All the articles by silviocicchi

SILVIO CICCHI:Male Age:54 A restaurant-trained Executive Pizza Chef, he is the author of upcoming book of pizza recepy: “PIZZA e FANTASIA“, you can download it for free registering on this site. He currently resides in Spinetoli (ITALY) with his cats and dogs. Specialized in Business start up – Pizza dove – Pizza courses – Art of pizza.
pizza spring

Pizza Primavera a Perfect Mix of Ingredients

A delicious pizza, light, perfect for the spring season and beyond. The mix of its ingredients, mozzarella, cherry tomatoes, arugula, prosciutto and parmesan flakes, make this recipe, simple and quick to realize, a tasty pizza called pizza spring. For all those who want to try to prepare it at home, propose that this very simple recipe that involves cooking of a pizza with only mozzarella, then freshly baked, are added to all the other raw ingredients.

pizza spring
Pizza Primavera

The doses for 4 pizza spring

Flour type "0" 625 grams

Water 375 grams

Sale 15 grams

Yeast 1,2 grams

Sugar 10 grams

Oil 2-3 spoons

If you have no experience in the preparation of the dough for pizza, you will want to read my post dough for homemade pizza.

pizza spring
Spring pizza

Let rise the 4 balls made with the mixture for one hour.

Roll out the balls forming 4 discs of dough, add the mozzarella and bake in the oven which you have previously heated(okay) a 200 degrees. After about 15 minutes check the doneness of pizzas and only when the board will prove to be perfectly golden, baked your pizzas.

pizza spring
Delicious pizza spring

The pizzas are served hot, then quickly add the ham sliced, arugula, (making sure to break up the leaves with your fingers, this will make fragrant your pizza) the cherry tomatoes cut clove, season with salt and olive oil, Finally, add the Parmesan cheese flakes.

Tips: If you need to buy prosciutto, you'll need 4 whole slices per pizza dish, thinly sliced(600 grams).

pizza spring
Pizza Spring

Taste it accompanied with a good glass of red wine: Contrary to what many think, the beer is the best drink to accompany the pizza, have a different PH and this would make our digestion longer and more difficult. Try instead to enjoy a good glass of red, maybe the Rosso Piceno Superiore, pizza and wine itself PH, so easy digestion.

Recipe Pizza Philadelphia Cherry Tomatoes Tuna

Article updated on 4/10/2022

La pizza Philadelphia. In the 80 -90 on TV you often saw an advertisement for a Japanese girl, guest of an Italian family, "Kaori" was his name, it always wrong to pronounce the name of this delicious product: The cheese Philadelphia. Produced by multinational Kraft, soon became famous all over the world. Philadelphia was baptized in honor of the US city famous for the production of quality foods.

pizza philadelphia
Pizza philadelphia

The British used it to prepare the Cheesecake, the Spaniards adopted the name "queso Philadelphia" to mean any type of cream cheese, and as usual, the Italians have been using this cream cheese as an ingredient for pizza.

How good is this pizza

I remember with great pleasure of being one of the first pizza makers in those times to do experiments on the pizza with the Philadelphia, I added to the menu of the pizzeria I worked for there Philadelphia pizza which was made with this cheese spread with the addition of chopped tomatoes, crumbled tuna and fresh basil leaves.

pizza philadelphia
La pizza philadelphia

Soon the cream cheese has found a place in almost every menu of pizza, finding interesting combinations that vary from region to region

It is often found in the northeastern regions paired with chicory, in Emilia served with the ham, I ate an excellent pizza in Calabria with Philadelphia, eggplant and salami, in the Capital I have often found pizza Philadelphia e nutella. In Liguria I ordered a pizza with Philadelphia zucchini and pine nuts and in Campania I tasted pizza with Philadelphia, shrimp and parsley.

pizza philadelphia
Pizza philadelphia

Philadelphia pizza recipe tuna and tomatoes.

This pizza is prepared on the basis of a freshly baked focaccia. To prepare the cake, follow the instructions of our previous article: How to prepare a cake perfect.

pizza philadelphia
La pizza philadelphia

Freshly baked cake, spread on the surface a generous layer of spreadable cheese, add the cherry tomatoes cut into wedges, crumbled tuna to pieces, finally seasoned with extra virgin olive oil, salt and fresh basil leaves.

pizza philadelphia
Pizza philadelphia

Like pizza Philadelphia? .

The official website of the city of Philadelphia


Chicory Field Wild Natural Viagra

The Chicory.

After the lessons I've learned in the fields picking herbs with her mother, aunts and some old lady of the country in which I live, I felt almost a professional herbs this morning while I was doing my usual walk in the fields. Chicory everywhere, this plant seems to have no seasons. The ladies, My instructors, (320 years the sum of their age 4)did nothing to settle the properties of this plant, seems to be a natural remedy for many diseases. What most impressed me their stories is that during the war, in complete poverty, toasted the roots of this plant and there were a coffee substitute.

Chicory wild

Its Latin name "Chichorium intybus" composite family. There are different types, all more or less due to the bitter alkaloid substances contained.

Seedlings of chicory freshly harvested

Good for bowel, liver, gallbladder, Skin and hair. Stimulates concentration, helps combat drowsiness, has a laxative, stimulates the pancreas and liver, good for diabetics as it helps to regulate the amount of glucose and cholesterol in the blood. A lot of other things that I omit not to bore, if you are interested in learning more please see wikipedia, but a particular deserves to be quoted mandatorily: According to popular belief, chicory reawaken eros, In fact, it is actually a natural vasodilator, able to increase the blood supply to the male sex organs. A natural viagra.

Chicory cleaned and washed

Excellent as a side dish or as a main dish, there are many ways to cook the chicory. A recipe of all: Chicory garlic. Wash the chicory and put to boil in water for 10 minutes. In a large frying pan fry of garlic with olive oil and some red pepper, pour the vegetables after draining and toss in the pan. Delicious.

Wild chicory

If you are a nature lover and often go for walks in the fields, download my free guide to herbs in the kitchen, is called: "Herbs? Not only Coca and Marijuana, click here.


How to prepare this vegetable to your house? Leave your comment on this page.

Wild chicory
Sicilian pizza

The Pizza Siciliana Traditions and Recipe

The Pizza Siciliana. In my business trips and leisure in the beautiful Sicily, I could not help but observe the different cultural traditions and the many culinary that this region offers us. Only to want to talk about pizza, you perceive that in every province of the island there is a local variant of this product. Visiting Palermo, you can not taste the "sfinciuni", the classic local focaccia topped with onion, cheese, tomato and bread crumbs.  In the province of Messina, in addition to the local focaccia topped with vegetables, cheese, tomato and anchovy, is in great demand even the "piduni" classic fried calzone or baked with a filling of vegetables. In Ragusa everywhere you go, you can taste the "casts". In the province of Catania, you can enjoy typical Sicilian pizza, a fried calzone stuffed with cheese, anchovies, mushrooms and other ingredients. In the province of Syracuse, is very popular the "pizzòlu" a stuffed pizza rustica.

Sicilian pizza
The pizza alla Siciliana

In other regions of Italy, in each menu that respects, Sicilian pizza is offered with the typical ingredients of this region and its Mediterranean cuisine: Capers, black olives and anchovies, a mix of strong flavors but very tasty.

Sicilian pizza
Sicilian pizza with anchovies, capers and black olives

To prepare four delicious Sicilian pizza we will need:

Flour type "0" 625 grams

Water 375 grams

Sale 15 grams

Yeast 1,2 grams

Sugar 10 grams

Oil 2-3 spoons

Prepare the dough by mixing the ingredients well, if you are not experts can consult this my previous post that explains step by step how to prepare the pizza dough.

Once the mixing phase, dividetelo in 4 parts and put it in a container with a lid for leavening. The rising phase will take approximately one hour, or until the volume of the balls will be doubled.

The drafting of the balls of pizza. Roll the balls to get 4 discs of dough with your fingertips is not easy if you have no experience, then, rather than get a bad result paving the pizzas with your hands, I always recommend the use of a rolling pin to all those who attempt to prepare it at home.

The dressing: Sprinkle the discs of pasta with tomato sauce, short sale, the anchovies are already tasty. Add the anchovy fillets / anchovies breaking them with your fingers into smaller pieces, Olive down, Capers and a generous layer of mozzarella. To give originality to this delicious pizza, recommend to all foodies to add a sprinkling of cheese Sicilian.

Sicilian pizza
Sicilian Pizza

Cooking: I never tire of repeating that to get a good result with your pizzas, you'll have to warm up well your home oven. Turn it up 15/20 minutes before, to the maximum temperature (200/250 degrees) before baking pizzas, and do not be curious, repeatedly opening the oven door to check the cooking, a heat loss during cooking will make you make a fool with your guests. In a hot oven pizza at the thin plate, employs about 15 minutes to cook, in any case, keep an eye on the edge of the pizza, and only when it turns out to be perfectly golden, baked pizzas Sicilian.

If you like this recipe, leave your comment on this page.

Sicilian pizza
The Sicilian

Read more about Sicily can consult wikipedia.


For fields in search of wild beets

This morning I woke up early, seeing that it was a beautiful day I decided to do my usual walk in the fields in search of edible herbs. To my amazement, I noticed a large amount of beets that were just waiting for someone to gather. I'm talking about large beets to coast, no sugar beets or turnips. There are many varieties of spinach, the man cultivated for thousands of years, then they have developed many subspecies. A bit 'of clarity Beta vulgaris (this is its Latin name):

Beta vulgaris, vulgaris subspecies sub cycles variety cycles are the beet leaves, with green leaf and thin ribs.

(those that I found I) Beta vulgaris, subspecies vulgaris, sub-cycles, variety flaviscens are chards, with green leaf and white thick ribs, more or less fleshy.

Beta vulgaris, subspecies vulgaris, sub vulgaris are the beets grown for their roots:

– variety = high sugar beets, similar to large carrots white.

– variety vulgaris = red beet and turnip.

In addition to these sub and subspecies, There are several hybrids with longer roots, or larger or particular colors, and larger leaves, fuller, or ribs of colors bizarre.

Swiss chard

In this period, if it happens to you to take a walk in nature in fallow fields, you will find many chards, white and fleshy, delicious to cook at home. Take care not to tear the roots, but to cut the leaves with a knife 2 inches from the base, so other leaves grow back later. Go blanched 10 minutes then sauté with garlic and other herbs to your taste. A great dish, the flavor of wild beets not treated with any pesticide or fertilizer, is far superior to those that we can find in any supermarket, and if that were not enough all this .... the you will find you and you will have breathed fresh air walking in the fields saving surely many euro.

Herbs, beets
The chard to coast wide

Always remember that when you go in search of edible wild herbs, it is always advisable to follow a few simple rules:

  1. Do not pick herbs on roadsides or in parks frequented by dogs or other animals
  2. Do not pick anything you do not know
  3. Do not let the grass collected in plastic bags and not keep it crowded: arrived home distributed grass that is not consumed immediately on sheets of newspaper or wood panels, better yet let it dry in the sun. In any case smuovetela frequently.
  4. Do not pick up diseased plants or moldy

If you are a nature lover and often go in search of wild herbs, subscribe to our site and download my free e-book: "HERBS? NOT ONLY COCA AND MARIJUANA " A complete guide to the collection of edible wild herbs to use in the kitchen.

If you want to learn more about the beets, you can consult the encyclopedia wikipedia.

Swiss chard
pizza ham

Pizza Prosciutto Recipe Chef

Pizza ham and .... , may seem incredible, but on five pizzas that are produced in Italy, three of them have the ham in the ingredients that are used. When we speak of ham we must make a distinction between the raw and the cooked. Of ham on pizza we dealt this in my previous article, Today we'll talk about ham on pizza. Like equally to adults and children, and is often combined with other ingredients, very popular is pizza ham and mushrooms, is present on the four seasons, the capricious, in his pants, combined with artichokes and I could continue this list indefinitely. The pizza is placed sliced, and it is always better to divide the slices into smaller pieces for a cosmetic issue but mostly because the ingredients completely covered by slices of cooked ham whole would not even cooking, producing a floating effect of the ingredients on the pizza.

pizza ham
Pizza with ham

There are many types of cooked ham, from the one that costs a few euro per kilo to finish in quality hams that cost tens of euro per kilo. I remind you that the pizza was born as a poor dish, then, always use a few ingredients, but always choose quality ones.

Dough for pizza with ham

pizza ham
Pizza with ham

In order to prepare 4 pizza ham prepared the following ingredients:

To do 4 balls of dough from 250 grams

Flour type "0" 625 grams

Water 375 grams

Sale 15 grams

Yeast 1,2 grams

Sugar 10 grams

Oil 2-3 spoons

In a bowl, pour the water and the yeast scioglieteci.

Add the extra virgin olive oil and sugar, then the flour. Begin to mix the ingredients and add salt. Knead the dough with your hands until a soft dough, elastic that comes off completely from your hands. After the mixing phase, dividetelo in 4 shares, formats 4 balls and place it in a container with a lid. Let stand for about an hour or until doubled in volume.

After the rising phase, roll out the balls with your fingertips, if you have no experience you can read our article that explains perfectly how to make the drafting of the balls of pizza.

After the drafting, add the tomatoes and slices of ham into small pieces. This is the time to add other ingredients to your liking, add the mozzarella.

Preheat your oven 200 degrees, bake your pizzas only when your oven is very hot. The cooking will take approximately 15 minutes, always depends on the type of oven you have at home. When the board will prove to be perfectly golden baked pizzas and serve hot.

pizza ham
Pizza with ham

If you like pizza with ham, let us know how to prepare, leave a comment on this page.

Do you know the difference between ham and cooked shoulder?Watch wikipedia.

pizza regina

Regina Pizza Recipe and Preparation

The pizza queen is the queen of all the pizzas. An exquisite variation of the classic Neapolitan pizza margherita, was christened with this name in the distant 1890 the famous Neapolitan pizza maker Raffaele Esposito that contrary to what some think, was not the inventor of pizza, but simply what he named the pizza margherita in honor of Queen Margherita of Savoy. If you want to learn more about the history of the daisy, you can read this my previous post. Over the years the pizza Queen has undergone changes as compared to the classic margherita, were added to the artichokes and ham. Searching the Internet, you will find that the pizza is very popular Queen, in addition to, are lots of pizzerias in Italy calls Regina Margherita scattered in all provinces, even large distribution companies still produce frozen pizzas pizza queen distributed worldwide.

pizza regina
The queen pizza with ham and artichokes

Regina Pizza Recipe and Preparation

To prepare 4 pizza regina:

Flour type "0" 625 grams

Water 375 grams

Sale 15 grams

Yeast 1,2 grams

Sugar 10 grams

Oil 2-3 spoons

In a large bowl pour water(20 degrees) and scioglieteci yeast, sugar and oil. Add the flour and started to mix the ingredients. Add the salt and work the dough vigorously for 10 minutes until they turn out to be soft and elastic.

pizza regina
Pizza regina

Divide the dough into 4 balls and let rest for leavening in a closed container with a lid or on the same level of work well covered with a damp cloth. After about an hour flattened balls to obtain 4 discs of dough by the diameter of 30 cm. Seasoned with tomato, artichokes into wedges and ham cubes. Add the mozzarella and bake in your oven preheated to 200 degrees. After 15 minutes check the doneness of pizzas, and baked only when the board will prove to be perfectly golden.

pizza regina
Preparation and cooking pizza queen

Add a few leaves of fresh basil and serve hot.

Advice: The success of the pizza at home is very dependent on cooking in the oven. And warm it very well before baking pizzas and never open the oven door to check for doneness.

How to prepare the pizza queen at home? Leave a comment on this page.

Want to know more about the queen Daisy? Click here and consultation wikipedia.

pizza regina
The exquisite pizza queen
Romanian pizza

Pizza alla Romana Recipe scrocchiarella

I rarely to stop talking to my colleague Mario pizzaiolo, Roman Rome, I'm always fascinated by all the anecdotes and stories that made me on this fantastic city and all the stories that happen with the many tourists visiting the capital. If you will read my previous article "I'll give you a pizza"You'll understand why so many of the laughs that we do.  One of the most important things I learned from him and Roman culture, is preparing the classic Roman pizza, the one commonly found in all the pizzerias in the city and that Mario and all Romans also call scrocchiarella. Never been more appropriate term for this. Roman style pizza "scrocchiarella" is not related to the special ingredients for the topping, but to a type of pizza, white or red that is, thin and cooked in a non-aggressive in the wood oven, from birth to a pizza thin and crunchy. Much of the credit crunch is due to the use of seed oil that makes the pizza crisper than with extra virgin olive oil that makes the pizza soft (Neapolitan style), and since the writing of the disks of dough which must be very thin.

Romanian pizza
Roman thin focaccia with prosciutto

You get a good Roman pizza with the home oven gas or electric closely following our recipe.

Pizza alla Romana Recipe scrocchiarella

To get a good Roman pizza, we would use a flour of medium strength (w170-w200) and knead in the morning and then cook in the evening, we must let rise at least 6-8 hours.

Romanian pizza
Roman pizza salami

To do 4 balls 250 grams for each 4 people

Farina medium strength W170:  625 grams

Water 375 grams

Sale 15 grams

Yeast 1grammo

Oil Peanut 20 grams

For the filling used the ingredients you prefer.

In a bowl, dissolve yeast in water, add the flour and salt and start working until you have a smooth dough that comes off completely from your hands. Dividetelo in 4 balls and place in a container with a lid or on the countertop sprinkle the surface of the balls with flour and cover with damp cloth, leave it to rest for 6-8 hours.

Romanian pizza
A thin focaccia Roman

After the rising phase, roll out the balls evenly until 4 thin discs of dough.

Season to your liking and bake in the oven been pre-heated 200 degrees.

The cooking time can vary from oven to oven, after about 5 minutes check the doneness of your pizzas, and when the board will be baked can be perfectly golden and serve your pizzas.

Like the Roman pizza? Leave your comment on this page.

The Roman pizza its wikipedia

Romanian pizza
The pizza Romanian
Vegetarian Pizza

The Vegetarian Pizza Recipe and Ingredients

The vegetarian pizza is the perfect pizza for vegetarians, vegan, and more .....

The secret to getting a good vegetarian pizza lies in the careful choice of vegetables that need to be fresh and seasonal. In the warm months you are spoiled for choice of vegetables to use as a condiment, but also during the winter we have a wide selection of vegetables to choose from.

vegetarian pizza
Vegetarian Pizza

Among our recipes we have already entered a delicious pizza with marinated vegetables, in this recipe we will use different vegetables and how to prepare different.

Ingredients: Eggplant, zucchini, pepperoni, onion, olive, mushrooms, capers, carrots and celery.

We prepare vegetables:Finely chop the onion and let it wither slowly in a pan with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil. When this will become transparent, add all the other vegetables and stir-fry on low heat, adding water if necessary. Season with salt and pepper.

vegetarian pizza
Pizza with vegetables

Vegetarian pizza dough

To prepare at home 4 vegetarian pizza

To do 4 balls 250 grams for each 4 people


Flour type "0" 625 grams

Water 375 grams

Sale 15 grams

Yeast 1,2 grams

Sugar 10 grams

Oil 2-3 spoons

Prepare the dough and divide it into 4 balls 250 grams, cover it well and let it rest for an hour for rising abundant.

After the rising phase, roll out the balls with your fingertips, if you have no experience you can read our article that explains perfectly how to make the drafting of the balls of pizza.

vegetarian pizza
Vegetarian Pizza

Add the tomato and vegetables prepared in advance. The vegetarian pizza, can be enjoyed with or without mozzarella.

Preheat your oven 200 degrees and bake for 15 minutes or until the edge of the pizzas will be perfectly golden.

There may be a useful list of vegetables to make appropriate purchasing decisions at the right time of production:

Garlic summer
Asparagus Spring
Beets summer - autumn - winter
Basil summer
Beets spring - summer - autumn
Broccoli spring - autumn - winter
Artichokes winter – spring
Cardi winter
Carrots Spring - Summer - Autumn – winter
Catalonia winter
Cauliflower spring – autumn
Cabbage summer - autumn - winter
Brussels sprouts autumn – winter
Cucumbers summer
Chicory autumn - winter – spring
Cicorini winter
Turnip winter – spring
Onions Spring - Summer - Autumn – winter
Cress Spring
Cuckoo winter
Herbs autumn
Beans Summer - Autumn
Green beans spring - summer
Fave Spring
Fennel autumn - winter – spring
Zucchini flowers summer
Endive Spring - Summer - Autumn – winter
Lettuce Spring - Summer - Autumn – winter
Eggplant summer
Potatoes summer – winter
New potatoes spring
Peppers spring – estate
Spring peas – estate
Tomatoes spring - summer
Vine tomatoes autumn
Leeks spring - summer - autumn - winter
Parsley spring – estate
Radicchio red spring - autumn - winter
Rape primavera – estate – winter
Spring radishes – estate
Rosemary Spring - Summer - Autumn – winter
Rocket spring - summer
Salvia spring – estate
Shallot summer
Salsify autumn - winter – spring
Celery Spring - Summer - Autumn – winter
Celeriac autumn
Spinach Spring - Summer - Autumn – winter
Taccole estate
Topinambours autumn – winter
Valerian spring – estate
Corn fall - winter
Autumn cabbage – winter
Pumpkins Summer - Autumn – winter
Zucchini summer


Apricots summer
Amarene summer
Pineapple autumn – Winter - Spring
Watermelons summer
Oranges winter - spring
Avocado Winter
Bananas winter - spring – estate
Persimmon autumn
Chestnuts autumn
Cedars autumn – winter
Cherries Spring – estate
Quinces autumn
Figs summer – autumn
Strawberries spring - summer
Wild strawberries summer
Kiwi winter
Raspberries summer
Lemons autumn - winter – spring
Clementines autumn
Mandarins autumn – winter
Almonds autumn
Pomegranate autumn
Apples autumn
Meloni summer
Blueberries summer
More estate
Loquat spring – autumn
Hazelnuts autumn – winter
Nuts fall
Pere summer - autumn
Peter spring conference
Peaches Summer
Grapefruits autumn - winter – spring
Plums summer
Ribes estate
Italian grape autumn
Uvaspina estate

Vegetables and greens on wikipedia:

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vegetarian pizza
American pizza

Recipe and Preparation of Pizza Americana

In the tourist areas of our country often find among the many proposals of the menu of pizza a pizza specially created to delight the palates of many tourists American visiting Italy: The American pizza.

American pizza
American Pizza

When I face this issue with my colleagues pizzaioli, inevitably turns up the usual thinking, American pizza is pizza that has the longest list of ingredients that has ever been invented. It 'just one of many classic pizzas produced in the United States, and is also much in demand here in our country.

Here is the list of ingredients which is stuffed: Tomato, mozzarella, frankfurter, more, peppers diced, olive, crumbled sausage, fresh sliced ​​tomatoes, onion and mushrooms. Unlike ordinary pizzas to the plate, should be cooked in a round baking pan, and it soon becomes clear why: Not even the most experienced of pizza makers fail to impale the heavy American pizza with pizza shovel and put it in the oven for cooking without breaking it. For the preparation of this type of pizza, is usually used a thicker base, maybe pairing 2 balls of dough.

American pizza
The American pizza

Recipe and preparation of American pizza.

To prepare the dough for 2 American pizza to cook on 2 round baking pans with a diameter of 35 inches we need:

Flour type "0" 625 grams

Water 375 grams

Sale 15 grams

Yeast 2/3 grams

Sugar 10 grams

Oil 2-3 spoons

Means the classic dough for pizza, and divide it into 2 pieces 500 grams. Cover the dough with a cloth and let rise for an hour or until doubled in volume will not be. Sprinkle with oil two baking pans for cooking and with your fingertips flattened the dough evenly up to cover the entire surface of the trays. Let rise for other 30 minutes, then add all the ingredients listed on the list, except for the mozzarella that will be added later. Preheat your oven to good 200 degrees and bake the pizzas for 20 minutes. Pull them out of the oven, add the mozzarella and put them back in the oven to finish cooking. When the edge is perfectly golden, baked your pizzas. Wait a few minutes until the mozzarella is stale and cut your American pizza into wedges. The two pizzas obtained, will be sufficient to 5/6 people.

American pizza
Pan American pizza

If you enjoyed this pizza, leave your comment on this page.

Want to know more American style pizzas? Have a look at the menu Pizza Hut, one of the largest chains of American pizzeria.