Category archives: Advice

Maturation of pizza dough

Maturation of pizza dough. It may seem strange, but this phase is still poorly understood by Pizzaioli insiders and who usually prepares the pizza at home. This is the process that makes our crispy pizzas and digestible, than the classic traditional operating mode with short leavening as they did many years ago with bad results in terms of quality.

How many times have you said: I ate a pizza, I now feel bloated, I'm thirsty and I can not digest. A good pizza should not be so, a good pizza should be prepared in the development and production of the dough.

A good mix is ​​the perfect base to get a good pizza.

A good mixture is obtained by leaving him alone to mature for the right time.

Maturation of pizza dough
Maturation of pizza dough

Maturation of pizza dough

The Maillard reaction

He says that in all the mixes for bakery and among which is also our pizza, greater is the waiting time before cooking and the greater will be the presence of amino acids and glucose to the inside. Amino acids are the smallest part of the protein and glucose is the smallest part of the complex sugar or starch.

The massive presence in our pizza dough of amino acids and glucose will mean that the enzymes that break down the complex sugar (Amilasi) and the enzymes that break down the proteins (Protease) They have worked long hours for many.

For a good maturation of the pizza we need 24/36 hours at slow leavening, ideal temperature is 2/3 Celsius degrees.

Maturation of pizza dough

Now for the cooking, and see what he says the reaction of Maillard

It tells us that if our dough is ripe to perfection, that is rich in simple sugars and amino acids, and is put into cooking at high temperatures that we usually use to cook our pizzas, we will obtain a lighter product, more digestible and more fragrant. "Perfect"

Maturation of pizza dough


When we go to a pizzeria and order a pizza prepared with a long maturation dough, our stomach will have no trouble digesting the pizza, a large part of the digestion work has occurred during the ripening in the refrigerator at 2/3 degrees.

Maturation of pizza dough
Maturation of pizza dough

Did you know that during the ripening in the refrigerator are activated over 300 process?

The best known is the rising, which it is also the fastest. Many wonder how to control the rising process? Nothing could be simpler, only through the temperature.

Maintaining the mixture at a temperature of 2/3 Celsius degrees, We will slow down the rising until his full maturity.

After the maturation phase, we can bring our dough at room temperature to start rising. When our dough is leavened we will pass at the right point in the drafting, the seasoning and cooking.

41 Years ago, When I started doing the first pizzas, there were not all these types of flour, neither was available Professional cold rooms like today, then the processing methods were completely different, but today, saw low production costs for the purchase of professional equipment, cold stores have become indispensable to provide a highly digestible product.

Maturation of pizza dough

If you want to know in a practical use of modern flour on the market, recent kneading techniques and maturation, subscribe to one of our professional pizza maker in our courses School Pizza.

Sol our website are available as well 300 pizza recipes.

Follow our recipe videos on YouTube

 What it says on wikipedia'Pizza dough.


The strength of the flour in a Mixture

The strength of the flour in a Mixture

The strength of the flour in a Mixture. Let's continue our discussion regarding overall strength of the flour. In simple terms, It represented the strength of the flour with a W, It is an index that allows us to understand how resistant the gluten mesh in a simple dough with flour and water.

The strength of the flour W is the energy required to break the shirt gluten dough, it is the force used to inflate a disc of dough with air until failure.

The strength of the flour in a Mixture

The strength of the flour in a Mixture
The strength of the flour in a Mixture
The strength of the flour in a Mixture
The strength of the flour in a Mixture

The greater the strength of the flour (The) and the greater will be the resistance of our dough to long rising and the greater will be the absorption of liquids.

If I decide to prepare a mix of flour, how do I calculate the force (The) my mix?

Simple: if you mix equal amounts of flour, increased, the resulting W will be the average of the strengths of the two flours.

Example: A mix of w200 + w400 in the same amount will give a force: (200+400)/2 =300

If we wish to vary the percentages to obtain more precisely the desired strength, will surely help the underlying spreadsheet.


Download our tool to calculate the strength of the flour

The strength of the flour in a Mixture

Lately I am known very pleased that more and more manufacturers of flour to make available more information about the product, both on the same bag of flour, both online.

There is another method for calculating the W, is that of multiply by 20 protein value indicated on the bag of flour. It 'a very rough method, but at least it gives us an idea about the type of meal you purchase;.

All these things and many more, They are part of the practical program that we carry out during the professional courses at our school pizza. Subscribe to one of our workshops.

If because of your ongoing commitments you not have the time to come to our school, we made available on our website, a great ongoing professional pizzaiolo ONLINE.

Useful links: Here you'll find 300 pizza recipes.

Watch our video of pizza recipes, visit our You Tube channel.

Or use Shallot Onion Pizzeria

Or use Shallot Onion Pizzeria

Or use Shallot Onion Pizzeria. I think the world only Italian people can talk about food during lunch, or watch these cooking shows on television we are killing in any channel. Sometimes it happens that the guest on TV is some valid Chef, but in most cases the person being invited to prepare the dish of the day is some pseudo Chef with an equally poor cultural knowledge to pass on to its listeners. E’ precisely the case today, at lunch, sitting in front of a fantastic dish vinci Grassi prepared by Mrs. Paola, we had to put up with a guy who was wearing a jacket that Chef, the question of the well-known presenter of the television program failed to give a clear answer on what the difference was between the common onion and shallot. It is now clear that the word is used in the kitchen shallot by many chefs to look cool and cultured, out of turn, Also used in the sauce where we should onion.

Or use Shallot Onion Pizzeria
Or use Shallot Onion Pizzeria

Or use Shallot Onion Pizzeria

I live in the countryside, then vegetables and vegetables are for the inhabitants of this region, daily bread. I repeated the same question to diners seated at the table with me at that time, and I got different answers. Come to order: The baby to 13 years has been associated with the word “shallot” to another, thus responding: The shallot is a “loser, one that brings bad luck, Then he added: the 17 is an unlucky number. The result was a great general laughter, and they all wanted to have their say. The greatest of 15 age, very cute, he immediately said that was nothing more than a different kind of onion. Followed immediately intervened my mother (85 age) who by his wisdom said: I know that kind of onion, but that crap is not worth anything, think of the poor farmer who after so many months of hard work in the countryside, He was faced with a poor harvest, that is, these small onions that were worthless. All they preferred to plant the large onions, more weight means more gain.

On reflection….all had correctly answered my question.

We know that in our country everyone who takes a pan in hand is quite capable of sauté with a little extra virgin olive oil and chopped celery carrots and onions, these things are handed down from mothers, fathers and uncles even if we are not chefs, but….many of us could really tell whether it was used the shallot or onion common? You want the answer? Nobody.

Or use Shallot Onion Pizzeria
Or use Shallot Onion Pizzeria


Or use Shallot Onion Pizzeria

E’ only in recent years that has entered the Italian kitchens because of its particular taste that puts some dishes highlight. Its bulbs are literally identical to those of onion but of smaller size, rarely exceeds 5 cm. E’ You can find it in different colors, rosso, viola, yellow, white or gray. The most traded quality (PGI) is that of the type “Romagna”.

Onions and shallots are both perfect used as bases for pasta dishes, seconds or raw on salads, the only thing that differentiates them is that the shallot has a slightly milder flavor and at the same time with a little more aromatic aftertaste garlic.

The taste of onion as that of garlic remains persistent in the mouth, while the shallot weigh down a lesser extent our breath.

Or use Shallot Onion Pizzeria
Or use Shallot Onion Pizzeria

And what is best pizzeria in use?

To give you a better answer than that of the pseudo chef intervened in that television program, I will only suggest good advice:

Use the onion when preparing a pizza strong taste!!

If your pizza has the delicate ingredients, definitely opt for the shallot, your pizza will be equally tasty, but you will not risk to leave your guests with a breath of onion. I remind you that the same goal can be achieved using the delicious red onions on your pizza, see this post.

All those who participate in our Professional courses of Pizzaiolo at our school, know the differences between the onion and shallot, We prepare all the great morning buns with shallots and onions. If you are “unlucky” because you do not have time available to come to our school to attend the practical course, I recommend you take advantage of our course of professional pizza maker Online. The course contains many videos and many articles and tricks to get at your home or in your business a fantastic quality pizza. More information about the course online be found here.

La Pizza Light

Article updated on 1/10/2022

La Pizza Light. Tutti amano Pizza, but often we give up on diet problems. Here is the solution: Our beloved pizza, said my dietician, does absolutely fat if preparing they follow some simple rules, providing our body with the right amount balanced between protein and carbohydrates.

We must be very careful to choose the right kind of pizza when we order the pizza sitting at table. Chi è a dieta o semplicemente chi fa molta attenzione a non ingrassare deve ordinare una pizza che non abbia tra i propri ingredienti eggs, salumi and meat, e preferire assolutamente una pizza con un topping di vegetables, maybe grills that are not absolutely get fat, to match the most classic ingredients, quali il tomato e la mozzarella.

La Pizza Light
La Pizza Light

La Pizza Light

The pizzas that we can eat while being on a diet:

Not all pizzas are equal, often the pizza is not considered a dietary food, so the first thing everyone does is to completely eliminate it from your diet, but it is not correct. And, it's the truth, Some pizzas are lighter than others and you can safely eat even when you are on a diet. so let's find out what are these pizzas light:

Between my pizzas, I found three that are perfect for those who want the luxury of enjoying a good pizza while paying attention to calories, the secret is all contained not as one might think in the base of the pizza, but in the sauce (topping) which must be very light.

La Pizza Light

The pizza Marinara, the vegetarian pizza and the pizza margherita.

La Pizza Light
La Pizza Light

Let's start with one of the most famous pizzas, the Marinara. We were already addressed in the past of this delicious pizza, that in my personal ranking of preferences among the leaders. Anyone wishing to prepare it at home, can read our recipe of the Maritime It detailed that will explain step by step how to prepare it at home from mixing to baking in the oven. A small pizza marinara (150 grams) It has a caloric intake 360 kcal, a slightly larger maritime weighing 200 grams, It has a caloric intake 480 kcal, comparable to a plate of pasta.

La Pizza Light
La Pizza Light


The pizza Vegetarian, It does not differ much in caloric intake from seafood Previous. A vegetarian pizza weighing 150 grams, It contains 390 kcal, while the slightly larger by weight of 200 grams, It has a calorie intake of about 520 kcal. Bad so, virtually you can plug in any dietary regimen. If you decide to prepare your home this pizza, I suggest you read our previous post dedicated entirely to Vegetarian Pizza, you will find a detailed description on how to prepare a good dough, the preparation of this delicious pizza and proper cooking in the oven.

La Pizza Light
La Pizza Light

La classica pizza margherita anche essa descritta in this Our previous article, It does not differ much from the previously mentioned pizzas. Do you think that a small pizza 150 grams has a caloric intake 405 kcal, while an average Daisy 200 grams contains 540 kcal. For those who want to prepare their own home this delicious pizza, You can read our recipe to prepare it at home by clicking this link.

The truth is that you can choose from many different variations when you order a pizza, also a pizza capricious, or the most classic 4 seasons potrebbe semplicemente rientrare in un regime dietetico semplicemente avendo il buon senso di chiedere al vostro pizzaiolo di fiducia di non aggiungere mozzarella essendo essa molto calorica.

By doing so we will have fulfilled our desire for pizza, and hardly we get up from the table of the restaurant with a swollen belly.

If we really love our body, we order a pizza that has been prepared with a dough made with whole wheat flour. The whole pizza is rich in fiber, and we know that the fibers allow us to assimilate less sugar and less fat during digestion.

Un impasto con wholemeal flour, It is very simple to prepare, you can also prepare it at home. We have dedicated ample space to the whole wheat pizza, e se desiderate rinfrescarvi la memoria sulla preparazione dell’impasto integrale vi consiglio di leggere il nostro post dedicato a questa gustosissima pizza. you can find it by clicking here.

La Pizza non ingrassa

often prepare the pizza to your door? Would you like to improve yourself and become an expert pizza maker? Easy!! On our website it is available the fantastic “Professional Course Pizzaiolo ONLINE” It is specially made for those who intend to make pizza in a professional way at home or in your business. E’ You can attend the course when you have time available, It contains many videos “know how” many lessons to be read, tricks and secrets to prepare without any problem a quality pizza exactly like that of the pizzeria beneath your home. For more information on the online course, click here.

If you are looking for ideas or recipes for pizza to be prepared for your guests you've invited to your house for dinner, you can find on our site more than 300 pizza recipes. Just click here for the complete list.

On our youtube channel, available many videos made by the students of our Italian School of Pizza durante lo svolgimento dei professional pizza maker courses. Sign up al nostro canale Youtube, you will automatically be notified whenever we publish a new recipe for pizza.



By the way, cosa aspetti a condividere questo post sulla tua bacheca Facebook? 😉 (The so technical articles are of great help for those who make pizza at home or in their own business!)

Condividi su Facebook questo post, you will not be diverted to any other page, but you demonstrate your gratitude for this article! Thank You

Silvio Cicchi Executive Chef Pizza

Pizza Dough For The Best 12

Pizza Dough For The Best 12

Pizza Dough For The Best 12. Here it is an incredible opportunity that is offered by our school pizzaioli. A collection of 12 different types of pizza dough to be included in the menu of your pizzeria, or, to prepare for your guests invited to dinner.

Pizza Dough For The Best 12
Pizza Dough For The Best 12

All pizza makers who have attended the course of our professional pizzaiolo, know all the flour to perfection, because it is an integral part of our course. Click here for more information about our courses, and to know next available date.

Pizza Dough For The Best 12

Here is the collection of 12 of the best pizza doughs:

  1. Classic pizza dough: E’ must start from here, dall'impasto easier. On our site contains a lot of videos that provide step by step how to create the perfect mix.
  2. Dough with flour Manitoba: How to prepare a crispy batter using a percentage of the flour type “Manitoba” which it is a super strong flour.
  3. Dough with potato. The pizza prepared with this particular dough containing potato, It gives it a unique softness and makes it one of the most highly sought buns. Try to surprise your guests preparing them a delicious pizza with a dough with potatoes. Read the post.
  4. Batter black to charcoal. It is still unclear whether it is just a fad, this type of pizza “Black” besides being very good, crunchy and tasty, It is certainly dramatic effect.
  5. Dough Roman type grip: That is the true fashion of the moment, the pinserie are popping visibly everywhere. Prepare yourself with simplicity this kind of dough, at your house, or in your pizzeria. Follow our detailed recipe for the preparation of the dough.
  6. Dough with soy flour: excellent, soybeans gives our pizza, a taste and a particular color. It should definitely be tried.
  7. Dough with wheat flour burned: Must try! The realization of the pizza prepared with wheat flour burned, It makes this pizza unique in its kind.
  8. Dough with whole wheat flour: Delicious! With flour of integral type, You are obtained, for exceptional pizza dough. Easy to use and suitable for all, beginners and experienced pizza makers. This type of dough, requires long rising times in a refrigerator.
  9. Dough with flour sifter 2: With the use of this flour in the dough for pizza, you get a great pizza, crispy on the outside and fluffy on the inside. Very easy to work, Also this mixture requires a long maturation in the refrigerator at 3 degrees.
  10. Mix cereal: in great demand, if you plug in your menu a pizza dough made with a mix of flour to cereal, you'll be surprised how many people ask you a cake cereal. A great pizza, unique fragrance, and by a unique fragrance.
  11. Mix with hemp flour: This type of dough prepared with a percentage of hemp flour, It is absolutely the most requested in a pizzeria. Seeing is believing.
  12. Dough with beans: cementitious, in reality we are talking about a pizza made of white beans, Rediscover the unique flavor of this pizza, prepare for and tuoi ospiti.

These are only some types of dough possible to achieve. Stay tuned to our website to discover new pizza doughs.

Pizza Dough For The Best 12
Pizza Dough For The Best 12

Pizza Dough For The Best 12

You're good at preparing the pizza to your door? On our site, there is an ONLINE course to become the pizza experts, and prepare pizza at home as an authentic professional pizzaiolo. The online course, It contains many videos “know how” to watch, lots of useful information to read with tricks and secrets to do well at home a perfect pizza. To learn more about our PIZZAIOLO OF ONLINE COURSE, Click here.

The last straw for a pizza: Having a wife named Margaret.

Share this 12 types of dough with your friends on Facebook and G +.

Temperature Of The Oven To The Della Pizza Cooking

Temperature Of The Oven To The Della Pizza Cooking

Temperature Of The Oven To The Della Pizza Cooking. To obtain a good pizza is often not enough to have acquired the flour suitable for pizza, a good dough, a perfect leavening. The question that most often comes to me both from housewives preparing pizza at home, both by some professionals pizza, is the following: Chef Cicchi, at what temperature should I set my oven to cook pizza?

I dedicated a post previously devoted entirely to this subject which you can read by clicking here, but as times change and change quickly, the time has come to provide new instructions, fresh and detailed.

The answer is not difficult, but it is articulated and can be divided into two parts: The temperature to be set in the oven at home, and the temperature to be set in professional oven.

Council to save this page trà your favorite sites, There will definitely help the next time you prepare the pizza.

Temperature Of The Oven To The Della Pizza Cooking

The cooking pizza in the oven at home, Cooking pizza in a professional oven electric or gas, the pizza baking in a wood oven.

Temperature Of The Oven To The Della Pizza Cooking
Temperature Of The Oven To The Della Pizza Cooking

cooking temperature of the pizza in the oven at home:

Dear sisters and brothers who prepared the pizza at home, if the pizza in your oven at home is not “good”, The reasons could be many. HE the dough you used it as my, then we go on to the second point. If you have rested sufficiently the dough giving it a long time rising and your pizza is still over unpresentable, the cause of all this could be definitely the wrong cooking temperature. The pizza, va cotta a 300 degrees. What is the maximum temperature reaching your oven at home? 200 degrees? This explains the cause. Ventilated or static modern ovens easily reach these temperatures but what if you have an older model that barely reaches 200/250 degrees?

I at my house dispose of exactly one of these “older models”. With some of these simple measures can fully prepare a good pizza.

council 1: Place in your oven of firebricks.

Temperature Of The Oven To The Della Pizza Cooking
Temperature Of The Oven To The Della Pizza Cooking

Preheat your oven to maximum temperature, turn it on at least 30 minutes early before baking the pizza.

Open quickly, bake the pizza and fast richiudete.

Never open the oven door to look around or to see the degree of cooking pizza. Much of the heat would come out, and you end up with a pizza that once cooked, It will be of a white color and that will be rubbery chewing.

council 2: Because instead of the usual pizza pan in your oven, do not make pizza dish? The pizza pan is high, thick, they spend 5 just minutes before the heat after heating your pan, walk to the pizza contained therein. It would be preferable, therefore,, prepare pizzas to the plate, They are thin and cooking them in those forms of aluminum round by 30 centimeters would solve much of your problem. Now the pans aluminum round can be found anywhere, in all supermarkets.

council 3: On the market of the fantastic really cheap pizza ovens. If the pizza is often prepared at home, I strongly suggest you invest a few Euros for a pizza that will have nothing to envy to the one purchased at a pizzeria.

here they are, available on Amazon.


tribute: if you decide to purchase it by clicking this link, Amazon will refund to me of some EUR, and I will give’ in return for the perfect recipe to prepare pizza at home with this oven. Do you think that the pizza cooks in 3 minutes using this oven.

of pizza baking oven temperature Professional Electric or Gas

Temperature Of The Oven To The Della Pizza Cooking
Temperature Of The Oven To The Della Pizza Cooking

In professional pizza ovens on the market with top in refractory, the temperature to be set to get a good product is 300/330 degrees. The pizza takes to cook by 3 to 5 minutes.

of pizza baking temperature in the wood stove.

I love the wood-burning oven, but, Ugh, how much work. Often not even worth turning it on if you only need to prepare two pizzas. But who has a large family, or he may decide to make a pizza party for friends has a fantastic tool. We begin the description of how the pizza is cooked in a wood oven.

Temperature Of The Oven To The Della Pizza Cooking
Temperature Of The Oven To The Della Pizza Cooking

First the wood stove does not have a thermometer that indicates the degrees, or if it is available, in most cases it is not truthful, so we have to follow another natural method that will show us when he has reached the right temperature to bake pizza, caution, no bread but pizza.

Turn on your oven, you will notice that the whole vault of heaven (top of the oven) soon it will turn black. Move the fire side continuing to add fuel to the fire. You'll soon notice that just above the flame, slowly the upper oven will start once the white color. When the white will have exceeded half of the time (3/4), your oven is ready to cook your pizzas. A wood-burning oven that works every day, It employs on average 45 minutes before being ready to temperature, but if your wood stove is turned on rarely, It will take more than an hour before you are ready to bake the pizza. For the curious, when the roof of the furnace will be completely white color, your oven has a temperature of about 450 degrees.

A wood-burning oven at the right temperature bakes a pizza to the dish in less than a minute, about 45 seconds, pizza goes on continuously because the part of the flame quickly darkens.

Temperature Of The Oven To The Della Pizza Cooking


To prepare a good pizza we need:

A good meal

Successful proving

A perfect application of the pizza

Familiar with the ingredients used and the right doses.

A good oven to cook a perfect pizza.

If you are a pizza lover, and you would like to prepare it at home as an expert pizza maker, subscribe to our ongoing professional pizzaiolo ONLINE, or attend a practical course at our Italian School of Pizza.

If you liked this article, share it on your Facebook wall, and its G +, helps our blog to grow.

The Colors In Catering

The Colors In Catering

The Colors In Catering. Did you know that you can influence your customers' choices using the color matching techniques? Do Not? If you were not aware of this technique, Read this article carefully!!

Here's how the colors can stimulate emotions:

E’ Everyone knows that the decisions we make from time to time are affected by our mood.

We're not talking about absolutely magic, but the popular theory of colors.

scientifically, the color visual processing is generated by nerve impulses carried by the brain and is able to generate emotions.

This causes the color turns into feeling that influence people's choices (clients). At this point we have everything we need to influence the choices of our guests in a pizzeria. Prepare your palette and your colors, we're going to influence your customers!!

The Colors In Catering
How to influence customers' choices with colors

The Colors In Catering

A recent study of “Cornell University” He has shown that people eat 22% more food if the plates are color-matched to the dishes.

Do you think that all of this was already known in 1865, discovered by the Belgian scientist Delboeuf, effect known as Delboeff Illusion.

Subsequent experiments in 2006 made by scientists Brian Waninsk and Koert van Ittersum found that, if the spaghetti al pomodoro (rossi) They were served on red plates, the diners were eating in larger amounts than the same spaghetti served on white plates.

unbelievable!!! Do you have trouble making your kids eat vegetables? Fawning on a green plate, and immediately you notice the difference.

Do you want to organize a dinner for friends based green ravioli with spinach? Serve them on the green plates, and for sure all of your guests will ask you for an encore!

The Colors In Catering
colorful vegetables

The Colors In Catering

Before you start to get your teeth into!

There are foods that have always been part of our culture and influence our taste buds with their color.

  • Rosso: The red color is instinctively associated with sweet and passion, It is a fantastic stimulating our appetite. Know that A plate of red color will always be a success guaranteed one hundred percent.
  • Yellow: The yellow color is associated immediately with the acidic flavor of lemon and apples are also. Caution, It is absolutely used sparingly.
  • Verde: The green color with a sense of naturalness, It reminds us of the earth. For millennia the vegetables were the only foods that have been nurtured man. A touch of green to your dishes will create a sense of trust, so always remember to add leaves of green to your dishes, like basil, fresh parsley or arugula.
  • Viola, Brown, Nero: These colors are instinctively connected to rotten food, or to the fruits (berries) of poisonous plants. Already in prehistory primitive men avoided the. If you cook a great steak (Brown) tries to serve on a colored base, maybe with colorful flowers field. It will be perceived as more than good served without the use of “colors”.
  • Blu: Pay close attention to the blue, it is known that this color is a strong appetite-suppressant. All those who are dieting are fully aware. It is known that the food dye blue or whitewash the walls of its kitchen blue, inevitably leads to decrease the feeling of hunger. Because?? Simple, in nature there is almost nothing to eat the blue color, accordingly it is instinctively refused.
The Colors In Catering
The Colors In Catering

And the walls of your restaurant or pizzeria, what color should be?

The environment where you sit the customers is important for you to generate a series of reactions.

  • Cheerfulness and appetite: As you may have noticed the yellow color is the one that prevails in fast food, It is usually associated with the red. Yellow = joyful atmosphere, and red = fast. This combination makes our customers feel in a joyful and friendly atmosphere, but to consume the meal in a hurry to leave the empty seat to other customers.
  • gourmet cooking: Blue is the color of elegance, all cold color gradations create an opposite effect to yellow, giving an elegant and distinguished atmosphere, but, as suggested above, reduce the feeling of hunger. E’ the ideal color for those that do nouvelle cuisine with their mini portions, but, often not even satiate hunger.
  • Temptation and innocence: White is the color of innocence, It is a neutral color, so the brain communicates that everything can be eaten without any side effects. E’ Also the color of the tease, those who do not have the temptation to cut a strip of white bread or focaccia to whet your appetite? well yes, white is the color that should be combined with bar serving aperitifs, everything should be served on white plates candid. Result….always hungry customers who order continuously other things.
The Colors In Catering
colorful vegetables

In conclusion, you'll definitely understood by reading this post what is important color for your business. Do you feel ready to start with the experiments?

Grow your business and helping you with the colors….let me know, leaving a comment, if it is working.

By the way, what aspects to click on G + and then share it on your Facebook wall? 😉 (The so technical articles are of great help for those who make pizza at home or in their own business!)

Click on G + and share this post on Facebook, you will not be diverted to any other page, but you demonstrate your gratitude for this article! Thank You

Silvio Cicchi Executive Chef Pizza

The flour Soy Pizzeria

The flour Soy Pizzeria

The flour Soy Pizzeria. The soy flour is obtained from the processing of the soy plant. This product contains no gluten so it is suitable for those who follow a particular diet as celiacs. Really good for those who follow a vegetarian diet, rich in proteins, excellent for making bread, pizza and cakes mixed in small percentages to wheat flour.

E’ obtained by grinding the soybeans, It belongs to the family of “legumes”, originates from China where it already 5000 years ago it was cultivated for human consumption. Soybeans together with rice, barley, millet and wheat is a valuable and essential plant.

The flour Soy Pizzeria
The flour Soy Pizzeria

In the present day there are different varieties, among the most common is that red, yellow and green, used both to feed humans and as feed for animals.

Compared to common bean flour, soy flour contains starch in minor amounts, This makes it much easier to digest.

All people with diabetes are very familiar with the benefits of this plant, You think its glycemic index is 25, while that for wheat flour arrives in 85. Rich in proteins, It presents a composition of essential amino acids complete than other legumes.

Exactly for this reason, the soybean is also called by the name of vegetal meat.

The flour Soy Pizzeria
The flour Soy Pizzeria

The flour Soy Pizzeria

The soy flour is very suitable for the preparation of pizzas, buns, bread, confectionery, biscuits and cakes.

In pizzeria are many of my colleagues pizza dough that add to each a small percentage of soy flour.

The percentage varies from a 10% until you get to a 15-20% added to wheat flour.

When we add the soy flour at our dough, we must take account of 2 very important factors:

The soybean has a high content of protein, so beware the leavening, needs a long rising in a refrigerator that depending on the percentage of added soy, It can reach up to 48-60 hours of leavening, see for example the type pizza “Romanian Pinsa”. Another factor to which we must pay close attention to is that the soybean meal during cooking darkens much more compared to other cereal flours.

The flour Soy Pizzeria
The flour Soy Pizzeria

The flour Soy Pizzeria


The addition of soy flour to the dough for pizza is perfect for those who are already used to working with long rising in the fridge, but absolutely not recommended for all those who prepare the pizza on Sunday in only a few hours at the delicate stage of leavening. A mixture with addition of soya flour that is highly protein will never reach maturation in two hours.

For those who have little experience and confidence with flour, we remind you that on our website by clicking this link, you will have access to the guide flour for pizza, what to buy and which to use to obtain a perfect mix.

For all those who want to learn the fantastic job of the pizza maker, we recommend you subscribe to our During pizza online, or attend one of our professional courses of pizza at our school of pizza. To know more click here.

By the way, what aspects to click on G + and then share it on your Facebook wall? 😉 (The so technical articles are of great help for those who make pizza at home or in their own business!)

Click on G + and share this post on Facebook, you will not be diverted to any other page, but you demonstrate your gratitude for this article! Thank You

Silvio Cicchi Executive Chef Pizza

If you want to learn more about soy, please click this link wikipedia.

Pizza and Yeast The Righteous Doses

Pizza and Yeast The Righteous Doses

Pizza and Yeast The Righteous Doses. When you write posts that will be read by many other people, It must be clear, but the thing that I think is very important not to fall into criticism from other readers or people doing the same job is… only write things you know well.

Often surf the net looking for ideas and suggestions for new post, today to answer questions received by many readers and readers who prepare the pizza at home, I wanted to write this advice covering a pretty important thing about the pizza, We introduce the topic baking powder and the right amounts to be added to the dough.

Pizza and Yeast The Righteous Doses
Pizza and Yeast The Righteous Doses

Pizza and Yeast The Righteous Doses

When I read in some recipes on the web site of some illustrious and I see between doses….Flour 300 grams and Yeast 20 grams Well… shoot straight, immediately step to other sites and other recipes. How you can use 20 grams of yeast for 3 pizzas to the plate or for the preparation of a baking tray? What credibility we should give these gentlemen? daltronde, just look at the photos of their results to understand that he's talking about pizza, but of something baked in the oven with the above ingredients.

Too much yeast in the dough feels, altrera aromas and taste of pizza.

So what we have to put yeast?

The yeast cubes of beer they sell in the supermarket weigh 25 grams, I think that in a dough 200 pizzas along with 24 hours of leavening in the fridge, ne uso 5 GRAMS (Five).

Pizza and Yeast The Righteous Doses
Pizza and Yeast The Righteous Doses

Pizza and Yeast The Righteous Doses

For housewives and husbands who Sundays prepare pizza at home and as usual to knead 5 afternoon and then leave the dough to rise 2 sunshine hours and then consume it the same evening at 7/8, I would like to give an advice: Increasing the dose of yeast disproportionately pizza will not rise before, It takes the same time to rise even with only a few crumbs of leaven, 2 or three grams are sufficient. Anyhow, the mixture to be digested must get to “maturation” more or less quickly depending on the type of flour used for the dough that will have, and maturation, You not certainly comes with only two hours of leavening.

Make a habit of mixing with a good mixture of flour (W350) pizza on Saturday, and then roll out the pizza and fire it on Sunday night (long rising in the fridge), the result will be great.

How do I comment my friend Carmine, the topic “As yeast use” it is clear only to people who have appropriate knowledge on the pizza, on doughs and especially the flour to use, those who prepare once in a while the pizza at home will have difficulty understanding.

Just to help these people in difficulty, I prepared a course of professional pizza maker ONLINE to everyone who will help you prepare the pizza to your home just like an expert pizza maker, It contains lots of useful information, tricks and secrets on suitable flour for pizza, dough, leavening, the preparation and baking. The trainees have access to a tutor who will answer to all the doubts and questions, to know more CLICK HERE.

Pizza and Yeast The Righteous Doses
Pizza and Yeast The Righteous Doses

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Sour Dried Pasta and Pizza

Sour Dried Pasta and Pizza

Sour Dried Pasta and Pizza. And, It happened again, You will not believe, but there's still those who insist on wanting prepare pizza exclusively with the yeast, even making a mess on the name, calling “Sourdough”. I was invited to dinner with friends and friendly hostess has prepared his specialty: Pizza with his staff sourdough! Logically the yeast (natural) He does not respond with force in the same way of the yeast, that, for the uninitiated, Also it is natural, then, We had dinner with a pizza absolutely unleavened.

Sour Dried Pasta and Pizza
Sour Dried Pasta and Pizza

But what is this blessed yeast? We do a bit of clarity saying: The brewer's yeast is not some chemical thing prepared illegally in some clandestine laboratory in a makeshift garage somewhere drug dealer.

garage and nothing pushers nothing, I'm sorry for you, the yeast is formed by colonies of a microorganism named Saccharomyces cerevisiae which is obtained by fermentation and did multiply. Washed and dried and gives life to the dry yeast, sold fresh in cubes gives life to the classic yeast that we find at the supermarket.

All this opening speech to finally get to the dried sour dough.

Sour Dried Pasta and Pizza
Sour Dried Pasta and Pizza

Sour Dried Pasta and Pizza

The dried sourdough is a powder that is added in bakery products in small percentages to improve the sensory characteristics of the product.

The structure of the bacteria and yeast that are present in the sourdough are very resistant all'essiccatura, then in the preparation of sour dough there is a complete deactivation of the yeast, for this reason when dried completely it loses its power fermentative. So dear friends, not just the simple addition of dried sourdough, but we must always add the yeast so that our yeast dough.

Why do you use the dried sour dough?

As with the classic leavened with the yeast you are obtained a mainly alcoholic fermentation with the production of a few different metabolites that are responsible for the aroma and flavor, adding the acid dried pasta dough, we will obtain a lactic and acetic fermentation also. This makes it better preserve the product, its aroma and its flavor.

Sour Dried Pasta and Pizza
Sour Dried Pasta and Pizza

Sour Dried Pasta and Pizza

And the pizza dough?

The pizza is a product that should not be stored for a long, on the contrary, the opposite is true, It should be eaten still hot, the smells and the flavors are prevailing data from the ingredients on the pizza, therefore all the possible benefits of dried sourdough do not apply to our beloved pizza.

Maybe dough bread……perhaps… any technician in the field with a good “nose” It may feel some difference.


If it's pizza we want to talk, used strong flour, brewer's yeast, long rising in the refrigerator, few ingredients and good!! Just invite people to your home just to settle your “mother dough”, use it for bread, not for a good pizza! they are angry, I ate a pizza unleavened, It is absolutely not come to maturation, Rusk because cooked at very low temperatures and I had to get up twice during the night to drink water.

I asked the friendly hostess to subscribe to one of our professional pizzaiolo courses at our School Pizza. It also happens to you sometimes to make pizza for your guests so “disastrous”? Subscribe to our professional course of pizza ONLINE, you will learn everything there is to know about pizza and you will become an expert pizza maker in no time. For more information, click here.

The next time you decide to make pizza at home, starts in the right way, before buying the flour for the dough, carefully read our guide to the flour for pizza, click here to know which one to buy flour.

Add this site to your “Bookmarks”, It will be useful the next time you decide to make pizza for your guests at your house. More than 200 recipes of pizza at your disposal, how to make a perfect mix, the drafting of pizza, cooking and many videos at your disposal.