 40 hours spread in a week. With classic group classes along with other 10 People will not be enough even a month unfortunately, but with our individual courses everything changes, the focus is solely on you and at the end of the course are guaranteed a great experience.

Now all that remains is to mention the price. It should not be disproportionately, check our price.

First to greet you and give you an appointment in a few days for more news on pizza, I wanted to remind you that it is available for download my new book called "NOT ONLY PIZZA"What should have in the menu every pizzeria and restaurant. You will find all information about the book at this link.

Finally I invite you to visit my youtube channel where you will find hundreds of video recipes of pizza prepared by the students of our school pizza



Silvio Cicchi


How to Cooking In A Wood oven

How to Cooking In A Wood oven

How to Cooking In A Wood oven. If you belong to the category of "Lucky" who own a wood stove in the garden, do not miss this chance to learn how to use the wood oven. We will see how to prepare perfectly pizzas, buns, bread, sweet roast and much more.

How to Cooking In A Wood oven
How to Cooking In A Wood oven

How to Cooking In A Wood oven

The preparation and the ignition is definitely the hardest part, In fact this is the reason why the wood oven is used so rarely. One of the most important things you need to know is that not all the coals are suitable for cooking all sorts of things.

We start from a good ignition so that the arrivals oven at a high temperature rapidly. We start from pizza: To cook the pizza we will need a high temperature, embers and always burning flame, flameless pizza would not color, so do not neglect this particular.

Come Si Cucina In Un Forno a Legna
How to Cooking In A Wood oven

How to Cooking In A Wood oven

If you plan to cook more things during the day the first thing you'll need to cook the pizza that requires very high temperatures, then the meat that requires medium-high temperatures, in this phase, the oven does not need to be further fueled, exploit the residual heat. It is recommended at the beginning cover the meat with aluminum foil to keep it from drying out and only discover it at the end to give him the right color.

After cooking the roast you can proceed to bake bread and buns. If the oven has a good insulation can even remove the embers.

How to Cooking In A Wood oven
How to Cooking In A Wood oven

How to Cooking In A Wood oven

Bread and focaccia require low average temperatures. They can be fired simultaneously, the ideal cooking temperature is around 200 degrees. That's why usually removes all embers, cook with residual embers could burn bread and buns. Just close the door.

Once the baking of bread and cakes we bake cookies and sweets. These products use the residual heat of the refractory material. The cooking will also made it slowly and with the door closed.

How to Cooking In A Wood oven

During the course of our Professional practical courses in our school of pizza we work with a wood stove. All of our students do practice daily with one of these ovens. If you want more information about our workshops, I invite you to visit this link.

At this link is available the calendar of upcoming courses scheduled in our school.

If you are lazy and do not want leaving your home, I remind you that here on our site there is a great "Pizzaiolo Online Course"Which you can watch from the comfort of your home sofa. You will find all Information on the course online here.

Finally do not forget to visit our YouTube channel, you will find them hundreds of video recipes of pizza prepared by the students of our school pizza.


A resent in a few days for more news about pizza.


Silvio Cicchi

Customers Mistakes Not To Do In Pizzeria Restaurant

Customers Mistakes Not To Do In Pizzeria Restaurant. Of course I am having made the restaurateur for now over 40 years are used to seeing customers who combine all the colors. When we sit down at the restaurant table with our friends, with his wife or girlfriend, we always behave differently from the way we used to do at home. Let's review a few lines of the Bon Ton for doing a bad impression.

1)As to our home but with all the good intentions, we are used to stack the dishes after a meal. Not Stack the dishes in restaurant, let the waiter clearing away. A stack of dirty dishes is not a good sign for other customers who may think that the service is not good. Absolutely avoid to pass the empty plate to the waiter. By doing so you will not be of any help.

Customers Mistakes Not To Do In Pizzeria Restaurant
Customers Mistakes Not To Do In Pizzeria Restaurant

Customers Mistakes Not To Do In Pizzeria Restaurant

2) Do not touch the waiter. It would be really surprised to see how often. Do not stretch your hands, do not take for the jacket J. The rule speaks of respect and keep your distance.

3)Do not sniff the bottle cap. Now it's true we have all become proficient of Masterchef, for sure we saw him doing on television, so why should not we do it too? Unless you're a real sommelier sniff the cork will not reveal any secrets. Do not be ridiculous firing words like fruity or light yellow, better to take a big swig.

Customers Mistakes Not To Do In Pizzeria Restaurant
Customers Mistakes Not To Do In Pizzeria Restaurant

Customers Mistakes Not To Do In Pizzeria Restaurant

4) Do not exit the restaurant angry. It happens very often together with other people sitting at the table to do the dishes critical, the local or the service and eventually out angry after a meal and then accanirci with negative views on portals like TripAdvisor reviews etc. If you encounter a problem, the best thing is to talk immediately with the owner or manager.

5) Do not inquire before the restaurant we chose. There are so in cities that end up in the wrong one the many restaurants is very easy. Dearest, miserable portions, mismatches, confusion, lack of privacy, and so with a long list of complaints. Often the problem is us and the restaurant we chose it does not do to our case. Why did you choose the locale to km 0 if you wanted a sushi? Why did you choose the oriental restaurant if you wanted a pizza? There is a service from Google and Facebook to help you in this choice, look at the site of the restaurant, look at the prices, photos and supply, read reviews, are sufficient 5 minutes to do no wrong place.

Customers Mistakes Not To Do In Pizzeria Restaurant
Customers Mistakes Not To Do In Pizzeria Restaurant

Customers Mistakes Not To Do In Pizzeria Restaurant

6) Always best to book and never arrive late. Except for Saturdays or Holidays you know that book is not crucial, but a simple phone call is a good education and allows the kitchen to organize and have greater care of you. What commonly called "NO SHOW"It is a terrible thing for a restaurateur who has a few tables, maybe once it became rich by catering, but now things have changed .... Help them to help, phone calls always, also need to report a late. The hotels have solved this problem by asking for your credit card number. Would you agree if they did the caterers?

7) Do not pay attention to the menu. The menu is the last chance that you will once seated at the table before being disappointed. Read it carefully between the lines and will reveal to you what you will eat. Many pages could mean many ingredients and consequently the use of just fresh produce. Having many voices could force the local to have large stocks, reduce the time of preparation of the dishes and all this always at the expense of quality.

Customers Mistakes Not To Do In Pizzeria Restaurant

8) Do not complain Account. All restaurants are required by law to exhibit outside the room the menu with prices, stop for a minute to figure out if that restaurant that you have chosen is within your reach. It is useless to get angry after dinner.

I could go on for hours, but, Let's stop here. Restaurants and pizzerias not exist without our beloved customers.

Before leaving I remember some useful links that you can find on our site:

300 pizza recipes

Our practical training as a pizza maker

The schedule of our upcoming courses scheduled

Visit our YouTube channel


I give you an appointment in a few days for more news on the fantastic world of pizza.

Silvio Cicchi

Differences Between Bacon Bacon and Pillow

Differences Between Bacon Bacon and Pillow

Differences Between Bacon Bacon and Pillow. I see that there is a lot of confusion when it comes to these products. Often they end up becoming interchangeable in the kitchen. But it is not so, the only real thing they have in common is the origin ie pork, but they are three completely different cuts of meat between them, then we learn to know them well.

In pizzeria usually they use all three cuts to achieve excellent pizzas. Let's clarify once and for all differences.

Differences Between Bacon Bacon and Pillow

Differences Between Bacon Bacon and Pillow
Differences Between Bacon Bacon and Pillow

Bacon It is certainly the most widely used in salami and Italian and I dare say in the world. It is derived from the cut called "half-carcass" of the pork belly that is, as the name clearly says.

trust you will see it in different forms On the counter of your supermarket or delicatessen: Rolled with or without rind, in its flat shape, sweet or smoked, plain or spicy. Finally you can buy it with different seasoning that can range from a few days up to six months and more. Finally, the bacon has a smooth texture, savory flavor and delicate.

Differences Between Bacon Bacon and Pillow

Differences Between Bacon Bacon and Pillow
Differences Between Bacon Bacon and Pillow

The Bacon of clear origins "Bacoun" English is a type of cut that is prepared with the pork belly or with the loin that also includes part of the bacon, in this case it is called by the Anglo-Saxon "Back bacon" or from the pig thigh boneless, in this case called "gammon". I describe in a few words the bacon preparation process. First it is put in a brine, then cooked slowly in the oven before being boiled and finally smoked.

Often in our recipes we find the terms bacon and bacon almost as interchangeable, but I want to clarify that we are talking about completely two completely different products. The texture of the bacon is much more compact and its flavor is very intense.

Differences Between Bacon Bacon and Pillow

Differences Between Bacon Bacon and Pillow
Differences Between Bacon Bacon and Pillow

The Pillow listen Listen, It comes from the pig's cheek. It is usually a cut from the triangular shape that goes from the pork cheek along the entire neck up to the chest. In cut it you will find that it is very compact, the fat is a nice bright white and its lean part is bright red.

Widely spread throughout Italy, located in the Lazio and Marche widespread use in the kitchen, The pillow is the basic ingredient for the preparation dell'Amatriciana and Carbonara. So I turn to the "sinners" who have so far used interchangeably these 3 products for the preparation of these dishes: Pillow no bacon or pancetta.

The pillow preparation involves salting for at least 5 days, this time has elapsed is washed and thoroughly drained, Finally abundantly covered with pepper and chilli and left to mature for a long time.

Surely more calorie of previous cuts but ... 100 Sometimes tastier.

I hope this post can be of assistance in preparing your next recipe in the kitchen and pizzeria.

Now let us remind you of some useful links on our website:

Our pizza school

The calendar of upcoming courses scheduled

On YouTube are available all videos of pizza recipes prepared by the students of our school pizza

Pizza Marinara with fillets Eggplant

Pizza Marinara with fillets Eggplant

Pizza Marinara with fillets Eggplant. The food storage is a problem that worries the man since his existence.

Today I give you some hints on just pickled preservation of foods, in our case of vegetables.

Pizza Marinara with fillets Eggplant
Pizza Marinara with fillets Eggplant

The Preservation in oil It must be made of cooked products previously. The oil serves to isolate the product from direct contact with the air, thereby blocking the aerobic bacteria, but it is completely ineffective at combating anaerobic bacteria such as the dangerous Botulinum that is able to also develop in the absence of oxygen.

It is for this reason that all foods should be stored in oil are strictly cooked before at high temperatures in vinegar or water.

It is very important that the product preserved in oil is completely covered by the latter in order to avoid the contact with air.

Pizza Marinara with fillets Eggplant

Those who work in a pizzeria should know these things gave himself to the perfection that you have to deal daily with pickled products like tuna, anchovies and various vegetables.

The proposal pizza today from our "School of Pizza Makers"It is in fact a very simple pizza, it is the most classic of pizzas, seafaring, to which we added some delicious fillets of eggplant preserved in oil.

Pizza Marinara with fillets Eggplant
Our pizza

Pizza Marinara with fillets Eggplant

Those who want more information about our practical training as a pizza maker, You will find them on this page.

But here you will find all the information regarding our "Pizzaiolo Online Course

On this page you will find instead the calendar of our practical courses scheduled in our school pizza.

Pizza Marinara with fillets Eggplant

Video of the preparation of the pizza


Pizza Marinara with fillets Eggplant

Are you interested in video recipes of pizza offered by our school pizza? Visit My YouTube Channel, They are available to hundreds of video recipes for pizza.

differentiated: Where to throw the pizza box

differentiated: Where to throw the pizza box

differentiated: Where to throw the pizza box. Every weekend after the classic pizza with friends, the question arises of where and how to differentiate the cartons used for pizzas. In cases where the collection port is differentiated port, Whether you need to go to the dumpsters, here for you some useful tips.

differentiated: Where to throw the pizza box
differentiated: Where to throw the pizza box

differentiated: Where to throw the pizza box

The pizza containers are usually made of cardboard. They can be recycled in the paper, but, caution, It applies only to the parts of the box clean pizza, not greasy and dirty food. Use the scissors and cut if necessary the clean parts of the pizza box and differenziatele in paper.

differentiated: Where to throw the pizza box

Where they go throw portions of oily and dirty boxes? The greasy and dirty parts are chopped and thrown in 'WET ORGANIC. If your municipality has not yet activated the waste collection, then he will thrown into the undifferentiated. Check with your local municipality.

differentiated: Where to throw the pizza box
differentiated: Where to throw the pizza box

differentiated: Where to throw the pizza box

Did you find this article useful? Have you ever thought to make pizza to your house without having each time throwing boxes and boxes of pizza? On our website a fantastic pizza online course is available to help you make pizza to your house like a pro. the pizza maker Online Course.

Once you finished the course online, here for you 300 pizza recipes.

Subscribe to one of our practical courses in our school pizza. Find all the information here.

What Farina Use to Prepare A Perfect Pizza

What Farina Use to Prepare A Perfect Pizza

What Farina Use to Prepare A Perfect Pizza. We have to make absolutely clear on this sore spot that plagues all those who prepare the pizza at home or in your business. You do not believe it, but after all the articles written on the flour on my site, the question several times daily is sought to me without a doubt the following: Which should I use flour to make pizza?

If you are really interested in the pizza and everything that surrounds it, I can only answer you in the best way: Subscribe to one of our practical courses at our school pizza, I can assure you that at the end of the course you will be the real experts flour.

What Farina Use to Prepare A Perfect Pizza
What Farina Use to Prepare A Perfect Pizza

What Farina Use to Prepare A Perfect Pizza

During our practical courses we test all sorts of commercially flour, 00-0-1-2-integral and more or less strong flour, it's just as well that you can not have a clear idea about the various types of flour.

Even our online course It can give you some great insights on what to use flour to get a quality pizza. If you are interested, find information who.

In any case, here I explained once and for all which one is right flour for pizza.

What Farina Use to Prepare A Perfect Pizza
What Farina Use to Prepare A Perfect Pizza

What Farina Use to Prepare A Perfect Pizza

"The use of a type of flour that can be more or less refined NOT CHANGE THE INTENDED USE, but, especially organoleptic changes its principle and its final look "So flour that are less refined definitely less lieviteranno, but will definitely tastier than most refined "

Are you clear this? Do you understand now why I never use the 00 for my pizzas?

However, what significantly alter the final result, It is the use of a more or less flour "strong

The flours denominated strong are perfect for long leavening and resist more when subjected to mechanical stress (doughs with a mechanical mixer), while less strong flours are used for products with short leavening like sweets, cookies, sponge cake, pastry etc..

What Farina Use to Prepare A Perfect Pizza
What Farina Use to Prepare A Perfect Pizza

What Farina Use to Prepare A Perfect Pizza

If you want to explore this topic you can read more here on my site a good "Guide to the flour for pizza, which one to use"Or"The strength of the flour in a mixture”.

Enough for today, otherwise if I explain everything clearly ... there is no one to make professional courses at my school pizza. J

About a pizza courses:

Here you will find more information about my professional courses of pizza.

But here you will find the calendar of upcoming courses scheduled.

A resent in a few days for the next news on pizza.

Which Wine Pairing With Pizza

Which Wine Pairing With Pizza

Which Wine Pairing With Pizza. The wine sequence. During a lunch it is good to follow some rules for serving wine:

You should always start with the youngest wines and ending with the oldest, before serving lighter then the more robust.

The white wines are served before red wines and other important rule, from wine cooler to finish with that at room temperature.

And 'advisable to use dry wines, then those bites to.

I suggest serving the finest wines and after the simplest.

Never forget that the pleasure of the senses should go on growing, making sure that the wine served just never do regret what drank earlier.

In the following table wine food pairings, are some basic foods with the recommended wine and the service temperature.

Finally, we recommend to keep account of provenance, seasonality and the most important thing ... Your own taste.

Which Wine Pairing With Pizza
Which Wine Pairing With Pizza

Which Wine Pairing With Pizza

Wine with appetizers: Dry sparkling of each method Temperature: 7°

Wine with appetizers: Light appetizers based on fish or chicken Wine: slightly acidic dry White, or sparkling Temperature: 10°

Wine shrimp cocktail: Prawn Cocktail Temperature: 10°

Raw Ham Wine: Rosato light and tangy Temperature: 12°

Appetizers Wine sausages: Rosato fresh or red young spirited Temperature: 12°-14°

Vegetables in vinaigrette Wine: lightly scented soft white Temperature: 10°

Wine with eggs, Eggs to wine butter: White soft and youthful Dry Temperature: 10°

Frittata Wine: bodied Rosé Temperature: 12°-14°

Wine with pulp, rice and soups Soups in wine broth: Continue with the wine served with the appetizer Temperature: 12°-14°

Wine Risotto with mushrooms: Rosato light and lively Temperature: 14°

Wine Risotto with vegetables: White soft dry Temperature: 10°

Wine Risotto with seafood: Dry White structured Temperature: 12°

Wine Risotto with sausage: Young red sparkling Temperature: 15°

Pasta with fish Wine: soft White, dry, or slightly sweetish Temperature: 10°-12°

Pasta with vegetables Wine: White soft dry Temperature: 12°

Pasta with tomato Wine: White fresh acidity Dry Temperature: 10°

Pasta with meat Wine: Rosato or young red Temperature: 12°-16°

savory pies Wine: Dry white or light pink Temperature: 10°-14°

Wine with fish Raw seafood wine: aromatic or white Bianchi good body temperature: 8°-10°

Seafood cooked wine: Bianchi not too dry and fruity Temperature: 10°

Grilled fish and fries Wine: Dry white or light pink font Temperature: 10°-14°

Fish stew or baked Wine: medium-bodied Rosato Temperature: 12°-14°

Soup Wine Fish: bodied rosé or red young and drinkable temperature: 14°-16°

Which Wine Pairing With Pizza
Which Wine Pairing With Pizza

Which Wine Pairing With Pizza

Wine and meat white meat chicken Wine: dry character of white or rosé Temperature: 10°-14°

 Rabbit meat Wine: Red moderately young, Body light and cool temperature: –

Veal Wine: Red light Temperature young: 14°

Pork Wine: Red medium-bodied dry temperature: 16°

Liver and kidney Wine: bodied red Temperature: 12°-16°

Grilled red meats Wine: Red vigorous medium-temperature aging: 18°

Red meat stew Wine: Red medium aging, Temperature also lively: 16°

Mixed boiled wine: Red also lively young Temperature: 16°-18°

game Wine: Red good aging and temperature structure: 18°

Wine and cheese Cheese with fresh pasta Wine: Soft White Temperature: 10°

Blue cheese Wine: bodied White or raisin Temperature: 12°-15°

Fermented Cheese Wine: Red medium body and good aging temperature: 18°

Hard cheeses Wine: Red-bodied and aging temperature: 18°-20°

Spicy Cheese Wine: Red-bodied liqueur or temperature: 18°-20°

Which Wine Pairing With Pizza

Wine with sweets and desserts like Panettone and Wine: Sparkling white semi dry or aromatic Temperature: 7°

Heaven Cake Wine: slightly aromatic White sweet Temperature: 7°

Wine fruit tart: White or red semi-dry or sweet, aromatic or fruity, also sparkling Temperature: 7°-8°

Bakery products Wine: Passito liqueur sweet or cake Temperature: 10°-13°

Spoon sweets wine: Sweet white or sparkling wine temperature: 7°-10°

Creme raw or cooked wine: White liqueur Aging Temperature: 8°-12°

Ice cream Wine: No wine temperature: –

Wine and fresh fruit Fruit Wine: White aromatic and fruity sweet Temperature: 7°

Dried Fruit Wine: Red semi-sweet or sweet liqueur Temperature: –

Macedonia wine with citrus: No wine temperature: –

Which Wine Pairing With Pizza

Only on our site you can find this information useful, add our site to your bookmarks.

Here you will find information on pizzaiolo of courses at our school.

The timing of our courses in programming

Our professional course Online


How to Become a Professional Pizzaiolo

How to Become a Professional Pizzaiolo

How to Become a Professional Pizzaiolo. Being Pizzaiolo is not a simple thing, It is a real art. Besides all the technical knowledge, he must have a broad creativity and how it happens in peak times on weekends, It must be prepared to produce also 50 the 60 pizzas every hour.

This is a complete presentation to give you an idea of ​​all that you are going to face if you choose to learn this beautiful art.

Come Diventare Pizzaiolo Professionista
How to Become a Professional Pizzaiolo

How to Become a Professional Pizzaiolo

In the words of a dear acquaintance, "Do what you like and you do not work a day in your life". It seems to be what happened to me over the years.

It was founded pizza or you become? Certainly it will become if you choose to attend a school of professional pizza makers like ours. There are lots of things to learn, by the right flour to obtain a soft and elastic dough and well hydrated, that is digestible and therefore better.

In Our pizza school You learn to be the best. You'll learn about cereals, various types of furnace, the different cooking techniques until you get to HACCP and procedures for handling food.

For those who already possess the entrepreneurial spirit, Our professional courses provide information on proven marketing techniques to open his own pizzeria, information and prices on the various equipment to be purchased prior to the opening of their local.

Come Diventare Pizzaiolo Professionista
How to Become a Professional Pizzaiolo

How to Become a Professional Pizzaiolo

The advantage of having attended a professional training course is in education into, the art of pizza it is one of those figures in great demand and very difficult to find in Italy and in the rest of the world.

Who is it the pizza:

The pizza maker is one who engages in the processing and creation of pizza.

It performs the various stages of processing of the pizza, dough, preparation of the balls, maturation, rising, drafting seasoning and cooking.

Performs general and personal cleaning of the environment in which he works taking into account the health and hygiene regulations.

Keep raw materials

It keeps track of inventory

Use various equipment providing for the general cleaning.

It has one pizzeria own, It must provide for all bureaucracy, that, unfortunately, are many

How to Become a Professional Pizzaiolo

How to become a pizza ....

You do not need any qualifications, but it is advisable to attend specialized professional courses such as those that are offered by our School pizzaioli.

More information on our courses.

The schedule of our upcoming courses scheduled pizzaiolo.

Which Wood Use for from Pizza Oven

Which Wood Use for from Pizza Oven. The wood stove is alive. Not one exists equal to another. Each oven is supplied with the right wood for cooking pizza. Obviously depending on the type of wood that will be used, we will have different behaviors of the oven. The large ovens worship the brace to maintain the high temperature and obviously the flame to bake the pizza. Small ovens require ever flame to get to temperature faster and very little brace, otherwise riempierebbero embers leaving little room for pizzas.

What kind of wood is used in our bakery to get a pizza cooked to perfection and fragrant? Living in the country I have tested many types of wood, by sawmill waste to pruning of fruit trees, vines, or the various pruning the trees that line the rivers. Without any doubt the best firewood for pizza oven is the Beech, It produces a beautiful flame with which to cook delicious pizzas to perfection and produces few embers, also it issues to the products in cooking a good characteristic smell of a wood oven. Excellent quality-price relation.

Which Wood Use for from Pizza Oven

Pizza should be cooked with the flame, I love the flame.

Several types of wood to use in a wood oven pizzeria.

  • Which Wood Use for from Pizza Oven

    BEECH: +-brace flame Excellent value for money

  • OAK TREE: +It makes a beautiful flame grilled -fiamma beginning then slowly lowers and turns into embers. Excellent for the fireplace, the embers retains the heat for a long time. Costa face
  • OLIVE: +embers flame +. Hard to find very rare
  • CARPINO Low-cost alternative to oak.
  • ASH TREE, WOT: Used for more noble purposes
Which Wood Use for from Pizza Oven
Oak tree

WOOD NOT USE: Poplar and Chestnut because crackle, bits of glowing embers could end up on the pizza during cooking, This is wood for the fireplace.

Which Wood Use for from Pizza Oven

SPRUCE PINE RESINOSE contain toxic resins, also they transfer odors to the products being cooked (pane-pizza).

Which Wood Use for from Pizza Oven

Which Wood Use for from Pizza Oven

The wood must be dry and cured when you buy and with a moisture content of no more than 15%. The wet wood produces much smoke and no flame.

At last we now know which wood to use for cooking our pizzas in a wood oven. To feed our wood oven School pizzaioli where usually carry the Our professional courses of pizza, we use a lot BEECH. Besides the good wood, you'll also need a good flour for pizza, Fortunately, on our site you will find a good Driving to the flour for pizza. What kind of pizza you will prepare? You will definitely want to choose between one of our 300 pizza recipes freely available to all.

In short, on our site you can find everything, but everything on the pizza. From flour to the firewood to our professional courses to become a pizza chef. Add it to your "favorites".

Do you like our video recipes? Visit our YouTube channel entirely dedicated to pizza.


Have you ever thought of attending professional courses of pizza? Take a look at our calendar of upcoming courses scheduled.

Which Wood Use for from Pizza Oven